Subject: Dildo's and SepFunnels Patience is a virtue in chemistry and life BUT when you find yourself gnawing on the skulls of your incarcerated ancestors in a rented crank oil stinking garage space, waiting for the colloidal suspensions, or the troublesome undocumented third middle layer to debubblfy...patience may not be all that practical. I have found that if you trim the head of a latex, plug in dildo to replace the stopper on your sep funnel and give it the old VIBE, it will speed the seperation as well as the breaking up of aforementioned sludgelayers, and save you some time. Don't use some sort of mega-pussy eyeball shaker, designed for the elite-frigid don't want to get into the area of agitation or orgasmic chemistry, just aid settling. Experiment a bit and I think you may find this "TIP" useful. Bone Apertif -POPeye