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View Full Version : What to do if the worst thing happends?

October 3rd, 2001, 04:24 PM
I have this thing in my head for quite some time.
If anyone of us goes to his blasting site (Most times that's in the middle of nowhere with no people around you)
And try's to detonate an explosive but something terribly goes wrong and you get seriously injured and you are still alive with ALOT of pain what are you going to do than?

If you'r alone you mostly can't call for help,and if you can or you have a mobile phone with you but the pain is so terrible that you wish the pain stopped what can you do than?
(and without hands you can't even use your phone)
I think that most of us don't have somekind of emergency plan what you would do than.

I whas thinking to get a real good pain killer that would make you so high that you don't feel anything anymore.
Or if it's so terrible a suicide pill?
What kind of fast working drugs/not to hard to make poison would work for this?

I know that talking about committing suicide is not something that most of us like to do but imagine if you lying on the ground with no hands/arms/leg's,, you wish you had thought about it.


For explosives and stuff go to Section1 http://www.section1.f2s.com And http://run.to/section1 (http://www.run.to/section1)

[This message has been edited by DarkAngel (edited October 03, 2001).]

October 3rd, 2001, 05:19 PM
If you lost your arms and legs in an explosion, you'd probably bleed to death anyway. I see your point though.

IMO it's best to make damn sure there aren't any problems in the first place. Run through the experiment in your head, and keep asking yourself what would happen if it exploded at each stage. If the answer is 'death', think of a work-around or extra safety measures.

It might be an idea to have a trusted friend with you, in a safe place. If there's a problem, he can get help.


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October 3rd, 2001, 06:22 PM
If I lost anything something like my hands I would probably drink ethelene glycol.
anybody have any info on the LD50 on that? and what kind of death is that going to bring?

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October 3rd, 2001, 08:55 PM
The best for immediately getting rid of pain is morphine or heroine.
But in theory when someone has no arms how could he get a injection or eat a pill?

October 3rd, 2001, 10:45 PM
Merck has it as LD 50 in rats, guinea pigs ( g/kg ): 8.54 , 6.61 orally (Smyth); in mice ( ml/kg ): 13.79 orally (Bornmann)

J had it right, you'd probably bleed to death before you could really do anything. For me, I'd try to think of everything first and take precautions to prevent them from happening...like not making anything that would detonate from a healthy sneeze.

-The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.- Albert Einstein

PGP ID 0x147CEF54

October 4th, 2001, 02:47 AM
Well I don't think pain killers would help because you only get even more sleepy by that. More some kind of drug that give you some kind of energy boost.
But you probably are immediately death and when you try to walk or something you will bleed even faster to death..
Suicidal pills, well I would not risk something like that, because from your situation you may not be able to really evaluate if you're going to die, or if you just *think* you're going to die. And if you have the luck someone finds you, you wished you had never taken that potassium cyanide.
What also is a good idea, something what I usually do, is to tell to someone you completely trust and is aware of your activities, where you're exactly going to and how late you probably will be back..

The point is just to prevent such terrible situations, CHECK, CHECK and RECHECK every thing you can check.
Make protocols for every handling you do.
Make a checklist with all kinds of points like if the area is clear (no other people you could hurt), detonator and fuse are assembled well, what to do at misfires etc. etc.

October 4th, 2001, 04:50 PM
I saw a video one time where a guy charged a bundle of dynamite and proceeded to walk them to the middle of the creek where I assume he was going to blast. Obviously he didn't see the large spagetti like mass of high tension wires above his head as he only made it about 1/2 way there. All I could think of was "Damn, thats gonna leave a mark." http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smilies/frown.gif I actually think he lived, but was seriously f'ed up. It looked like someone throwing a carcas about 50', it was pretty nasty. Accidents happen, but a little common sense goes a long way.

-The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.- Albert Einstein

PGP ID 0x147CEF54

October 4th, 2001, 04:54 PM
I always think that in a case of an accident, there will be not too many pieces to bury at my funerals (1 kilo of kinepak is not a pleasure to go off in face). But I am assuming the risks as much as I can, and I am trying not to blow myself up. Still, there were situations when I realize after the blast "what I've done ?!", like , i.e., when I filled some cardboard tubes with AP (20 grams), and I pressed the AP with a hammer, with soft hits. But, at that time, I didn't know how sensitive is... Now I would never dare to do such a mistake. Maybe I'm just a lucky guy, but in our field, usually there is no room for a second mistake... The best thing is to have a friend you can trust, so he could call for help in a case of badluck. The worst thing that could happend is to enjury or kill an innocent (my worst nightmare)

Damn, I got a nitro-headache again...


[This message has been edited by a_bab (edited October 05, 2001).]

October 4th, 2001, 05:13 PM
Many accidents can be prevented by a bit of thought, but some can't. For example if your blasting cap decides to spotaneously explodes just as you are inserting it into the charge. Nothing you can do about that apart from making your BCs as stable as possible. But if you're working with peroxides then you're still playing the odds no matter how small.

"Shit happens. Get a fucking helmet"

October 4th, 2001, 06:10 PM
pure nicotine...4 grams will most likely kill a 200 lb person. very effective and easy to get.

LD50 is the number of test subjects out of 100 that die at that doseage. so just because you take the LD50 dosage, doesnt necessarily mean you will die.

October 4th, 2001, 07:38 PM
Not exactly. LD50 is the dose at which 50% of test subjects die.
But face it, if you really have a bad accident then you'll probably will be missing arms/hands which makes taking any kind of poison very difficult.

So if you have a small accident, you should still be able to get help. It's probably not a bad idea to carry a cellphone when going blasting and test whether it works at or near your test site. But beware leaving it on when handling electric detonators, avoid every em source. And it's probably a good idea to wear some kind of protective gear when handling your explosives, at least heavy clothing, heavy gloves and a face shield.

And if you have a big accident, you'll probably won't even be able to take your home brewed suicide cocktail. And while you may be in total agony either it won't last long anyway or you're lucky and get unexpected help, it can be very surprising what people can survive. And if you're that badly crippled that you still want to kill yourself you can get the best chemicals for it at the hospital.

Give someone a match and he'll feel warm for a few seconds, set him on fire and he'll feel warm for the rest of his life

October 4th, 2001, 10:07 PM
I tried to kill myself with nicotine syrup once, but it was the worst tasting shit ever! it would certainly stand out even in triple brew black coffie! it probably was around 4 grams or more but I just got a mild buzz (like putting on a nicotine patch while you've never smoked and then I threw up. nothing else happened, still if I lost anything above a hand, I'd go drink some Ethylene Glycol (or anything as deadly) even after I recovered, reason being I don't want to live without a hand! just a note here, don't drink anything corrosive to kill yourself, it doesn't nessisarily kill you and you run the chance of haveing to have your stomach removed so you have to eat continuously, also you would never be able to wear shorts again. (for obvious reasons)

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[This message has been edited by PYRO500 (edited October 05, 2001).]

October 4th, 2001, 10:31 PM
I would have thought having a trusted friend nearby would be good. You could give them the first aid kit, if that would help in this kind of an accident, and its both fun to watch,what about having those notes in the top pocket like in Saving Private Ryan when one gets killed another person delivers the note to whoever it was addressed to.

October 4th, 2001, 10:31 PM
Talk about big mistakes and surviving, Machiavelli survived NBK2000 somehow. http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smilies/wink.gif (For reasons NOT of my choosing. NBK2000)

I'd have to loose a lot more than a hand to kill myself, like both arms, both legs and sight, hearing and speach.

If you do decide life means nothing, then don't do corrosive chems like the man said, IIRC Discovery had a bit on a man who tried that. They saved his life by basically attaching his asshole to his mouth with the last little bit of intestine he had. He eats like 6 times a day and has the push the food down the pipe, he can't even swallow. Then its off to the throne within 5min of eating. http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smilies/frown.gif Have yourself an antifreeze cocktail or something, at least it'll preserve your brain.

-"Chance favors a prepared mind" Louis Pasteur
PGP ID 0x147CEF54

[This message has been edited by nbk2000 (edited October 06, 2001).]

October 5th, 2001, 06:58 AM
Well, if you really want to poison yourself you'd better inject it, this avoids vomiting problems and usually is the fastest method, at least if you manage to hit a vein, better consult some junkies on that.

Talking about mistakes, what's so big about it? Most of the time I post answers, not questions, so what's there to loose for me? http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smilies/smile.gif

Give someone a match and he'll feel warm for a few seconds, set him on fire and he'll feel warm for the rest of his life

October 5th, 2001, 03:12 PM
You will not be concious enough to kill yourself, I was hit with shrapnel from a makeshift grenade, and I passed out in maybe 20 seconds, not enough time to accurately process the situation, then inject something or swallow a pill.

And moving around, as in trying to inject something, or swallow something will make you lose blood faster, if you lose enough blood your body will go into shock and you'll die in no time.

I lived because it was on my property and my family was there.

You can avoid losing hands by making a device carrier out of long (10') dowel, just secure a small wicker basket on one end, it wont protect you from shrapnel, but at least if you live, you'll be able to play guitar.

Teamwork is essential.
It lets you to blame someone else.

October 5th, 2001, 06:45 PM
I got hit by shrapnel from a undercontained recycled .22 filled with armstrongs once.. it hit my left hand between the index and middle finger, leaving a v shaped scar

to this day I still don't know if theres still some brass lodged in my hand somewhere, or if it just 'bounced' off my hand after leaving a v.deep cut

It didn't actually hurt, it just bled rather a lot after I moved it a tiny bit

What i'd advise though for anyone dabbling in this kind of activity; make a shrapnel proof vest out of polycarbonate, it's cheap and it'll save your vital organs from a nasty preforating

October 5th, 2001, 07:17 PM
I'm thinking of getting a flak jacket (£25) for such a purpose. If it saves your internal organs, what's the point if you loose your hands?

Never underestimate the power of very stupid people in large groups.

mongo blongo
October 5th, 2001, 09:39 PM
Hi guys, i am a professional guitarist (my first love) and im always thinking about safety coz if i lost any of my fingers i would have to kill myself!!
I have to admit that my experiments are on a very low scale and i take a few weeks of preparation before i try them! (to make sure i don't make a mistake and know as much about what i am doing as possible!)
I always wear gloves, and face guard ,even when dealing with small amount of Lead Azide! But if i were to set off a large amount of HE and had an accident i would make some kind of quick acting toxin like Hydrogen Cyanide. But the best way to avoid this, is intense preparation like has been said before.
Just act carefully coz there is always a chance of something may go wrong!

AAARRRRRHHH! My beautiful eyes! It burns!
The goggles do nothing!

October 6th, 2001, 09:35 PM
I was talking about suicide in general, not after an explosives acident.
Anyway, it boils down too safety, safety, safety. Sure you can talk a lot about what to do if something goes wrong but the most important thing will always be how to avoid mistakes and how to protect against them.
99.9% of all acidents are avoidable.

Give someone a match and he'll feel warm for a few seconds, set him on fire and he'll feel warm for the rest of his life