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December 17th, 2001, 01:39 AM

I began an 'archival' website about a month ago with the concern that occasionally an
intelligent person will make their own website, perform some experiments, post their data,
and soon find out that their web host shut down the site.

My site contains none of my personal experimentation (which is probably a good thing
considering I rarely follow 'recipes' word-for-word.. therefore always making my results
quite amusing to say the least).

Anyways, if it would not be so terrible, I request that anyone that would like to have a
copy of all or parts of their website added to my archives, please let me know by email or
within this forum.

The site has NOT yet been uploaded yet; however, note that I do upload everything and
anything that is online and pertains to explosives... whether from a knowledgeable source
or not (my site is for documentation purposes only, after all) but I will give all credit
where credit is due. So my visitors may decide which recipes are obviously not to be taken
seriously and which can possibly be permissible.

A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither.
-Thomas Jefferson

[This message has been edited by nbk2000 (edited December 17, 2001).]

December 17th, 2001, 01:46 AM
I know this is my first post (registration for the forum has been down for a while) but I doubt I will post very often anyways other than for possible updates on the site. Thank You.

The site will most likely be released with its current information by the end of this week. NOTE: If you see information from your site and you would like it removed, please say so and I will be glad to remove it. However you may not request the removal of another person's website.

A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither.
-Thomas Jefferson

(This is all quite fascinating....except for the fact that you haven't actually posted anything like..uhm....a URL?

You'll also noticed, if you bother to look around, that we don't go in for the multicolor post.

HTML is used just for links and pictures. Restrain yourself or be deleted.


[This message has been edited by nbk2000 (edited December 17, 2001).]

December 17th, 2001, 01:58 AM
Hey NoltaiR im working on a explosives site at the moment, it'll be sweet if you put my url into the links. Write back

""""When the hunter becomes the Hunted""""

December 17th, 2001, 06:46 AM
Isn't this a misc topic? Or am I completely wrong..


December 17th, 2001, 11:26 AM
Also this is most likely a misc topic, but due to the fact that more traffic goes through high explosives, I started it here. Now I will no longer be answering to anybody else pertaining to the location of this (unless it is a moderator, of coarse). Please only reply on this topic if you have information that you would like added to the archives or if you would like to make suggestions; thank you.

A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither.
-Thomas Edison

[This message has been edited by NoltaiR (edited December 17, 2001).]

December 17th, 2001, 11:31 AM
Oh and nbk, thanks for the tips. As I said earlier a URL will be posted when the site is COMPLETE. Now please don't flame me anymore than necessary. thank you

A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither.
-Thomas Edison

December 17th, 2001, 11:55 AM
Sorry for posting so many replies to my own topic.

Anyways I ask that you please refrain from giving me URL links because the purpose of the site as an archive would be defeated. As I said before, my site is to be a bit of a back-up in case other sites are shut down.

Here is a screen shot of the site (you can tell by the web address that I am still working off-line) when it first loads...well there is a little scrolling that was done on the index frame, but that was just to give a better view.

Link to screenshot (http://www.geocities.com/noltair/pre1.jpg)

Also my apologies to those of you who saw my mistake of misplacing this topic, thank you.

[This message has been edited by NoltaiR (edited December 17, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by megalomania (edited December 22, 2001).]

December 17th, 2001, 01:53 PM
Just a tip: Try using the edit feature instead of making multiple posts.


Download the forum archive (http://blake.prohosting.com/~imsako/index.htm)
PGP key available here (http://pgpkeys.mit.edu/) (ID = 0x5B66A792)

December 17th, 2001, 02:56 PM
Everyone else here locates their threads in the relevant section using the descriptions of what is allowed in that section. So please explain why are above everyone else, can break this most basic of rules and can post your thread where ever takes your fancy?

Funny enough, he had a guy before that said he didn't want to post in the right section to get more traffic. Guess what happened to him? Yup, deleted and banned.

Your intentions are good, you can spell and are not obviously "kewl", so take this as a formal warning and read the rules carefully (jesus, you've had several months whilst unable to post to do a bit of reading).

Moving to Misc.

December 18th, 2001, 07:13 AM
Seems I slipped up and didn't notice when I edited his post that he was in the wrong section.

That's the only thing that saved him from immediate deletion.

You lucked out....this time.

"Now please don't flame me anymore than necessary."

You didn't get flamed at all (looking around at other Forumites) Did I flame him?


Believe me, when I flame someone, they damn well know it! http://assaultweb.net/ubb/icons/icon18.gif

And then I delete them. http://assaultweb.net/ubb/icons/icon22.gif

Now for some other hints:

Frames are the lepers of the internet. You should lose them.

Geoshities doesn't allow linking to their servers from other sites. So you can't post pictures using the image tag. You'll have to post a copy and paste URL to the picture instead. Direct (a href="") linking won't work

And PLEASE quote someone properly...it's not Thomas Edison (Inventor) who said that, it was Thomas JEFFERSON (a Founder of America)!


http://www.google.com/search?q=trade+liberty+freedom+neither+jefferson+q uote

What else on your site did you get wrong?

"I have begun evil, I shall end evil. That is the end that awaits me."

Go here (http://briefcase.yahoo.com/nbk2k) to download the NBK2000 files and videos.

December 18th, 2001, 01:59 PM
The feedback I have received has been quite interesting... I have decided to post what I do have so far online (although it is the very bare bones of the site; I still have to finish the synthesis section, make a improvised weapons section, and add A LOT more sources).

no I will not take away the frames but I did change the quote's credit

you may (well you WILL actually) recognize the few sources I have already but REMEMBER THAT THEY ARE FOR ARCHIVAL PURPOSES ONLY!!! so do not accuse me of taking someone else's work; all has been given proper credit.

I will upload my progress every couple of days (and many, many more sources will be added for those of you who are the real critics out there).


A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither.
-Thomas Jefferson

[This message has been edited by NoltaiR (edited December 18, 2001).]

December 18th, 2001, 06:24 PM
Your site is looking good, and I hate to say the obvious, but make sure you back up the site. I've seen many great sites go down like this. Also a surf.to\ would be nice.

December 18th, 2001, 06:56 PM
yes v3 redirect would be good, like surf.to/thearc

i hate to be an ass hole bu writeing like this -=-=UnDER COnSTRUCTiOn=-=- is kewlish.
and i think the colors don't match that good. and the logo is a little dark. black background with bright letters looks better.

"To live is to suffer, to survive... well thats to find meaning into suffering." -DMX

December 19th, 2001, 11:49 AM
All right, to cover the previous 2 replies:

The site is backed up because I am working off-line.. I just upload my progress every once
in a while. I checked into getting a redirected URL and here it is http://surf.to/archivex

And to maddog: it worries me that you people become so 'tied-up' in the word 'kewl'.. I
for one hate it when someone asks me how (and this happens all the time) they can just
make a really fast 'bomb to blow some shit up from stuff I have at the house'. It is these
people who deserve the title of 'kewl'. To use the term to label someone's work/creativity
is limiting the ability of a free-thinker to come up with new ideas.
The colors do not match all that well now that I have looked over it, but at this point in
the creation of the site I am trying to focus purely on getting the information up and
organized rather than worrying about its visual appearance. The backgrounds will stay the
same just because I like them.. solid backgrounds are really boring; however, in time, I
may change the font colors.

The site is being created in notepad in a IE 5.5 environment, and I admit that I am not the
greatest when it comes to HTML syntax; so if you are experiencing any problems, please
do not hesitate to tell me.

My newest idea for the site (which will not be loaded until all the synthesis and weapons
'recipes', pics, and vids are loaded) is to make a section where newspaper and magazine
articles that fit in the theme of the archive will be posted.

That’s all I have for now, thank you. I normally do not give in to critics all that well, but I
want this to be a sort of a 'by the public, for the public' kind of site, so I will try to make
the site according to my visitors suggestions.

This site is created in the spirit of free knowledge and its spread, so you may
copy/reproduce any or all of the site as you wish as long as you give as much credit as
possible to the original author.

A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither.
-Thomas Jefferson

December 20th, 2001, 12:31 PM
All you have done is copy meglomaina's files and an enclopedia. write some original papers yourself and ill be impressed

How much power will you lose if you do not know what they already know?

Explosives Archive (http://surf.to/alexplo)

December 20th, 2001, 02:18 PM
This site is not made to impress anybody.. if this was to be just another webpage in which someone experiments and notes their findings, then it would not be an archive would it?
This site is to replace people having to search around the internet looking for explosives data... search engines are unconcisive, they give thousands of results that have absolutely nothing to do with the query. This site is to have all the sources available, not a personal webpage...

Please do not post on this topic unless you have suggestions for the site or if you would like to have a back-up copy of your site posted on it, thank you.

A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither.
-Thomas Jefferson

December 20th, 2001, 09:33 PM
Ahh, your goal is a laudable one. I myself have toyed with the idea of bringing together a place to store our collective efforts. Many here would be served well to have a central location of knowledge during those too often times when the original content is temporarily down, or the address is forgotten.

Do not heed the cry of bad color schemes, and faulty HTML. Keep your eye on the prize, the content, content, content. I know from whence I speak. Oh, and our rules are meant for the unruly, which you clearly are not, so I suppose some slack is in order.

For the most comprehensive and informative web site on explosives and related topics, go to Megalomania's Controversial Chem Lab at http://surf.to/megalomania

mongo blongo
December 20th, 2001, 11:36 PM
I just read the RDX synth. The synth looks ok BUT after it states:
"H.M.X. is a mixture of T.N.T. and R.D.X.; the ratio is 50/50, by weight. it is not as sensitive, and is almost as powerful as straight R.D.X"

I don't think so!

"By adding ammonium nitrate to the crystals of R.D.X. after step 5, it should be possible to desensitize the R.D.X. and INCREASE ITS POWER.
Anyways Good Site! This is a very cool Idea.
But you should try to use only the accurate info.
But I Like it! Good work. http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smilies/smile.gif

AAARRRRRHHH! My beautiful eyes! It burns!
The goggles do nothing!AAARRRRRHHH!

December 20th, 2001, 11:43 PM
It is indeed a laudable goal


the purpose is to collect disparete sources and collect them together into a sort of Yahoo! directory or On-line archive of explosives and weapons info for the furtherment of the disribution of reliable knowledge, and not as an easy way to slap together a site using other peoples work in an attempt to earn a "rep".

I'll take you at your word for now. Hopefully you are doing what you say. It'll be an interesting resource if it is.

Now, are you keeping the content that you copy from other sites in their original format, or are you altering them to look alike? Do you include links to the original page from where it was taken? How often are you planning to update?

Also, what qualifies for inclusion? Anything someone sends, or do you exert some discretion and seperate out the crap from the good stuff? And how do you know what's good and what's crap? An explaination of your experiences in these endeavors would be appreciated.

One quick hint...don't include ANYTHING from the Anarchist cookbook, Jolly Roger, Terrorist Handbook, or TOTSE/Weirdpeir. Any of these will get you an instant "K3\/\/l" label here.

If we got on your case about the "UnDER COnSTRUCTiOn" kewl typing, it's because neither Mega, me, or anyone here who matters, does it. I do notice that you changed it though, that's good.

It's the trademark of kewl bomberz sites to spell in that funky AltERnATiNg Fu|<1n3 type style. You don't see it on Mega's site, my PDF, or any rightously informative and factual site or files.

It's your site, do what you want. But I'd strongly suggest using normal spelling, capilization, and spell checking because it's hard to give credence to anything found on a site with illiterate looking text.

Web design is all subjective anyways, but I avoid any site with animated skulls-explosions-bombs-and other trying too hard to be neat shit, blood red text on black backgrounds or any neon crap, words with blood dripping or flames rising *cough*NoltaiR*cough* background images of grenades or people in gasmasks, and you get the idea.

All of the above shit indicates to me that dude is too concerned with trying to look "tough" or (as we call it) k3wL.

The most informative sites I've seen are often just plain text (sometimes with illustrations) on a plain, light background. Oh, and no frames either.

Sites as examples are the <a href="">US patent office site</a>, <a href="http://www.orgsyn.org/orgsyn/orgsyn/fullTextSearch.asp">Organic synthesis</a>, <a href="http://www.newscientist.com/">New Scientist</a>, and others like them. (notice no frames)

To put it in the vernacular of the streets:

"The shits so good it sells itself".


The pros know other pros don't want extraneous crap diverting their attention. When the internet first started out, it was straight text with no sounds, animations, video, or anything else. JUST TEXT!

And who was using it? Scientists for nuke labs and universities. People who, when they want information, want it NOW! No bullshit, no fluff, no filler.

Simple, straight, and to the point. Just how I like it.

Now that every kindergardner is on the net, we see sites with a bazillion GIFs, flashing banners, little things that follow your cursor around the screen, background music, and all the other shit that annoys the fuck out of people looking for the meat.

All of the above is my opinion, take it or leave it as you see fit.

PS: don't make statements like "Please do not post on this topic unless...". It comes off as being really pushy, especially from someone who's only been here a handful of days.

"I have begun evil, I shall end evil. That is the end that awaits me."

Go here (http://briefcase.yahoo.com/nbk2k) to download the NBK2000 files and videos.

December 22nd, 2001, 01:46 AM
All in all my focus is a just one.. to spread knowledge and be a central database for it.

With the information I attain, I do my best to keep all orginal documentation; however I do occasionally leave out tables and susbstitute lists.. no reason in particular other than its easier to format into a new webpage. I am glad to have imput from mega, a major source in my synthesis section.

I have been in the webpage making business for a long while (well actually just a few years) but unfortunately my old sites have shutdown due to lack of funding or because I just didn't have the time. So that is why I started this site; it is run off of geocities which does not charge me, and it is on a topic that I enjoy.

The information that I post will be both from creditable and noncreditable sources alike.. they are for documentation only, as posted many times before. Also I tend to take out URLs out of information that I get from sites because when I am done with this site I want to make it in a .zip format and distribute the download as much as possible over the net.. so if those links ever go down during this time, it will make the archive lose its value a bit more quickly.

I just ordered 'improvised munitions handbook' and 'unconventional warfare : incendiaries' which will no doubt also become large sources of information to be posted. Rather than to be critics at this point I would appreciate it if anybody who knows HTML would help me on this project.

I will gladly distribute the pword for logging into the ftp of my site if I know they are worthy web developers and are willing to lend a helping hand.

In the end I could careless if the nickname 'noltair' is posted anywhere on the archive.. I would rather it have a list of others who either helped in the developement or provided documentation. I look not to make a 'rep' for myself.. if I would have wanted to then I would be spending my time making videos of me making new formulas for explosives rather than founding an archive.

I agree with keeping the page looking simple.. my logo will go down soon enough.. I just included it because it was from an older web page I made as an HTML amateur a couple years ago and I thought it would be nice to put it up for a while. Oh yeah, I have to have some sort of background.. that is just something I am a bit obsessive about.

Although this site will never truly be done (because its an archive) I will put a counter on it as soon as my current information is posted.

One last thing:
My hats off to you people out there who fight for the spread of free speech and free knowledge as well as those who take the time to experiment and post data over the net so that our 'wonderful' government won't have ALL the power. Thank you.

One day my site could possibly be even made into a book form....

A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither.
-Thomas Jefferson

December 22nd, 2001, 02:07 AM
And for now I will leave you all with a couple quotes I found at the about.com search engine...

"Censorship always defeats it own purpose, for it creates in the end the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion."
-- Henry Steele Commager, Historian

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
-- Voltaire

"You have not converted a man because you have silenced him."
-- John Morley

"Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself."
-- Potter Stewart

"The constitution is a delusion and a snare if the weakest and humblest man in the land cannot be defended in his right to speak and his right to think as much as the strongest in the land."
-- Clarence Darrow, defending the Communist Labor Party, 1920

And the one that I think currently is describing our government:
"The weapon of the dictator is not so much propaganda as censorship."
-- Terence H. Qualter, Introduction to Propaganda and Psychological Warfare, 1962

A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither.
-Thomas Jefferson

December 22nd, 2001, 03:39 AM
Corrections to Chemical Synthesis
Major point: A lot of "chemicals" you mention are not chemical syntheses at all, but rather simply mixtures of compounds.

"Ammonium triiodide" - This is taken from the Terrorist's Handbook, a lame piece of wannabe trash. The name is highly innacurate, as it would reflect the compound [NH<sub>4</sub>]+-. It is in fact a mixture of nitrogen triiodide (NI<sub>3</sub>) in various ammonia complexes, and to a lesser extent ammonium iodide (non-explosive) and unstable iodoamines, and a few other compounds of little interest. A more accurate title would be simply "nitrogen triiodide".

"Ammonium nitrate" - this section is extremely lacking, and contains a crappy (although somewhat accurate) "recipe" from the Anarchist's Cookbook.

"Ammonium picrate" - that quote is not from the Encyclopedia Britannica, and rather appears to come from Kitchen Improvised Plastic Explosives originally. (not sure)

"Black powder" - the first ACB "recipe" is riddled with errors and inconsistancies, a wise man would remove it. The second one is plaguarized from the Improvised Munitions Handbook, you should give proper credit.

"Dynamite" - the second procedure is a piece of shit, but again, you should just take my word for it as I won't waste my time by going into detail.

"Napalm" - the first two recipes are -moderately- OK, but are still pretty goddamn lame. Do a search around here and you will find much better quality information than this recycled cookbook tripe. The third one is utter and complete CRAP.

"Nitrogen triiodide" - uhm... getting a little redudant, including two sections for the same compound (surely you must have realised that "ammonium" triiodide and the correctly called nitrogen triiodide are the same thing?!)

"Nitroglycerine" - the second recipe is dangerous bullshit, UGH!

"Potassium chlorate" - this is plaguarized by the k3wl text file writing idiots from Tim Lewis' [i]Kitchen Improvised Plastic Explosives

"RDX" - Stupid Terrorist's Handbook piece of shit recipe. There are dozens of fatal flaws in this, and it is loaded with misinformation. About as inaccurate as you can get, I'd suggest removing it immediately.

"Sodium chlorate" - Taken from the Improvised Munitions Handbook.

"TNT" - Bullshit Terrorist's Handbook recipe, and a continuum error, you included the "instructions" for nitroglycerine at the bottom as well.

I missed out quite a few, and I could have written a LOT more, but my computer's on the fritz (notice the large amount of typographical errors) and I'm honestly too tired and lazy.

Live free or die! | http://codemason.cjb.net

December 22nd, 2001, 12:32 PM
Alas I thank you for reviewing the archive but as it stands, I already knew there were errors even as I was inputting the information. As more reliable sources come about I may take away all sources marked either anarchist cookbook or 'author unknown'. The best thing to do right now, however, would be to provide me with a correct formula to replace those wrong ones. Thank you.

Codemason obviously has his own site so I suppose he knows a bit of HTML. If you (codemason) would like to join me in the creation of this site please say so, but if you do start working on the archive, please promise me that other than deleting wrong info or 'correcting it', that you would just place a correct recipe on the same page.

Once again my thanks goes out to all of you who have visited the site and/or posted suggestions for it.

Oh one more thing, how creditable is Tim Lewis' work?

[This message has been edited by NoltaiR (edited December 22, 2001).]

December 22nd, 2001, 01:45 PM
It is not just some of the "recipies" that are wrong it is the information contained in them. for example the how to make nitric acid file ends with some mistakes such as "CAUTION: If the acid is heated too strongly, the nitric acid will decompose as soon as it is formed. This can result in the production of highly flammable and toxic gasses that may explode" well, they may be toxic but elplode or burn, as far as my knowledge and experience goes, no.

The NitroGlycerine file contains at leas this erron on firest look: "Add glycerin until there is a thin layer of glycerin on top of the mixed acids" then the file tells you to stir the mixed acids together,

this is a very bad idea beacuse you want as little Glycerine nitratin gat a time to avoid thermal runaway thus I use an air pump to stir the liquid and avoid friction with a stirrer bar and the NG.
There's more but I figure you should now know where a reliable source should come from, BTW, do you have ANY experiences with nitrations/ explosive manufacturing?

Society creates the crime, the criminal completes it.

December 22nd, 2001, 08:26 PM
i definately would not advise anybody new to this hobby to attempt any procedures on noltairs site. there needs to be alot of work done.
i thought i'd check the HMTD recipes. none of them mention a wash in sodium bicarbonate solution. 'It is stable when compared to other primary explosives' - bullshit.
its stable when compares to silver fulminate and other super sensitive explosives. also 'but will only burn if heated'. so why is it a primary explosive again? it makes the deflagration to detonation transition so if heated it may only burn but in larger amounts would certainly detonate.
i think some serious work need to be done before some kE///\\/l finds it and gets killed.

December 22nd, 2001, 10:06 PM
If it were me, I would attempt to reproduce the websites in their entirety. That is more in keeping with an archive of other sites, and it would be a better indicator to surfers who may not realize someone else created this work. This would avoid the emails you will likely receive from angry webmasters who don't like how you altered their info, and the even more voluminous emails of surfers correcting the errors that aren’t even yours to begin with. From a work standpoint it is just easy to reproduce, rather than reformat everything. Numerous links to the original content are also in order.

For the most comprehensive and informative web site on explosives and related topics, go to Megalomania's Controversial Chem Lab at http://surf.to/megalomania

December 23rd, 2001, 12:59 AM
You all have given me one idea to take from this; I will temporarily take down the site and work on it offline. The page that you will now be linked to when you visit the archive will be a simple form page in case you would like to post a formula/procedure/comment on any thing of use.

Anyways, about the current information loaded onto the archive:
All work that is not from a reliable source will be removed and links to the original content will be established.

I am still primarily concerned with simply making the information a general source to the public and I try my best to give credit where it is due.

So this may be my last post for a week or two until the final version is complete, then I will post for it.

Thanks to all who have posted on this topic your suggestions/concerns.

A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither.
-Thomas Jefferson

The archive : <A HREF="http://surf.to/archivex

" TARGET=_blank>http://surf.to/archivex

</A> have not converted a man because you have silenced him."
-- John Morley

[This message has been edited by NoltaiR (edited December 23, 2001).]

December 23rd, 2001, 08:43 PM
PYRO500: Many nitrogen oxides (NO<sub>2</sub> and N<sub>2</sub>O in particular) indeed can burn or explode when in the presence of some fuels, and have even been utilized as such in the past.

NoltaiR: I will have to decline your offer, as you see I'm extremely lazy and haven't updated my site in months, and would only hinder your project in the long run. However I can offer a review of the content. And an idea has occured to me, you can still archive some of the k3wl files, but put "editor's note" type things in with them, say in a different font color, offering corrections or warnings that it is bullshit. That would probably help the newbies more than just simply not including bullshit texts. http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

Live free or die! | http://codemason.cjb.net

December 24th, 2001, 01:53 AM
well I know they can burn fuels ang yes they can cause fuel to burn or even explode with in compatibles, but to my knowedge they can burn/explode on their own with little coercion such as an open flame.

Society creates the crime, the criminal completes it.

December 24th, 2001, 11:04 PM
I think the point is that the warning in the kewl text is misleading. While the gas may technicially be capable of exploding, it would not be explosive under the conditions present during its creation. Flour is also technicially explosive, but I don't cower in fear when I make pie dough. The simple act of overheating nitric acid will not produce an explosion hazard.

For the most comprehensive and informative web site on explosives and related topics, go to Megalomania's Controversial Chem Lab at http://surf.to/megalomania