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View Full Version : Anonymous Credit Cards! Woo Hoo!

August 7th, 2002, 08:00 PM
Here's another gift from The Hive, from that crazy bastard MaDMAx again. No wonder he was awarded his title "A+ Analyst" eh? He's one smart mofo that certainly knows how stay anonymous in the tough realm of acquisition, the techniques involved in locating and obtaining the various things essential to that of the clandestine chemist. Careless acquisition has resulted in more arrests than any other mistake except narcs.

Although this may be less applicable here, it still holds great value IMO. I wouldn't want to purchase certain chemicals and have anyone know that I was purchasing them. Regardless of what you use them for, drugs or bombs, certain chemicals like acetic anhydride ARE available, but are watched. The uses vary, but the stigma is the same. Do it in the open and be oppressed. Do it anonymously to never return, and stay safe. Your choice. Here beings the thread, chiefly the first post. The rest isn't that special.


$$ Anonymous Credit Card $$ Bookmark Reply

I've brought up this subject in the past, but it didn't receive any real interest because the company offering this service, Netspend, was only available in a relatively small area. However, they have grown and I think many more people will be interested in them again, so here it is:

<a href="https://www.netspend.com/public/" target="_blank">https://www.netspend.com/public/</a>

Go to Netspend's website and make an account with whatever anonymous email address you want, and whatever name you want. Now you buy Netspend cash cards with cash at various locations, go home to your computer, type the number on the back of the card into their website, and the money is added to your account.

Now if you want to buy something with a credit card (Master Card), access your account online and request a credit card number. It will generate a legitimate mastercard number, complete with the 3 digit cvc2 number and expiration date. This number will work for one purchase, and the money will be drawn from your account.

If you want an actual plastic credit card with whatever name you want on it, all you have to do is fork over $10. Tell them what name you want on the card, and what address you want it sent to (the mailbox you rented with a fake ID that you made with the help of my novelty ID thread), and you will get it. This card works exactly like a normal Master Card. Vendors can not tell the two apart, and whatever address you list as the billing address will always be accepted.

This was not popular the first time I posted it because there were a very limited number of places to purchase the netspend cash cards for adding money to your account, but time has passed and the company has grown. Now you can purchase them from many more places across the US (sorry non US bees). One such place is the Ace check cashing stores.

<a href="http://www.acecashexpress.com/general/Locations/findstate.html" target="_blank">http://www.acecashexpress.com/general/Locations/findstate.html</a>

Click that to go to the page of their website where you can find the store closest to you.

If you still can't find a place near you to purchase the netspend cash cards, you should call netspend up, and tell them where you are, because chances are that there are other places that sell their cards.

The only thing you cannot use your netspend credit card for is accessing online porn sites. It will work fine for anything else, though, including purchasing chemicals from chemical suppliers. Have fun!

I hope this doesn't break the source posting rule. I figured that they are both very big companies, and have nothing to do with drug making, so it would be OK. If not, then go ahead and delete them.

Also, you don't have to live in the US to have an account. So Rhodium could get an account, and if bees wanted to donate funds to the hive, they could create an account, purchase cash cards, deposit them to their account, then transfer money straight from their account to Rhodium's account. Purchases using the master card number cost $1, but netspend account to account transfers are free.

Rhodium could then use the money as credit card purchases, or he could take any old cash card (someone trusted would have to mail him one) to an ATM and withdrawal cash. Then he could use this money to buy stereo's, DVD players, hookers, etc

No comments? Nothing?

I thought for sure that this and my Novelty ID thread would be interesting to many here.

Let me help. If you want chemicals and other "hot" items, you don't want to buy them with your real credit card and you don't want them shipped to your real address, or you will end up getting busted.

So make yourself a fake ID. It's not hard, it's easier than most of the chemical syntheses here. Make a fake gas bill as a second form of identification. This is even easier to do than the ID. Then use these forms of ID to rent a mail box from one of those mail box rental places. Then open a netspend account, put some money in it, have them send you a credit card to your mail box. Now you can buy chemicals from shady online chemical suppliers and have them sent to your mailbox. Give the address as something like:

Mr. Fake Name
5280 Crackhead St. #124, 143 (where #124 is the suite number for the business and 143 is your mailbox #)
Some City, TX 78666

Now you have access to whatever chemicals you want and you can stop trying to salvage traces of impure chemicals from OTC sources.

The next time I see someone complain about chemical aquisition problems, I'm going to flame their ass, then link them to my Novelty ID thread and this thread.

Oh yeah, and don't stick with the same mailbox too long, rent a new one every couple months (or more frequently if you are a paranoid tweaker).


So there - I have now checked it out and it sounds good. I will test the service, and then see if it is fully suitable for our needs - but at least it seems so. Great find MM!

End Usefulness of thread. The rest is an off topic (but informative) portion on anon mailboxes and drops, etc.



August 7th, 2002, 09:43 PM
Credit cards have nothing to do with this forum, and I don't think the members like these kinds of posts.

August 7th, 2002, 09:57 PM
Then I am sorry.

If the consensus is that it does not have value here then I will gladly have it removed. Mods the decision is up to you. If it does not belong then by all means delete it.

August 7th, 2002, 10:08 PM
a credit card could be considered a "tool" of our trade to those wishing to invest in crime and since there are certain "techniques" that are required to get them anonymously then I think the topic fits this section.

I know paypal also does the credit card number masquerade thing and I think there are a few other ways that you can do the same. I found that pay pal has been fairly reliable and can be also aquired anonymously with monsy transferred into it through other accounts or I think you can mail them money orders. The only problem is that pay pal has been frezing peoples accounts (mainly sattelite hackers) without warning tying up their money for a long time and inlike a bank they are not federally insured and if they were to fail some potential customer could stand to loose pretty much all their account cash.

August 7th, 2002, 11:15 PM
Not to mention that paypal takes a cut of whatever you transfer/store there! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="eek.gif" />

There's a few sites dedicated to hating paypal, a few are:

<a href="http://www.fuckpaypal.com" target="_blank">www.fuckpaypal.com</a>
<a href="http://www.paypalsucks.com" target="_blank">www.paypalsucks.com</a> (all same site, just redirection URLs)
<a href="http://www.nopaypal.com" target="_blank">www.nopaypal.com</a>

Edit - forgot to mention my point on this topic! - Personally I don't feel that these kinds of topics help the forum, this forum is about all things chemistry and improvised weaponry (and now bio weapons). Fraud in anyway shape or form, is yes a tool, but not a tool which is an addition to this site.

<small>[ August 07, 2002, 10:18 PM: Message edited by: Eliteforum ]</small>

August 7th, 2002, 11:21 PM
Anon CC#s have PLENTY of uses in our field. Just like with drug manufacturers, we too have to worry about the "correctness" of our chemical purchases and whether or not someone may decide it is "suspecious" and call (whoever) on us about it.

Paypal wants actual bank account info, and that requires ID and all that "know your customer" bullshit. I'd rather not have to go through the hassle of getting or making a fake ID just to get a useable CC#.

Did anyone from the hive ever test this out to make sure it worked at advertised? This could have application for here as well.

August 7th, 2002, 11:26 PM
Taken from a web site that has lost money to pay pal:

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">
We are a POWER SELLER at ebay & used paypal extensively as a method of accepting payments for the last 2 years with no issue but recently we found out how people could easily get ripped using paypal and paypal would not do anything to help you. Here are the details of what has happened and because of the new twist today we are going to change the way we do business on the net

Unfortunately we used paypal to pay "WORLD WIDE DISTRIBUTION" $1575.00

After 10 days of not receiving the items or any contact we filed a complained with paypal.

Here is what paypal said

"They'll put negative in sellers account & they will allow seller 30 days to ship the item. They don't do anything for 30 days". In the meanwhile there is no hold on seller account & they can still accept payments from other people and rob them blind. During the 30 days the seller closes his bank account, shuts of the business and runs with all the money and amazingly paypal comes back with a response "SORRY WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING" and we apologize that you lost 1500 and if you don't want to use paypal that is fine too, we got a huge customer base."

This is what we get from using paypal. No have totally stop using paypal to send payments. As a seller paypal is great and we are primarily a seller but we want to let people know that when they are sending money through paypal it is not safe even though they claim it is. Read the fine print is say they might not be able to recover all funds.

We lost $1475 (payment was in the amount of $1575 and they refunded us $118 with a sorry email and no more support even though we are a premier business account and so called 24 hours support).

Here is the copy of email from paypal

"Our investigation has revealed that the seller is at fault. We are pleased to inform you that we were able to recover funds from
the sellers account. Your account has been credited $118.48. Please allow up to 5 days to see the adjustment on your account.
This amount is the maximum we were able to recover."

So they are pleased by refunding $118.48 out of $1575.00. We called them several times and talked to this and that but no results. Someone using paypal suggested to go to the credit card merchant and ask for their help. We did that and they said no problem we will fight because they indicated lot of people are having problems with paypal. They even had specially people that handled paypal which was shocking to us. So they stopped payment to paypal and in response paypal restricted our account so that we can't withdraw money form it (yes we can still accept money from people but not withdraw from account so everything goes in paypal account) and they charged our other credit card automatically. In order to reinstate our account we need to go through lot of paperwork including an affidavit indicating that it is legal for paypal to withdraw any amount from our bank. Now we locked payment of around 1000.00 plus the 1475.00 we initially lost and how much more we get in payments.

Now you decide if you want to use paypal or not.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">And it's true that you need a lot of information to get a pay pal account. Not that I've tried.

Again I'd never try to use that kind of information, specialy if it was taken from a place like the Hive, sounds too much like a setup to me.

August 8th, 2002, 12:15 AM
From the lasted issue of PC Magazine (sorry for any typos, I can't copy and paste from a magazine :p )


"Virtual I.D.

A new spin on credit card protection

To alleviate security concerns about online transactions, credit card companies have begun offering custormers temporary account numbers for single transations so that onlines merchants nver have possesion of the customers real account numbers.

Using Controlled Payment Numbers, a technology developed by Orbiscom, Citibank has launched a service called Vitural Account Numbers, which generates a random, substitute account number for each online purchase (CitiCard holders can register for free at <a href="http://www.citicards.com)" target="_blank">www.citicards.com)</a> Citibank stores the real credit card numbers and does not tranismit it over the internet or give it to merchants.

'If someone finds the credit card number, they wouldn't be able to do anything with it', explains Rob Leathern, a Jupiter research analyst. The Virtual Account Number 'is good only for that short period of time or that single transaction.'

Leathern wars, however, of other vunerabilities. 'Our research shows that 53 percent of consumers use the same user password at all or most web sites they visit. Financail information keyed into a user name and password that have been used on another site is vunerable.'


So it's not exactly the same thing, but pretty similar in some ways, suggesting this Netspend thing may be valid.

August 8th, 2002, 03:24 AM
This is actually quite interesting information for The Forum. There are plenty of legit reasons to use this type of service, and certainly it can help keep the jack booted thugs from busting in your door even when you haven't done anything wrong (the DEA is not concerned with such trivial concepts such as innocence, search warrents, or giving your property back).

I use my credit card a lot, and I hate being targeted by telemarketers. All those stupid commercials... the phone calls... even my own credit card company is bad. I worry about the national spending database, and it being sold so everybody knows what I make, buy, eat, how far I drive, and all that.

It's not that I do anything wrong with my credit cards, its just that I feel it may BECOME wrong. Who knows with the laws these days what they are up to. I would like to be able to spend without being tracked. I am also looking for ways to launder money, and screw the tax man (heh heh) hypotheticially of course.

One of these days 'they' will know what you eat when you buy groceries, how far you drive buy you gas consumption, what cloths you wear, what toys you buy, basicially everything about you. It will all be sold to the highest bidder so they can target ads made just for you. Well they will not pry the last dollar from my fist...

I would consider this to establish a cell phone account, or a regular phone. With a fictitious name I can keep the telemarketers, the bill collectors, and all the other people I don't like away.

I could use a fake name at the grocery store where I can use my credit card and still use their 'discount' card with confidence.

Oh the possibilities...

August 8th, 2002, 06:51 AM
Useful stuff Primo, ta.

Regarding transactions being traced, it's something I have worried about quite a bit, and the main way I try to avoid that is by using cash as much as I can. They will still have a record of you removing it from your account, but not what you then do with it (Or do they record note numbers as they go through ATM's?)

We're so used to the convenience of plastic that it's an effort to do anything different. Obviously it doesn't work for everything, but every little helps

August 8th, 2002, 09:25 AM
here's the catch:

...all we need to do is to verify your name, address, telephone number...

In other words, they want state issued ID, plus current phone bill. :p

Soo...this just means you need to find a wino with ID, print up a bogus phone bill with a payphone # as your "home phone number", and have the card mailed to a maildrop as the "home address". :)

I'm still waiting for them to have these things at a vending machine where you just feed it the money and it spits out the card. :( Probably never happen though because that'd be too much like "money laundering" for the governments tastes.

There's an ace checkcashing place right down the road from me. I'll have to stop in soon and ask them about these. If it's possible to fake 'em out without major hassle (about the ID), then these'd be nice for ordering stuff over the 'net from places that only sell to credit card holders (because they want to be able to trace the orders), things like ballistic materials, chemicals, etc.

August 8th, 2002, 12:18 PM
Seems pretty useful information to me, only I do not live in the US. :(

For those being bothered by telemarketeers: <a href="http://www.bythom.com/telemarket.htm" target="_blank">how to fool telemarketeers</a>

August 8th, 2002, 01:24 PM
1st of all, YES this has been tested by myself and a couple others at The Hive. It works. I have never opted for the physical card since all my suppliers have websites with online ordering. The other members at The Hive, especially the person who authored this post (he told me about this long before he made it public) provide useful information that is checked before being accepted as true.

This is precisely why I included the reply from Rhodium where he stated it has his approval. As for not trusting the Hive, so be it. That is your prerogitive, but you are shutting yourself out from tons of useful information you will likely not discover elsewhere. Many processes and techniques have been devised by the members themselves. We do not allow misinformaton, no acceptions.

2.You only have to provide this information on yourself if you *just have to have* a real CC. If you just want the one-time-use number, all they need is an email address, and they even state that it can be anonymous. If you want a truly anonymous email, it's as simple as registering from a public library that you do not have a library card from.

I personally MUCH prefer the one time use number. The physical card retains its number, and makes it easier to track. Imagine doing some sort of investigation trying to track purchases when each one is made under different purchase information that all lead to dead ends pretty quickly. Simple fact: You, the investigator, are fucked.

Megalomania: Have you seen <a href="http://www.e-gold.com" target="_blank">http://www.e-gold.com</a> ? Wonderful potential for moving money throughout and out of/into the country. This has also been considered for anonymous donations because they are global whereas netspend is currently US only.


August 8th, 2002, 02:52 PM
PrimoPyro - Your admitting that you've used stolen credit card information for fraudulent use! If I were you I'd edit your post sharpish.

August 8th, 2002, 02:55 PM
Very useful indeed. I may have to use this as a primary money source. I wonder if I can go to these kiosks and put money in an account with my Visa or Discover. This way you would be trading a regualar credit card for a permanent secure card essentially.

There are some very bright people over at the Hive which I think is a fact that we can't deny. It is a plethora of knowledge about all sorts of things besides drugs. Now if we could only change their interests to make them work for us...

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"> As for not trusting the Hive, so be it. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">Shouldn't that be "...so bee it." ?

Also, I just read you can use this in an ATM

<small>[ August 08, 2002, 01:59 PM: Message edited by: Ctrl_C ]</small>

August 8th, 2002, 03:42 PM
Eliteforum: I have not admitted to anything illegal. This is a legal and profitable business these good old American folks are running here. What did I purchase from chemical suppliers with my credit card?

Well of course I used my *real* information that they requested, because they didn't request any. I did not lie on anything. I purchased legal vanillin and various polysaccharides of course, for my experimental research in candy engineering. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" />

AFAIK this research is not illegal just yet.

Ctrl_C: Now why would you want to change their interests? That mindset has many advantages, I wouldn't be so quick to turn someone away from it. Many are just exercising their SHOULD BE right to "self medicate" and as a matter of fact, large scale processes are shunned and quickly made hush hush because they attract too much negative atention to the site. I see nothing wrong with personal medication, and whether or not someone else sees a problem with it in my opinion, is irrelevant.

Same thing with gun laws. I own guns, SWIM owns illegal guns (and bombs and drugs) and whoever tells me Im wrong for owning (legal) guns etc. can go fuck themselves on a poison cactus for all I care. :D

Don't take this wrong, Im not trying to be hostile toward you, not at all. I respect anyone's personal opinion and preference regarding such a touchy subject; I am just trying to illustrate the connection between altering a person's views about drugs and altering a person's views about other things. I disagree with A LOT of things that people do, but even so I never vote them illegal (or would) just because I dont like them. I hate seeing people's personal rights being taken away just because someone else doesn't like the idea. It's unamerican and it's wrong.


August 8th, 2002, 05:32 PM
Eliteforum, maybe you should stop posting in this thread? As so far, every post you have made has been incorrect.

The anonymous donation could well have uses for theforum, if/when business trading starts, Tshirts etc.

Primo, I think what was meant was that the chemistry knowledge of some of the members at the hive would be well applied here at theforum. I.e, they've got the brains and there's nothing wrong with that they currently do, but they'd be useful here :)

August 8th, 2002, 05:41 PM
OT - Yes, knowledge from The Hive would definately be useful to us as well but unfortunately, many of them probably aren't interested in our field of chemistry and I'm sure that many of us aren't interested in their's either. I am however, interested in both, but unfortunately, I only know a small fraction about chem compared to most of you here. I'm working on it though, slowly... :(

This MaDMax guy sounds like he'd fit right in at Lockdown! if it were still up and running. Oh wow, sudden overflow of ideas... sorry it's still off topic, but using these types of methods for payments would likely be an ideal way to have members make contributions to a forum such as lockdown without being traceable *wink wink nudge nudge at NBK*.

August 8th, 2002, 08:12 PM
Yes. I'm sorry for rambling. I'll try to tone it down a couple notches with the Hive business. After re-reading through some of my posts, I seem to mention it quite frequently.

On a last note, sadly yes, the topic of explosives is forbiddon and does not get covered there. The idea of gun and bomb-toting drug lords doesn't settle well with administration there.

I just personally think that most of our population happen to bee old hippies. [hard laugh]]


August 8th, 2002, 09:12 PM
If you can get the CC# without having to give any info, than that'd be perfectly useable as a means of transacting deals without anyone having to see the other.

(Assuming the buyer trusts the seller not to rip them off)
Buyer transfers $X to sellers CC#. Seller e-mails back location of stashed goods to buyer. The two never have to see each other, nor know where the other is at.

I could also see this as a way to process stolen money. "Smurf" the loot in $2,000-$3,000 increments at different locations each day in different cities as you travel across the country. Figure $5,000 each store, several stores a day...a couple hundred grand in a few weeks. All of it reduced to a PGP encrypted floppy disk of CC#s that fits in your pocket. Non-traceable, unconnectable, and spendable from anywhere on the planet via the 'net. :)

And you could encode your own "mastercard" using a magnetic encoder, so you don't have to even use their cards. One card, many numbers, cash anywhere. :D

This would also be useful for people who would like to buy stuff, or pay a website, that they don't want to be connected to by the police because of social stigma or possible "crimes". <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" /> Anyone feel like buying a T-shirt? :p

August 8th, 2002, 09:33 PM
I came up with a better variation for Rhodium when this got brought up for donations etc.

Dont even do an account to account transfer. Buy your cash card, and email the number on the back of the card.

Seller logs into his account and enters number, money is deposited. Buyer remains anonymous entirely.

Cash cards come in $10, $50, $100, $250, and $500 if I recal correctly. I know they go up to 500 though.


August 9th, 2002, 01:57 AM
The site says that any remaining balance can be either transferred to another CC#, withdrawn from an ATM (if you have a physical card), or paid out in check (but you have to wait a month for it :().

I'm seeing one CC# for buying a vest, another CC# for a six shot grenade launcher, another.... :D No purchase connectable to the other through the numbers and, if you're smart, not through the address either.

The site said there's a $3,000 limit on a card. That's plenty.

August 9th, 2002, 02:26 AM
well not necessarily change their interests...I know that if Hive people didn't exist, drug manufacture would suffer...not good.

but it would be nice to have some of the very talented people there...here also/instead.

August 9th, 2002, 04:10 AM
Also, <a href="http://www.privatebuy.com" target="_blank">www.privatebuy.com</a> is another I've used for a while. Just thought I'd mention it.

Ron McDonald
August 10th, 2002, 04:40 AM
A variant of this type of annoymous buying is using an online check. Next time anyone writes you a check copy all the relevant information, routing number, account number, and the check number. If you are honest you can transfer money into the persons account just prior to your purchase. Most checking accounts have very high limits, as long as there is money in the bank. People who manufacture MDMA in my area have used this method a lot. They are not honest, and simply hold onto the check from JOE BLOW, and use it online check to buy 2000 bucks worth of glassware. The only drawback is that the checks take forever to clear. My personal favorite pickup point for stuff is office parks. I check the board in front to see which offices are vaccant, pick one. And then pick it up at the front desk as the new tennant from 302. I personally enjoy the logistics of annonimous acquistions.

August 24th, 2002, 08:15 PM
Some other uses have come to mind.

For instace, when traveling by Amtrak (train), you don't have to show photo ID if you buy your ticket from the machine using a credit card because the information is cross checked by the FBI. (That's what it said in the paper.)

I wouldn't try this with the airlines though. :)

Rent cars using a bum with a valid license, thus having a means of travel that can't be traced back to you if spotted.

Buy gas at the pump so no one sees your face to ID you later if it pops up on TV.

All kinds of online reservations for motels/equipment rentals, etc.

There's others I can't remember right now, damn it.

November 13th, 2002, 02:53 PM
i dont suppose anyone knows a UK based anonymous credit card company

November 13th, 2002, 04:50 PM
I've looked into this in the past, couldn't find anything :-( On this note, does anybody know what the cc companies check before giving you a card? As I understand, they check your credit history (how?), and verify your address using the electoral role.

November 13th, 2002, 08:47 PM
Your credit history comes from the bank, they look at how much your earning, and assume that against any property you have, then work out how much you can borrow/loan. And if your a liabilty to not pay them back.

To my knowledge anyhow, I maybe wrong.

November 14th, 2002, 03:23 PM
In civics class (reliable source eh :rolleyes: ) I was told that the credit card companies go to a credit bureau. A credit bureau is a company, and pretty much all it does is keep track of credit ratings. In Canada there are forms you fill out to prove it's you then you can get your credit rating from them, for free (minus shipping).

May 10th, 2004, 04:03 PM
privatebuy claims it's been outlawed, and netspend requires all information for an online account. Does anyone know what the legal situation is in the US and if there's another way of anonymously spending?

Zerstoren Sie
May 11th, 2004, 03:30 AM
privatebuy claims it's been outlawed, and netspend requires all information for an online account. Does anyone know what the legal situation is in the US and if there's another way of anonymously spending?

Yea, I've been looking into this a bit. Seems that it may have been, though I haven't seen any hard proof. Haven't seen 'em myself, but I did hear mastercard was doing pre-pay cards, that could be used anonymously. I'd love to know whether one can still use any of these anonymously or not.

May 12th, 2004, 02:17 AM
I seem to remember one of the credit card companies offering gift cards around christmas... Hmm, accepted in tens of thousands of locations... I know tens of millions of places that accept these little pieces of green paper :) I don't know why anyone would want give someone a gift card instead of cash, but if they work online and such that could be useful.

May 16th, 2004, 01:51 AM
Netpay offer a card without id checks. You will obviously need a drop but on the plus side it can be funded via e-gold which is just about as anon a payment system as your gonna get. Wmcards is another one with a $60,000 a month limit however you'll need a notirized copy of a passport to activate your card which can be sent to them by e-mail so a quick job in photoshop on a PP template you'll be home and dry. Just make sure the drop you use can't be traced back to you.


September 14th, 2006, 12:16 PM
Here's another way to get a quick Anonymous Credit Card with cash. Just goto any AAA Auto Club, tell them you do not have a membership with them (so they won't have a number linked to you if you do have a membership with them), and give them a fake name when they ask you for it. They give you a valid giftcard right on the spot. I have used this at two AAA Club stores and have not had a problem in either. If you find that you have some extra cash on the card at the end, split the bill between cash and the balance on the card at any resturaunt, hotel, etc. Hell, send it to a friend in a different state and tell them to use the remaining balance so that any phyisical transactions will be far away from you.

I even opened up a Paypal account & funded it for an E-bay auction "on the same day" with this. A pain, but possible. If anyone want to know how, just ask.

Fast & Easy

cost 5.95
one time use (no recharge)
If you loose the card, the only person who can claim the $ is the name you gave them (so give them a best friend's name).
It says "gift card" on the card, not your name (but I have used it at resturaunts, etc. without a hassel).

SE skills (may be off topic):
I guess if you are paranoid, you could always have some story ready, something to the effect that you missheard them when they asked for YOUR name, and not who the "gift card" was for. May be a distant family relative that you wanted to do something for, but you don't trust them THAT much to give your information on the card, etc.

Black Soap
September 17th, 2006, 12:50 PM
i dont suppose anyone knows a UK based anonymous credit card company

I have been wondering the exact same thing for some time...

any ideas?


How about you search the internet for the answer? NBK

January 24th, 2007, 10:11 AM
Here's a website that turns e-gold into cash, paypal, or other forms of payment:
