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View Full Version : HDX-106 and SX2

Tony Montana
August 26th, 2001, 06:27 AM
There is a fair bit of confusion concerning plasticizers and polymers currently. After reading a Navy msds about HDX-106 and SX2, I released that they were somewhat similar to other plastic explosives. This MSDS names the ingredients and their common names wich is very handy! Anyway the MSDS resides at:
HDX-106 is made from RDX, polisobutylene, dioctyl adipate or dioctyl sebecate and petroleum oil. Everyone should know how to get RDX and petroleum oil, the troubles start with Polyisobutylene, dioctyl adipate or dioctyl sebecate.
Dioctyl Adipate better known as DOA, is a plasticizer that is also used as an emollient in the cosmetics industry:
Some general info on it:
Dioctyl Sebecate better known as DOS:
DOA and DOS suppliers:
A list of plasticizers and their use:
plasticizer volatility chart:
The MSDS states that the Polyisobutylene is vistanex:
some polyisobutylene applications:
www.txpetrochem.com/P/chemicals/polyapps.htm (http://www.txpetrochem.com/P/chemicals/polyapps.htm)

[This message has been edited by Tony Montana (edited August 26, 2001).]

August 26th, 2001, 06:39 AM
Tony,you did a find job of listing these plasticizers so that other members can locate them easily.Yet, I cannot retrieve two of the websites included such as:
anything amiss?

Tony Montana
August 26th, 2001, 06:40 AM
I made a few typing errors, writing the address's of a few links. But I am fixing them now.

[This message has been edited by Tony Montana (edited August 26, 2001).]

August 27th, 2001, 02:46 AM
I just finished reading the HE section and then went to Pyrotek.org to wee whats new and saw the name dioctyl adapate, which sounded very framilar. They sell it for $12.95 a quart plus 5 pounds shipping. Just one thing though, Tony Montana spelleed it dioctyl adipate, with an I, not an e. But he used the same initals as Pyrotek "DOA (dioctyl adapate) used to "thin out" the fuel to aid in casting the fuel into the motor casing. Ship wt.5 lbs.". Hope to have helped http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smilies/smile.gif.

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