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View Full Version : Reduction of Styphnic acid

April 16th, 2003, 09:13 AM
As most of you know picirc acid is reduced to piramic acid via sodium sulfide/te ( I am not too sure on this sorry)
This picramic acid is then reacted with a nitrite ion to make diazdinitrophenol.
Could styphnic acid be reduced in a similar way and end up producing diazodinitroresorcinol (DDNR)?
Lead styphnate is more stable and powerful oposed to lead picrate so logic would suggest that diazodinitroresorcinol would also be more stable?
Any thoughts on this or is it me just mindlessly rambling about oblivion?

Picric acid


Styphnic acid


Picramic acid


I think the reduced "version" of styphnic acid would just be the same as the picramic acid but with an extra OH attached.

I couldn't find any info on the reduced "version" of styphnic acid, sorry. Any help on this would be apprehsiated (sp?)
If anyone has any resorcinol or styphnic acid they may want to try it
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

April 29th, 2003, 01:00 PM
I have some styphnic acid remaining from my tests, so what method should I use to the reduction?

In ALENGOSVIG´s pdf is one method for the picramic acid, should I use that or something else?

Oh, and do you have any further info about this?