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View Full Version : things to do with AP (and other explosives)

April 30th, 2003, 05:41 PM
someone wants to share stories and tips on what to do/things to blow up?
or just making "cool" explosions..:)

I find it very amusin to blow up toys (especially cars) with firecrackers , and have done so in periods for so long as i can remember, but when I found out to make the simple, but yet powerul AP, my "hobby" rose to a whole new level...:D

April 30th, 2003, 07:31 PM
Please dont make KEWL explosions with AP. AP is not a fucking firecracker that you can play with, you put AP in something metal i.e a toy car and you had better be prepared for a piece of metal coming at you at 5000M per sec.

April 30th, 2003, 07:50 PM
you should keep the amount of AP you use down to a minimum other than making AP crackers. why not make AP DETONATORS. then you can use some real explosives :)

April 30th, 2003, 08:53 PM
Knowledgehungry is right, you shouldn't blow up things with sharpnel like metal just for fun. Maybe if you want to blow open a locked metal box that you can't open, doing it outside in a remote location with a place to go for cover should be fine but for something as unimportant as blowing up a car, it isn't worth the risk of being injured or dying. Always try to have as little sharpnel as possible.

May 1st, 2003, 09:17 AM
to knowledgehungry, what do you consider a "kewl" explosion?
and I dont think that I´m the only one in this forum "playing" with AP.
and if im blowing up something metal, then of course I dont stand like 2 m away.. the closest ihve been when i blew up a metal thing, without beeing behind some protection is like 10-15m, and then i used like 1g. I´m not stupid.
the shrapnel flied about 3 m ... max, and defenitly not with 5000 m/s.

(kingspaz, your picture is really nice, made it yourself??)

May 1st, 2003, 04:39 PM
I find it very amusin to blow up toys (especially cars) with firecrackers
That is KEWL! Explosives aren't "amusing", they are something that many people have lost their life to. Firecrackers are toys HE's ARE NOT! If you want to be amused watch T.V. Explosives are not meant to be a diversion, they have purposes.
Play with firecrackers, work with explosives!
I like that thats gonna be my quote:).

Mr Cool
May 1st, 2003, 04:53 PM
I'm sure we all enjoy smashing stuff with HE, but the way you said it did make you sound exceedingly kewl, Efraim. You implied that you treat AP as if it were a firecracker. If you do that it will bite you sooner or later.

"the shrapnel flied about 3 m" Haha, the bits you found might have done. The bits you didn't find could have landed a few hundred yards away, or become embedded in a nearby tree. Or maybe you just don't know shit about blowing up toy cars well :D.

May 1st, 2003, 07:21 PM
English is not my mother language, so I dont know if everything I write mean exactly what I want it to mean..
I belive that I found all the pices of the car. it was six of them.

im curious, what "work" do you do with your explosives, knowledgehungry??
have you never used them just for fun?:confused:

I don´t treat it as I would treat a firecracker, that would not be very wise..
I treat it as gently that I can, expecting it to blow up by the slightest bump(?? in swedish: stöt) I get a bit worried every time i put the lid on a filmcanister with AP on, even though(? this word dont sound right) I always wipe the edges free from the powder.

even when i make explosives (what should I call them??) with black powder, I always tries to get behind some protection from shrapnel.

in my original post, when I said that my "hobby" had rose to a whole new level, I didn´t mean that I´m blowing up more, or only, toys now, but that I now have something powerful enough to do other things too.
I realize now that it wasn´t quite obvious what I meant.

is there a difference between beeing amused by blowing things up, as I said, and enjoying blowing things up, like Mr Cool??

in any case, I apoligize for my English, and for sounding so "kewl", hope you forgive me:)

May 1st, 2003, 07:43 PM
When making/setting off explosives one should have fun, thats and important part. I'm sure that engeneers in explosives are also amused when setting of HEs :)
Heh, I have a confession to make. Some days ago i made my first explosive device.. well, actually it was a big firecracker. 35 g BP in paper tube. :rolleyes: I have made BP, different flash compositions and some primaries in maby 5 years.. but i've only burned those in piles.. never attemted to make any explosive device before. And today tested a successeful acetone/paraffine fireball, throwed up by a charge of BP. Seems like i will play with those fireballs some while.