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View Full Version : Manganese Heptoxide's halogen cousin :)

May 6th, 2003, 09:47 PM
from http://www.bartleby.com/65/ch/chlorate.html:

Formation of Perchlorates
Perchloric anhydride, or chlorine heptoxide, Cl2O7, is a colorless, oily liquid that boils at 82°C without exploding but that may be detonated by shock; it can be prepared by adding phosphorus pentoxide to cold perchloric acid. The perchlorate free radical (chlorine tetroxide, ClO4) can be prepared by adding bromine to silver perchlorate; it is extremely reactive and unstable

Sounds like Cl2O7 is more stable than Mn2O7, though I imagine H2SO4 is a bit more common than P2O5. Also, any idea how ClO4 compares to ClO2? ;)