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May 10th, 2003, 09:26 PM
Frequent Poster
Posts: 232
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 04-17-2001 04:34 AM
i had a go at ANFO this weekend, it didn't go off, but i didn't expect it to either, because i fucked up the fuel ratio
anyways, heres some pics of it from start to finish
{edit} made AVI instead : http://members.optusnet.com.au/~hand/anfo2.avi ( 345kb ) {/edit}

there was about 250-300g of anfo in the can, and i used a matchbox full of AP to detonate it

like i said, i didn't expect it to go off, i was really only fucking around

what i need to know is, how much fuel should i add to 500grams of AN

i found something interesting the other day, i was reading a post on the forum about anfo, and it said that anfo requires the shockwave from the detonator to go off

if this infomation is correct, why does everyong try to detonte ANFO in plastic pipe with clay(or whatever) end plugs??. Because as soon as the detonator goes off, the pipe is going to shatter and you would lose at least of the detonators force

would it not be a smarter idea to put the ANFO in a nice thick metal pipe(with metal end caps)? - because you would be holding the force of the detonator, thus more energy from the detonator would be put towards setting the ANFO off...

maybe i missed something, but am i not right?

anyways, enjoy the pics...

[This message has been edited by Mick (edited April 17, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Mick (edited April 18, 2001).]

Frequent Poster
Posts: 158
From: Australia
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 04-17-2001 05:46 AM
Great pics Mick,anyway,for the 500 grams of ammonium nitrate 3% diesel would make the mixture most sensitive so going on that information 15 grams of diesel would be the best if you don't have a powerful booster.

6-7% - less toxic fumes
5.5% - most energy
2-3% - most sensitive

(Originally posted by ST)

Posts: 2306
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-17-2001 07:48 AM
Yeah, strong confinement is needed for small quantities, a capped steel pipe would be excellent - as long as you can get it in a nice wide diameter. The idea being that the ANFO is held in place so the shockwave can travel through it, not just scatter it.

green beret
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posted 04-17-2001 08:13 AM
Mick, are you in NSW? If so where did you get the AN. Yes, a wide pipe bomb container would be the go, as Anthony said, for such a small charge you need the ANFO to be held in place so that the shockwave can travel through the ANFO and give it achance to detonate and not just fly everywhere. Also I think a stronger container for the detonator and more than just one matchbox of AP would be needed, unless it is in putty form.

green beret
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From: Australia
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posted 04-17-2001 08:22 AM
Sorry, I accidentally posted twice, my computer fucked up. Also, has anyone tried to use kerosene in ANFO?
[This message has been edited by green beret (edited April 17, 2001).]

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posted 04-17-2001 01:05 PM
I believe kerosene is identical in its fuel properties to #2 fuel oil - it's just more highly refined.

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posted 04-17-2001 01:54 PM
yes green beret, i am in nsw - i got the AN from a place called "paton fertilizer" www.paton.com.au - not much on the site, but it'll give you an adress you can order from, but i don't recomend ordering stuff from them, they wouldn't accept cash for the AN
but after alot of fucking around, which included me transfering all the funds in my bank account so my keycard wouldn't work they accepted cash.

anyways, thanks for your help guys

i'll prolly have another shot at in the coming weeks

Frequent Poster
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posted 04-17-2001 02:51 PM
Cool pictures but there al almost the same.

For explosives and stuff go to Section1 http://www.section1.f2s.com And http://run.to/section1

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Posts: 232
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 04-17-2001 11:07 PM
well, it helps if you use a program called ACDSee to view the pictures
or something other then the default windows picture viewer(ie. Internet explorer)

if your using windows to view the pics, then yes, the pictures will look almost the same because you have to open each pic 1 at a time

but with acdsee, you can just press "Page down" or "Page up" and it will go to the next pic or the last pic like a slide show and the images will look in seqence

go to www.download.com and search for ACDSee and see for yourself

Posts: 1096
From: Guess
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-17-2001 11:47 PM
If the pictures had been saved in .GIF format instead of .JPG than it would have been easy to make an animated gif that would look like a movie clip showing the explosion.
I could do it but I've got no interest in doing so.

"The knowledge that they fear is a weapon to be used against them"

Go here to download the NBK2000 website PDF.

Go here to download the NBK2000 videos.

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Posts: 232
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 04-18-2001 01:16 AM
your on the right path there NBK, but in doing that the gif animation file size would have been somewhere near 3Mb - 4Mb
i think what you meant to say NBK was:
"you really should make an AVI out of it Mick"

and i agree,
http://members.optusnet.com.au/~hand/anfo2.avi ( 345kb )

Frequent Poster
Posts: 158
From: Australia
Registered: FEB 2001
posted 04-18-2001 06:53 AM
My friends dad who is the manager of a large quarry says that a number 12 det sets off ANFO with ease.
Does anyone know what type of High explosive is used and how many grams it contains?
The Ultimate Machine......XR650

[This message has been edited by Demolition (edited April 18, 2001).]

Dr. Kollossos
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Posts: 8
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posted 04-18-2001 10:52 AM
Well, if you mean with "det" a blasting cap, I found a small list on an german homepage:
Blasting cap Nr. 10 3,0gr of an high explosiv (leadacid?)

I think a No 12 consist of 5gr....

But don't they use an booster to set ANFO off, AND an Nr.10-12 blasting cap??

Frequent Poster
Posts: 592
From: ?
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posted 04-18-2001 07:41 PM
Mick nice job.
I just have Adobe premiere can i make gif`s with that?
Or can it with photo shop?

I dunno yet how the programs work,So i need to learn it and than i can make some good movies and gif`s.


For explosives and stuff go to Section1 http://www.section1.f2s.com And http://run.to/section1

[This message has been edited by DarkAngel (edited April 18, 2001).]

Frequent Poster
Posts: 164
From: dunno
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 04-18-2001 08:12 PM
my computer refuses to decompress Mick's video, can you send it to endotherm@n2.com

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Posts: 232
Registered: OCT 2000
posted 04-19-2001 01:52 AM
oh, forgot to say, it uses the DivX codec
i have a url to download the codec but i can't find it so..blah..do a search on altavista..
i could have used the windows codec, but its a POS codec because the quaility of the movie gets fucked up the ass, and the file size is to dam big...

anyways, i found myself a nice bit of threaded pipe for the ANFO(2-1/2"Ø 1/2" thick) and i was in the process of making some AP putty this arvo but i screwed up big time, and hung a spanner on the back of my bench(like i always do) and the hook it was hanging on broke, and it landed in my pile of AP and set the whole lot off

so i'm currently taking a break from explosives for the next couple of days till i can get my balance back (and nerves for that matter)

i puntured my ear drum...or maybe just perferated...dunno..either way, i can't hear out my right ear, i can't stand without losing my balance, and theres this annoying "ding" noise

Darkangel, i know you can make individual gif images with Adobe(just open the JPG, and re-save it as a GIF) but whether you can make an animated gif of all the images with it i do not know

i use Animation shop(comes with Paint Shop Pro 6)
but as a general rule, animated Gif's suck ass because there always so dam big...its better to make them as JPG's or if you really wanna animate the images you turn it into an AVI using the DivX codec(which you can do with Animation Shop)

if you wanna download PSP try searching www.download.com (and then search www.astalavista.box.sk to get a crack to remove the 30day trial)

blarg...i'm gunna go do something so i don't fall asleep(can't fall alseep for the next 12hours with a perferated ear drum cause you run the risk of not waking up )

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Posts: 205
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 04-19-2001 04:23 AM
Where did you hear that? It probably doesn't matter anymore, but I don't think you'd have any trouble with a perforated eardrum if that is all it is. Of course if you have a disrupted INNER ear it may be a different matter.

green beret
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Posts: 101
From: Australia
Registered: DEC 2000
posted 04-19-2001 07:48 AM
Thanks Mick, does paton fertiliser deliver the AN anywhere in NSW? Do they ask many questions?

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Posts: 232
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posted 04-19-2001 08:21 AM
they didn't ask any questions(ie. what do you plan on blowing up with this?), but like i said, there were not happy at all about me paying cash for it
and well, you should never ever pay anything but cash for somthing thats going to be used in an illeagal manner...
i am unsure if they deleiver anywhere in NSW
if you need to have it delivered, then i really really doubt there going to alloy C.O.D.

i suggest you grab the yellow pages, theres a few places around in NSW that sell it, just look under fertiliser

Microtek, the problem with a perforated ear drum, or punctured ear drum is your brain balances the blood levels in your head by the pressure on each side, but when one side(or both sides) are damaged it misjudges the pressure and you sometimes fade in and out and lose balance is because one side of your head is getting more blood then the other.
however, when this happens, a secondary safety alarm if you will, says "hey theres to much(or not enough) blood here" and it takes it away, and you wake up or regain balance..
But theres a chance when your asleep that the secondary alarm doesn't sound, and you drown to death in your sleep(or if it doesn't go that far, you go into a coma - either way your fucked up pretty bad)

its the same sort of deal with your inner as well, only it can be a little(or alot) bit worse (because the ammount of pressure it takes to damage your inner is going to fuck your outter ear anways...)

simply RED
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Posts: 240
From: HELL
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posted 04-19-2001 02:34 PM
I wish you FAST AND FULL recovery!

Frequent Poster
Posts: 164
From: dunno
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 04-19-2001 06:56 PM
Mick- it may not be a perforated ear drum if your main problem is dizziness, if the blast was that loud it most likely would have damaged membranes in your Cochlea and the fluid may be displaced, when you are dizzy close your eyes, tell me if you fill that you are spinning to your left, right, or an overall disorientation. Another problem that would lead to dizziness would be an "otitis media" infection, which could have been caused by peforation of the eardrum, if you truly perforated your eardrum, a high pressure change "airplane", would cause extreme pain

Posts: 1465
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-19-2001 07:55 PM
I have tinnitus, I recently found out and I have had it all my life, I just thought it was normal. they checked my ear and said they couldnt treat it cause they dont know what is causeing it

Frequent Poster
Posts: 164
From: dunno
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 04-19-2001 08:25 PM
pyro500- Tinnitus is wen sensory neurons in the silia are over stimulated with nerve impulses, modern medicine isn't sure of the cause of this overstimulation though
i have a slight ringing in my ear too, i was never sure if it is normal or if everyone has it. The only time it bothers me is when i'm going to sleep, i usually dont even notice it except when im goin to sleep, so i sleep with my air conditioner on so the ringing doesnt bother me. Maybe i really should look into it
[This message has been edited by endotherm (edited April 19, 2001).]

Posts: 1465
From: somewhere in florida
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 04-19-2001 09:58 PM
tinnitus is the condition that you hear noises that arent generated by an outside source, -there are many causes some of witch are understood but some are not. even though I can hear the ringing I have well above average hearing but my eardrum response dips around 4000 Hz but it is still above normal.
It sometimes bothers me more certain times than others, I have not yet tried to get the frequenct that it is at yet but I will try soon, as for why my hearing is bad they see no signs of damage to my ear and they do not know why my ears ring so they cannot treat it

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Posts: 146
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posted 04-20-2001 02:54 AM
Mick- I downloaded anfo.zip from your server and the zip is password blocked. Could you tell me the password?

PHILOU Zrealone
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From: Brussels,Belgium,Europe
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posted 04-20-2001 05:49 AM
tinnitus is thus "acouphein phenomenon"