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View Full Version : Dinitroguanidine

September 11th, 2001, 06:08 AM
When thinking about DNU derivatives I also thought about N,N'-dinitroguanidine. This should be in interesting HE! Does anyone know if it has already been synthesized and maybe some properties? And maybe dinitrosoguanidine?

[This message has been edited by tvs17 (edited September 13, 2001).]

September 14th, 2001, 06:14 AM
Is there really no one here that has any thoughts about this compound?

Mr Cool
September 16th, 2001, 10:40 AM
Well my thoughts on the subject are that it should be possible to use the same method as for DNU, but with an equal number of moles of guanidine instead of urea, but since I have no solid facts and you've probably already thought of this I didn't bother saying anything.
I would've tried but I have no guanidine http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smilies/frown.gif

I think dinitrosoguanidine would be very sensitive...

It sounds like an interesting compound, but unless anyone here knows anything there's only one way to find out about it!

September 16th, 2001, 11:40 AM
I had some thoughts already about the differences between urea and guanidine in nitrating effects. The keto group works kinda activating so nitration is easier.

But I also talked about this with a friend that has some more knowledge about this and he also thinks this. Only with very strong nitrating agents(like NO2BF4) you could possibly nitrate it to the dinitro compound.
And there is also a possibility that a nitro-imine is formed...

But when I have some more time and some guandine(salt) I will try it.