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June 17th, 2003, 08:18 PM
Frequent Poster
Posts: 146
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 06-17-2001 03:23 AM
Recently I dream tested PETN and RDX to see simularity and damage diffrence between the two HE's. I mixed PETN (commercially produced) and and a slurry explosive 50/50 and did the same with RDX (Homemade). It was very moldable and soft and held together really good if I added more PETN to the slurry it started getting crumbly so I found out 50/50 works best. (if you can get slurry use that for your plastisizers, its better than what ever I tried). I took it to the woods where I test all my stuff, stuck about 40 grams of PETN to a car door jamb where it meets the fender and set it off with a cap. I have never seen anything like it. almost half the fender was gone and the door jamb was all twist up all the way to the roof. Then I did the same on the other side of the car with RDX explosive, and I was kinda dissapointed although it did a sufficient damage, about half of what PETN did. I know PETN is a little bit more powerful than RDX but I dont think it is half as powerfull. Now did my RDX have impurities in it? Decomposed Nitric Acid?

Frequent Poster
Posts: 56
From: u.k
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 06-17-2001 06:11 AM
Hell no i don't think so, RDX based explosives don't perform half as well as PETN based explosives when they are fired in small charges. To us 40 grams seems alot but that only works out as a small ball, about two third golf ball sized charge. The effect would be further exasabated by the fact that you spread your explosive out thinish. I have fired both chemicals pure and couldn't realily tell the difference, though my RDX would have had some HMX in it, only 2-3 % however. I have in general found PETN to be the superior explosive for my use, as i often fire it in small charges, but RDX is one hell of an explosive, and pure 30 grams should be enough to blow a car to pieces, certainly do alot of damage.

Frequent Poster
Posts: 146
Registered: JAN 2001
posted 06-17-2001 06:29 PM
I got the PETN from detcord and the two charges had 15-20 grams of actual explosive and the rest was just a pasticizer. Also my RDX didnt have HMX byproduct.