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View Full Version : Resettable Master Combo Lock Defeat - Archive File

June 19th, 2003, 11:04 PM
Posts: 1096
From: Guess
Registered: SEP 2000
posted 06-03-2001 05:26 PM
After a trip to Wally-Mart to buy locks for disection, I developed this simple means of determining the combination for this type of lock (seen below). Equipment needed is a dime or similar thin coin and a flashlight.
SEE ATTACHED IMAGE or go to http://www.hpionline.com/lock_images/lockerlock/1520D.jpg

I examined the internal disks after removing the numbered wheels and noticed this pattern:

a b c d=======2 9 4 2....combo5 2 7 59 6 1 9
The pattern is that the red marked nub (of which there is four) is followed by another nub 3 spaces away (in increasing order) and that one is followed by another 4 spaces away which is three spaces away from the combo number.

Knowing this, I randomly mixed up the discs and slipped them on without seeing or feeling, reassembled the lock, and locked it to a hasp. After setting all the discs to 0-0-0-0, I proceeded to take a dime, wedge it in between the disc wheels to make a gap, and slowly rotate the wheels, looking for the nubs in the gap.

If I saw a nub, I'd rotate it to the next number 3 spaces away, and look for a nub. If there was a nub, I'd rotate another 3. If there's a nub, then the last number was a number in the combination. If you go four spaces between nubs (ie. 5 -> 9) than the next nub is a combo number.

Of course things are much easier if you see the red paint on a nub because that means it's a combo number, but sometimes you can't see the paint because it's worn off or there's too little of it on a nub.

Once you've gotten three numbers just apply pressure and turn the last wheel till the lock pops open.

With a little practice, I was able to get the lock open in about a minute. This beats the defeat in my PDF of burning off the disks in that no smoke is produced which could draw attention. And after you've opened the lock, you can relock it and reopen it whenever you want and no one will know that their shit's been tampered with.

This would be good for planting things in a locker for the police to find after an anonymous tip (get rid of school bullies with drugs, not bullets ) or for stealing at gyms and health clubs. I've even seen people lock up bikes with these locks.

I've posted a short rough video (no sound)showing the lock and what the technique entails at my video link below.

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[This message has been edited by nbk2000 (edited June 03, 2001).]

New Member
Posts: 13
Registered: MAR 2001
posted 06-05-2001 11:55 PM
This same type of lock is commonly used on briefcases as well, and this method works even easier on them.