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View Full Version : Visco Fuse & Whiny Jews

July 28th, 2003, 07:28 AM

I d like to find a person who live in USA who could buy "visco fuse" for me and ship it to me in europe.
I could pay this person by Paypal.

i ask for that beause i dont find visco fuse in my country and american suplliers of visco fuse dont want to export their products !

Thank you.

July 28th, 2003, 08:58 AM
Why do you think they won't export to europe? Because US customs will intercept it! Same goes for the package from your american friend.

You can get visco fuse in Belgium quite easily. Email me.

July 28th, 2003, 11:51 AM
ok thx. Read your e-mails please.

July 28th, 2003, 11:58 AM
does anyone know where i can get visco fuse in Israel???
i have been looking for ever and i can't find it...there aren't pyrotechnic stores or anything here, so its impossible.
does anyone know how i can make them? or make a good fuse? for things like salutes (M-80s and such...)???

July 28th, 2003, 12:29 PM
lol. i dont know.

Why do u want a fuse when u can obtain kalashnikov or grenades everywhere in Israel :) .

vir sapit qui pauca loquitur
July 28th, 2003, 01:15 PM
A word to the wise, materials like that will attract a fair bit of attention, especially in israel !

been there, got the t-shirt and that's one reason that i didn't visit the forum while on my extended stay in israel.

July 28th, 2003, 01:45 PM
i know they would....but i still want to do it...
can anyone tell me how to make a visco fuse or something similar....or where to get one?!?

July 29th, 2003, 03:28 AM
because i dont have visco i lay a trail of kno3/sugar or BP on some cling wrap and roll it up. Then i carefully strech it out (to almost twice the size) then i wrap it up again in cling wrap. This ends up about the thinkness of a sparkler and will burn underwater. Since i dont think you have kno3 you could try powdered matchheads or something.

July 29th, 2003, 08:25 AM
yeah i have 25 kg KNO3 ;)
thanks a lot for the idea!
what i used to do is use tape and put KNO3 + sugar, and wrap it once...
whats a cling wrap ? do you mean that sticky see-thru stuff???

July 29th, 2003, 12:36 PM
1. The problem isn't US customs, it's either the postal service (shipping visco in an unmarked jiffybag is illegal, they probably won't ship it if you mark it either) or customs in the destination country (the import may be prohibited)

So, if you do try this, split your stuff and have it sent separately. Also, have some fake id when you go to the post office with your packages - also don't send it from your local post office

2. Black match/fuse is NOT hard to make and there is a HUGE amount of information out there on how. Fasa, don't just ask people here for help. Yes it's a forum and yes this is the watercooler, but ALL the questions you've asked so far are out there if you bother to look. You've only been a pyro two and a half weeks iirc, you don't have an illustrious career ahead of you if you just want people to GIVE you the answers

July 31st, 2003, 06:04 AM
i wanted to know if i can use black match for salutes, or things like coffee creamer fire balls...
again, I'm sorry for being lame and not doing it myself, but my sources are extremely limited...and my budget is low...

July 31st, 2003, 05:46 PM
I'm sorry for being lame and not doing it myself, but my sources are extremely limited...and my budget is low...

Dude, you have the INTERNET at your disposal, what are you talking about? There is an anser to every question you've asked somewhere if you bother to look. EVERYONE here does what they do on a small budget.

I'm beginning to think that your lameness is some kind of a front, and it worries me, especially coming from where you do:mad:

July 31st, 2003, 06:11 PM

July 31st, 2003, 06:45 PM
no, arkangel is no racist. But you must expect to get some suspision, i mean israel is like the suicide bombing capital of the world, for all we know you could be planning to blow yourself up in a bus full of school kids.

if you survive this, would you please think about our statement's before accusing us of racism for questioning why a man in the world's terrorist hotspot want's to build bombs.

i'm sorry but people calling the racism card whenever you mistreat them pises me of, no one gives a crap if you're jewish, we'd still criticise your posts if you were white, black asian or some other race.

When we started our pyro hobby most of us didn't know very much, but we actually bothered to search the forum to find answers rather than demanding the current members run around and teach us everything

i'm sure NBK will be more than happy to answer your question :)

vir sapit qui pauca loquitur
July 31st, 2003, 07:13 PM
Great, another cretin that uses 'racism' as a blanket statement.

first, Arkangel is a long standing member of this community, so starting to slag him off is a mistake, he's a good guy and i'd defend him in this matter if needs be!

second, you link racism along with anti-semitism..... how?
racism is against the colour of the skin and anti-semitism is against the RELIGION

got that straight?

THEN when you re-read Arkangels statement without the blinkers of the 'victim' of 'racism'
:rolleyes: you might be able to see that he was commenting on where you are, a country not well known for it's restraint in the use of explosive material to settle differences.

I think that i would be backed up here by most people if i was to say that we don't wish to be responsible for something going wrong, and providing visco' to someone who f's and blind's at the first mention of their integrity being questioned doesn't seem a good idea.

i'm going to look forward to what NBK has to say, if he's in a bad mood then this will be fun.

July 31st, 2003, 07:37 PM
look...if I was a terrorist.... do you think i would bother to mention I'm from Israel? [Do you think we did not already know? ~ MrC]
I don't make bombs, make some firecrackers, smoke bombs and such...but no more.... chemistry interests me, and I have no intention of hurting anybody...

I think it's wrong that Arkangel said what he said...
"I'm beginning to think that your lameness is some kind of a front, and it worries me, especially coming from where you do" - he is saying that I'm stupid, and so are all the people from where i come from....

and I asked the question after looking.... I didn't demand anything from anybody...
I tried using a blackmatch for a salute, but it didn't work... I asked if it worked for anyone.... is that a good reason to insult me of being lame and insulting all other Jewish \ Israeli people???

racism ins't necessecerally (sp) for skin, its against a "race" of people....

I'm sorry if I got really pissed off, but after all, I've met so many people who hate me \ Jewish people just because of who we are.... and without any reason....
I'd hate to think there's someone like that in the forum... (I'm sure there are a few...)


vir sapit qui pauca loquitur
July 31st, 2003, 07:59 PM
judaism is not a race. that's my first reaction.

then i have to say that all of your questions have been asked before and answered, just looking up in the correct forum would sort out any questions you might have on the manufacture of such items.

Also you say that you make fire-crackers etc, well how can we verify this? If i was to say to you that i'm a chemistry professor of some university would you believe me? Not without proof, and because of what we deal in the very process of verifying who you are is never going to happen. Bearing that in mind think about why we are weary to provide answers to questions that have been asked before.

"I think it's wrong that Arkangel said what he said..."

Well, we need to be on our guard against people who wish to deprive us of our liberty due to our hobbies, and as such police/internal security forces must be actively weeded out from our numbers, and your line of questioning leads us to jump to conclusions.

"he is saying that I'm stupid, and so are all the people from where i come from...."

I can't for the life of me see where you read this, what version of IE are you using :rolleyes:
WHEN he said that you seemed to put on a 'front' he was saying that you were actively decieving us by imitation a idiot, NOT that you are one.

external and often feigned appearance especially in the face of danger or adversity (merriam-webster dictionary)

and if someone was to say they were from lebanon/ gaza strip would YOU think our suspicion to be unfounded ?

Location is everything.

July 31st, 2003, 08:22 PM
if you put it that way....
how can i know you aren't a terrorist??? :p

for all I know you could be lying about who you are and where you are from....
you can't prove it....

for all you care i could sign up under a different name and change my location tab.....
its really not that hard....

vir sapit qui pauca loquitur
July 31st, 2003, 08:50 PM
you don't know anything about me, which is the point.

BUT i'm not the one asking about materials to assemble an IED in a hostile location am i? ;)

I don't know what the rules about multiple accounts are, but nothing to my knowledge stops that. But lack of searching will follow you around and a mod only has to check your ISP No. if you start angering them.

in short new members are welcome but searching on any question you have means we all get along :D

August 1st, 2003, 04:37 AM
if you put it that way....
how can i know you aren't a terrorist???
well quite simply you dont, but the thing is we have something you want, so we dont give a crap whether you think we're terrorist's at all

you seem to have failed to notice that your location tab has little to do with our behavior towards you. our problem is you behavior and innability to search. if you had learnt how to search and learnt some respect, it's not likely that your location would have been called into question

the forum does have rules about multiple accounts i belive, but what does it matter, when NBK slaps you with an IP ban it makes no difference how many accounts you have, none of them will work

August 1st, 2003, 05:20 AM
Hmmm.. had I have known all this was going down in here, I`de have been less forthcoming in spoonfeeding him info in the sulpherless BP thread.

Fasa, you`re on your own now! and persona non grata as far as I`m concerned.

Guilt by association with lamers.... not THIS time!

August 1st, 2003, 05:49 AM
I wouldn't bother but its the water cooler. Fasa you really should take a look at the edicate used by other members and take some initiative to learn. Dont be so fast to use pull the bullshit racist flag if your not sure entirely what is ment. I really dont see how this guy could even be viewed as a threat, making fuze..... come on. I seriously doubt any terrorist would have trouble obtaining fuze and the explosives to use them.

Hmm on another note of explosives availability, here in Iraq there are Iraqi ASPs (Ammo Supply Points) that are compleatly unguarded with full up guided missiles, bombs, fuzes and rockets. Some are kickouts from the bombings but most are in good condition for the taking, I wish I had a way to take some and put them to good use by my own accord.:D

August 3rd, 2003, 04:43 PM
Fasa, I don't know if you still have access to the forum, but here's a few things. Most of what the guys have been saying up to now has been bang on, thanks for backing me up folks.

But, I have Jewish (Argentine and Israeli) friends as well as Palestinian friends. I've actually given money to a pressure group in the region - have you heard of Yesh Gvul? I am very interested in what happens between your peoples and believe that you CAN be reconciled. It takes a more mature attitude than yours for that to be possible though. Something likethis, (http://www.marchforjustice.com/Becausewearejews.php)

The point I was making was that I was suspicious of your motives, and believed that you were pretending you were something you were not, to entrap, deceive or otherwise fuck us over.

Now I can see that you're just an idiot.

A whining, self-pitying, xenophobic, bitter, moron of an idiot, but an idiot nonetheless.

August 3rd, 2003, 09:14 PM
My last post was going to be my final word on this, but I made the mistake of re-reading some of the effluent that you've produced, and I think I ought to put you straight.

I love Jewish people (but I couldn't eat a whole one, as the joke used to go - substitute Jew/nigger/fag/chink/raghead as required) for a number of reasons - their sense of fun, their loyalty to their families and their faith, their business ability, the kibbutzim spirit, their aggression and a whole load of other things. I also admire Israel (and if you're interested you can see where I've written ALL of this before on the forum) for having carved it's place in a hostile world. The creation and continued existence of your country is nothing less than miraculous.

But now, it's prosperity and security continue to be threatened, not by Arafat and the Palestinians, but by idiots and bigots just like yourself. Now is the time when you should be enjoying a mutually prosperous peace with your neighbours, but instead, the hatred continues.

There are two types of people that really threaten Israel from within, and I'm going to describe them both.

First, you have people like Sharon, Netanyahu and the thankfully now dead Zeevi. Men who grew up fighting to create your nation, but who now have so much blood on their hands and hatred in their hearts that they have no idea when to stop, when to find a common thread. All they want to do is bully anyone who gets in their way. These suited Zionist extremists are leading you toward the mirage of a greater Judea, or safe, happy life. Sharon, the span of your lifetime before you were born (insect that you are), was Minister for Agriculture and swore that the settlements would continue. Thirty years on he's still as determined. These lunatics, relics from the Stern Gang and all it's atrocities are leading you ahead, but to where, and who do they use for their dirty work?

Oh yes..........you're on your way to another fifty years of picking up bits of body from the bus bombings, and the ones helping the old guys along are the ignorant, arrogant, blinkered and bigoted people like you're going to turn into. Some years ago, I spent time travelling round South America. I met all sorts of folks, and I kept bumping into young Israelis, fresh out of their service with the IDF, wanting to see the world. To A FAULT they were the most insular, rude, dirty, ignorant travellers on the continent. I tried to be friendly and I was snubbed, I got their shit all over my feet on the single track Inca trail, I watched them abusing (physically an verbally) local people wherever they were and I hated them. Perhaps it's because you grow up being told that everyone hates you, you're just expecting to be hated, and that becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. Your attitude becomes defensive and you start to hate people before you've even met them. Calling ME racist is the most absurd thing I've heard. People here who know me will tell you how wrong you are, and it makes you look like.......an idiot.

And that's what's so dangerous about all this "poor me" and "criticising anything done by a Jewish person is anti-semitic" bullshit.

You make some retarded posts here, I gently tell you, and before I know it you're calling me racist.:mad:

Well fuck you, runt. You're a disgrace to Judaism, and you're a disgrace to humanity, just like all the other self pitying cunts that you find within every race, every country and every religion.

Thank fuck I know better than to believe that everyone in your country is like you

August 16th, 2003, 04:14 PM

somebody know a "visco" fuse retailer in Germany, UK or italy ?

if yes, contact me by e-mail if it is possible.


Mr Cool
August 16th, 2003, 05:27 PM
If yes, post it for all!

August 17th, 2003, 12:34 AM
I'm sorry if I got really pissed off, but after all, I've met so many people who hate me \ Jewish people just because of who we are.... and without any reason....
I'd hate to think there's someone like that in the forum... (I'm sure there are a few...)

I think I could name at least one person...;) :D

But seriously, this is why I (and so many other whites) hate the Jews, because of their "victim" attitude. If you act like prey, even dangerous prey, don't be surprised when you get eaten!

"Oi vay! Dos' vilthy Forumites vouldn't tell me how to make vee bombz! Those anti-semite racist goiem!"

Whaaa! Definitely a moron, likely a raghead, probably a jihadeen, and possibly an instigator. Good thing "The Man" doesn't have spies with better manners, otherwise we might be riddled with them! :p

This whole thread is what happens when I don't read every thread, every day. :(

August 20th, 2003, 12:00 PM
I have found 3 sources of "Bickford" fuse in France. Maybe you know ? Its the most used fuse in the world.... ( i did nt know the name 2 weeks ago :rolleyes: ) and its better than Visco (a pyrotechnician said it to me: "Visco is for gays, Bickford is for men" :D ).

So if you are in Europe (uk,italy,germany,belgium...) i can probably help you...(for litlle quantities, and if a few persons ask it)

PS: use PgP if you want to order some fuse, and if you give me your adress).

August 20th, 2003, 03:53 PM
How expensive is it ?
The problem is that is very very thick (around 6 -8 mm in diam. or so); plus it should be expensive.

August 20th, 2003, 04:35 PM
i pay 19 euros for 10 meters of bickford fuse (its 6 mm thick)

and i must add shipping charges !

yes its expensive...

August 21st, 2003, 01:53 PM
If it is what I think it is (blasting fuse) then that price isn't really that bad!

August 23rd, 2003, 05:38 PM
I think it is possable if your from another country to get it off of ebay. There is one person on the list who is selling visco. I'm not too sure about international shipping though. Most likely it will get intercepted by U.S customs agents. If one is very desprite then its worth a try. Just go on ebay type "visco fuse" in the search botton.

September 16th, 2003, 06:55 PM
bonnsgeo : does the company ship to other countries in europe? 19 euri is very cheap for 10 meters, sure as hell beats making fuse myself. In the Netherlands its impossible to get this kind of things, the best I can get is the green fuse I pull out of legal fireworks and they're only 4cms long :(

what's the burnrate for this bickford fuse?