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August 30th, 2003, 05:05 PM
I just thought I'd post them, someone might like them.


The first is a roedeer buck I shot 2 weaks ago with my M98(8x57IS, 196gr(12g) Norma Oryx, Vo 770 m/s) equipped with a Helia 3-12x56 scope and a timney trigger.

The second one is fox youngster I shot last sunday at 40m with the same rifle.
The third one is a sibbling to the first fox shot the day after the first one was shot, range 60m.

Got some additional pics as well from the last 2 years, If anyone would like me to I can dig them up and post them to.

I haven't got photoshop installed right now so the pics are uncompressed.

From now on my presence here will be close to normal. I haven't had any time at all the last couple of weaks but things have cleared out a bit by now. I've started up a few things I've had on hold today too.

August 30th, 2003, 05:18 PM
Quite nice:) If you can find them, I would love to see some of the pictures from the past:)

Once again, quite nice:)

August 31st, 2003, 08:59 AM
Were those poor defenceless animals *sniggers* moving when they were shot?

Trying to hit a moving fox at 40 or 60m isn't known to be easy, though judging from from the exit wounds they didn't feel much after the bullet ripped though there heart. Next have a go shooting them in the head and take a picture - a headless fox always is worth looking at.

Foxes are feral and a pest in Oz so we need more people shooting them.

August 31st, 2003, 09:21 AM
I never shoot at anything that is moving unless it is very close or if they are already wounded. One exeption is if I've got my shotgun. I never shoot any animals in the head because of the large risk of only wounding them, I shoot a roeder in the head with my 22LR once though but that was only 10m from the place I was hiding(very illegal by the way).

I'll dig those old pics up as soon as I can, perhaps later tonight. I'm off to work in a few minutes so I can't do it right away, after work I'll probably take a trip to the woods if it isn't already dark when I finish.

August 31st, 2003, 03:46 PM
I've just finished picking out 42 out of 3307 pictures which where located in 67 different folders, took me 20 minutes.

They are now located at the same adress as the other but in the new folder.

August 31st, 2003, 11:36 PM
Remember Lowry's cat killing file? Have you tried making some mini-claymores and rigging them up to blast the animal when they pull on the bait? A point-blank explosion propelling some shot at several thousand M/S should have an interesting effect on a foxes (or deers) body. :)

September 1st, 2003, 02:46 AM
I have not yet decided bu I might very well try a minimore os something like that next weakend. When I get home from school doday I'm off to work to collect a roedeer which isn't good enaugh to be eaten by humans, and therefore has been discarded off, I'll put it in a nice spot in the woods so that the ravens (my sworn enemies) can find it. Next friday in the early morning me and a friend is going there to shoot some of them, it's illegal to kill them bu there are two many so I don't give a fuck. Thing is next saturday or sunday I'm going there too, either alone or with my brother and then thare is a great chance a boom might be heard ;) . I'll do my best to try to make a device that alowes me to film the blast through a cople of binoculars, giving us a close up of the event.

I'll let you know if I make any progress.

September 1st, 2003, 07:23 AM
The pic with the pile of deer, was that one days worth of kills? Thats alot of meat

September 1st, 2003, 08:06 AM
Yes and no, it was a pic from the place I work at. I belive it was about 60 animals all together. They came from a place that aranges large huntings(perhaps 40 people) where you have to pay a lot of money to take part of it. In other words only snobs had shot those animals. I belive thay had been hunting for 2 days before we went to pic those up.

When we hunt roedeer we are usually lucky if we shoot any, perhaps 1 or 2 per weakend(sometimes not even a single one), if we have been hunting with dogs.

September 10th, 2003, 07:52 AM
You should try pig hunting in far north queensland (Australia) sometime. :) There are a lot of different ways to go about it, but i've found that the one with the biggest adrenalin rush to it is where you load up a ute with dogs, drive out into a banana paddock or anywhere that has a recent hole where they (the pigs) have been rolling in. Let the dogs off, and chase after them in the ute. When the dogs get the pig (and you will know, there will be a sudden increase in the amount of barking you hear and probably a lot of squealing too) you jump out of the ute and run up to the pig (when the dogs have a good hold of it and it can't move) and tip it on its back by lifting one of its front legs and pushing on the sholder. You then stab it in the heart with a one mofo big arse knife and slit its throat. This emoticon doesn't come close to expressing the feeling of excitement and the adrenalin rush that hits you: :D
Also makes you feel pretty damn macho too. :p

This is best done from dusk and right through the dark, although you can do it during the day. Pig bodies can be sold and almost all parts of it can be used in some way or another. (Skin = leather, bones = "Blood & Bone" Fertilizer, Organs = sausages, flesh = food :D, etc...)

September 10th, 2003, 08:58 AM
We've got the pigs here as well. Only about 5km from where I hunt they have recently shot pigs. The past few years the ammount of pigs have dramatically increased, I think there are about 20000 pigs in Sweden now.

As a matter of fact I took care of two pigs (50kg each without internal organs, legs, skin head) last night at the butcher shop where I work.

Dogs huntoing pigs live some dangerous lives, I know of several dog that have gotten their stomachs slit open by pigs, some have been killed as well.