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September 5th, 2003, 09:15 PM
This is just a new thread for the "Games" one.. the other is getting a bit long, and with the start of the next astrowars 'session' being tommorrow, I think its needed!!:D

September 6th, 2003, 12:27 AM
Tomorrow? Aww, I was beginning to enjoy it and now I have to start over again. Oh well.

I have a couple of questions about the game too.

1. How long does it take until they reset it again? Or do they reset it whenever they make a new patch?
2. Also, does the starmap centre on the sector you start off in?

Thanks in advance.

September 6th, 2003, 01:47 AM
It restarts when a player hits a highscore of 500 and maintains at least 500 for a week.

September 6th, 2003, 09:11 AM
Tomorrow, are you sure of that? When I load up Astrowars it says that the new one will start in 11 days.

September 6th, 2003, 10:18 AM
Its 11, I think we should form a tight alliance. Theres a good number of forum members playing, we would be pretty powerful. Also I found out a good way to get a great start, make 2 accounts. 1 right after another. You should be placed in the same system, as soon as possible attack your other account once the other account has a fleet not a star base strong enough to defeat the fleet, get the SPs from the battle and sell them for PP. You will get a nice head start and with the PP from the SP you can kill the other 2 in the system with some battleships. Use the trade screen to transfer the $ as you see fit. Transfer the $ to the player with the higher level and attack the one with the lower level since it takes less points to get levels...anyways im sure you get the idea. Kill the other 2 players before they catch on and report you for 2 accounts.....

About the fleet instead of starbase...
Also when you sell your SP and but PP they go to your first planet (As you may know) unless its under siege. You can put the ships from your other player in orbit of the planet not to recieve the points after you move your defense...That way you can build your weaker planets up without waiting

September 6th, 2003, 12:20 PM
For a little more agressive tactics:

If we all join in at about the same time in the new game, we're likely to be placed near to each other, giving the Roguesci Alliance a mighty base in the galaxy :)
It all depends on how the gameplay is changed ofcourse.

Also I would suggest waiting a bit before joining. The first 200 something players to join will not be noobs and the core of the new galaxy will likely be full of battle ...
I was thinking to wait 2-3 days before we all (massively) join in, and start our quest to take over the core of the galaxy :)

Is there something known about the changes between beta 2 and the new beta 3 ?

September 6th, 2003, 09:31 PM
they were thinking about either getting rid of the transfer money option or limit the amount of money one can transfer.

I hope they don't change it to much. Its good the way it is.

September 7th, 2003, 05:22 AM
I think the placement gos in order till the system fills then a random system is selected and filled again. It would be good for 2 members to be in one system but no more.

September 8th, 2003, 04:48 AM
OK, a few thoughts before you start dreaming.

First, creating several accounts can lead to banning, never wondered why there were 'unknown' user in some star systems ?

Second, you keep your account, so for example my account on beta 2 was Keref, I can still log in with username and old password. You can keep playing until the beta 3 starts.

Third, I've seen what happened when too many players allied (6): the 2 better destroy everyone, and the other do not develop well, so that's not a really good idea.
Instead of making big alliances, or trying to make some (as we will be scattered on the map, due to old accounts I think), try to level up your starbase, it's the only thing that will protect you effectively against strong ennemy fleets (I have a lvl 17 starbase, and noone attacked me there :) )

September 8th, 2003, 07:54 AM
While the thought of other forum members doing the dirty and going back on their promises may be a problem for you, I don't think Angelo, Kingspaz and I need to worry about it ;)

Seriously though, I don't see why people break alliances - there's lots of other planets to colonise, I had the problem of too many planets, not enough culture, and if you look around there are lots of other people to attack. Unfortunately no-one was around me :( I think it would be a good idea to try and branch towards each other if we know we are around each other.

I agree that starbases are the way to go, you spend a lot less than ships and get more defence points. Also, when it gets really expensive to upgrade, just save money and use SUs.

September 8th, 2003, 08:18 AM
Most of the unknowns are caused by people restarting, you wont get kicked off if you dont get caught. Most people banned have more than 2 accounts and its very apparent

September 8th, 2003, 06:52 PM
Alliances are good, you have fewer enemies to worry about in the early stages.
As for starbases, I think having one high level base that can't be sieged, and leave all the others at zero. Then create a mobile defense fleet. That way an attacker can't see how much firepower you have, and will hopefully underestimate when launching an attack. It also means you can pound the shit out of any siege.

If someone takes your planet you can always take it back, usually for less cost, especially if it had a big population.

September 9th, 2003, 09:56 AM
I fear I didn't explain myself very well. The problem wasn't about breaking the alliance. It's just that when 2 players are better than the others (for example I destroyed totally 3 galaxies before being quasi destroyed by a big alliance, as I prefer riding alone), then they take all the xp. One of the guys of the alliance that attacked me told me that it wasn't such a good idea to make too strong alliances. He was less developped than his friends, and got no opportunity to get xp. The only attack he did against me was unsuccessful (strong fleet and good starbase on my planet), then the 2 strongest players of the alliance managed to destroy all my planets of my natal star system (about 7) without further help, they got all the xp, and other players are boring, waiting like a dog for master to feed 'em. Not really fun.

What would be fun is a dedicated server for the forum only, a melee between us on a reduced map. I wonder if it's possible to get the source code. I guess not, but maybe the beta 1...

September 9th, 2003, 05:55 PM
since the new game is going to start in 7 days i was wondering if you could all sell your PPs and send me the cash, just so i can have the satisfaction of kicking kensuki's ass with a giant fleet of battleships. he's been attacking my planets with an enourmous fleet, and i want the satisfaction of kicing kis ass just once.
the username to send your donations to is zeocrash.
buy today and we'll throw in this free radio alarm clock :p

September 9th, 2003, 06:16 PM
Zeo, I've just sent you $30,000. Enjoy!

September 9th, 2003, 06:25 PM
thankyou (x50)
you have no idea how greatful i am, kensuki will be suprised when my fleet of battleships turns up and anihilates the fleet he has currently seiging every planet in alpha al bali.
i wont forget this man, if you need any help in the next round, just ask.

September 10th, 2003, 02:56 PM
I gave you all I had zeo, about 7300. Not much, but 14 more battleships...

September 10th, 2003, 05:08 PM
I also gave you all, $23626, be happy :D and kick his ass badly.

September 10th, 2003, 06:25 PM
wheee i'm rich. and have a huge fleet, bwahaha, time to pay kensuki

September 11th, 2003, 09:51 PM
Just sent you $4800 because I'm bored with Astrowars. Not much, but I'm not doing anything with.

September 17th, 2003, 11:20 AM
3 hours and counting and the new 'season' of astrowars begins:)

I can already taste the sweet victory of conquereing new worlds:) mmmmmm

Course, now that Ive said that, Im likely to get stuck in a galaxy with wolverine (the winner if you didnt already know) or someone equally vicious.... lol

September 17th, 2003, 11:32 AM
But didn't wolverine have a lot of help from all the other people in his alliance?

I thought that was the only way he could have had such a large fleet.

I also can't wait till beta 3 I ended up killing off the person that sieged all my planets.

thanks again for the help

September 17th, 2003, 04:18 PM
I'm at Tania Borealis (4/2) in this new match.
I know I said I'd wait to sign up, but I was just too curious :p

If any new players want to sign up, please be so kind to use this url :)

Give a shout if you're near me :)

September 17th, 2003, 04:24 PM
Vulture here at 6/-6 Korneforos 7

What kinda name is that? :confused:

BTW, don't use brainfevers URL! It will steal your PPs and transfer them to him! :eek:

Rather use this one: http://www.astrowars.com/register/?r=14772

September 17th, 2003, 04:31 PM
I'm at Zubra (-11, -8) so not tooooo far from everyone else for a change

September 17th, 2003, 05:00 PM
I'm at Merach (5/16)


You ALL should use this url to register..


September 17th, 2003, 07:04 PM
Hercules (16/7)

The location of my beloved home world:D

September 17th, 2003, 07:53 PM
i wasn't going to restart until a week or so but i was really bored so i did. i'm at botein (19/-22)

September 17th, 2003, 09:07 PM
Im at Phekha 20/11

September 17th, 2003, 11:59 PM
firebreether, at Alnihan (-19,20) Its funny that only a few hours after the game started, we're already pretty far from the origin.

September 18th, 2003, 04:26 AM
(-5,-8) Marfik (Oph)
all our planets seem very close, how about an allience

September 18th, 2003, 07:06 AM
I have a couple of logins if anyone's interested. I'm trying to spend less time on the net, and Astrowars is just too addictive. Let me know if you want 'em

September 18th, 2003, 01:21 PM
Is anyone having problems with astrowars? I cannt get it to let me log in:(

Also, Arkangel, if I cannt get the damned thing to work, I might be interested in an account.

September 18th, 2003, 03:28 PM
Well, for what it's worth:

Arkangelic password shitfor


batterychico password arsepiece

Whoever gets 'em first can have 'em. I won't be logging on again. And don't be greedy, just one each.

September 18th, 2003, 03:44 PM
how about we use the accounts as communal accounts for the roguesci allience, we all make donations to the account and when we're in trouble, we borrow some cash from the account to build a fleet

September 18th, 2003, 09:44 PM
I dont think that matters too much... it appears that the server HDD has crashed :(

September 18th, 2003, 10:02 PM
see, i always said computers suck donkey sphyncter ;)

September 18th, 2003, 11:02 PM
Looks like someone needs to replace some }{ with ][ to make a certain sig line useable. ;)

September 18th, 2003, 11:47 PM
Ehh, I thought I caught all of them earlier... Thats what I get for being in a hurry:rolleyes:

Ok NBK, everything should be normal now... I think/ hope, lol:)

Wild Catmage
September 21st, 2003, 06:16 AM
I just started at around 5.00 pm on the 20th. I'm Wild Cat M and I'm at Hyadun I
(-25, -29).

I'm allied with someguy called Murdoc in my system, but if the other two guys don't wanna ally, feel free to slaughter them etc. (unless I can get there first :p )

Mortis Lupus
September 22nd, 2003, 01:31 PM
iv started at Al Kaff al Jidhmah (17/-4)

September 24th, 2003, 06:59 PM
I finally joined. I'm at Ras Hammel (-3/-39).

September 30th, 2003, 08:35 AM
Nice passwords, Arkangel. :P

Sparky, I'm at Alphard (-40/4). Practically on top of eachother! We should for sure form a small alliance of our own being of so near.
It's much wiser to use your production points on Battle Ships than for Cruisers or Destroyers. Cost to Attack/Defence ratio is much more efficient. ;)

September 30th, 2003, 11:27 PM
Alliance? Sure, though I'm under the understanding that forum members already have a general alliance.

Edit: wait a minute, I just realized that we aren't actually all that close together. I think you inverted my location by accident?

September 30th, 2003, 11:45 PM
Of course. We can have our own little chapter of the alliance. The alliance is too big and too far apart to all be one large group. It must have an infrastructure with multiple levels.

Wild Catmage
October 2nd, 2003, 04:08 PM
Sounds good to me. What do you think is better - A group of battleships, or their equivalent in destroyers (assuming that science is matched evenly, and the destroyers are attacking the battleships)?

October 2nd, 2003, 05:30 PM
The fleet of Destroyers could loose numourous Destoyers while the Battle Ships would have enough defense in one unit to sustain the damage and continue attacking.

October 6th, 2003, 09:17 AM
G'day all well im back and i just started a new account anyone interested in loaning me some pp's till im on my feet? My acc name is ak_47 and I am at Alpha Shelyak
(3) (-48). Anyone in the area? Its a fairly low lvl system.

October 18th, 2003, 05:24 PM
Just thought i'd let you all know my new coords are Alpha Hassaleh 45/24. I initially got taken out within a week and had to restart now but im now fighting for control of my new galaxy or solar system or whatever the hell its called.

So im gaining ground. Woohoo im Rank #888 lol.

October 18th, 2003, 06:50 PM
:p Im 236, and once I take back some of my planets, Ill be back to under 150:p

But speaking of that... anyone care to make some donations?....

October 21st, 2003, 11:26 PM
I've been trying to fend this German guy scones off for a while now, but he is persistent. I wonder if anyone is close by that could help. I am located in the irritatingly crowded Ras Hammel (-3/-39). Just to give you an idea of what is going on, his last fleet sent was:

30 Transports
845 Destroyer
1 Cruiser
26 Battleship

I killed 15%, and he conquered my original planet. He as already occupied two or three of my former planets and I think he is going for all of them (3 left). That being said I have sent an 'escape pod' of two colony ships out to a planet where I hope to set up again...

Any help is greatly appreciated.

November 16th, 2003, 08:16 PM
Wow, this thread is pretty slow these days.

Anyways my problems with scones is long over now (turned out it wasn't so bad) and things are looking up :cool: .

The main reason for my post however is this message I recieved from Blackfalcon:
i've a good news for you
i think we are in the best alliance of this part of the galaxy
and we propose to you a system of "protection"
this is easy to accept
you pay some astro$ and we protect your planet
but if you've not any astro to send to our alliance you can have some problem included extermination of your pop , ....
gangster alliance"

Me and my friend intend to teach this prick a lesson (Hope it's not anyone from the forum ;). I don't suppose it is, but if so speak up and I will reconsider.). We are currently developing a sneaky and exciting plan.

If anyone else is interested in getting in on this we want your help, especially if the 'gangster alliance' (:rolleyes:) has tried to extort money from you too. To let you know the general vicinity which I am looking for people from, Blackfalcon has planets at Sulafat (-1/-32), which is I suppose where we will be attacking eventually. If interested either post here or send TheRealSparky a message. Please be prompt with any replies.

November 17th, 2003, 05:54 AM
i would help you, out my allience is just out of range. give us a week and our biology will be good enough to come help you, for the moment you're just going to have to hang in there. do you know anything about the size of this guy's fleet. do you think a few hundred battleships will be enough to beat him.

November 17th, 2003, 07:17 PM
And the plot thickens...

No war has started yet so don't worry about us hanging in there. We do not know anything about this guy's fleet. But from looking at his planets he personally is not that big and has player level 18. I don't know how big his alliance is but I intend to try and find out.

To let you know what's going on I will unfurl our plan here. I considered sending this through astrowars message system but maybe other people here will read it and think it's funny. Plus I am still hoping for more members to join us in teaching this 'gangster' a lesson.

LUPO (the friend I wrote of) has told me his second version of the plan (the first had a bug ;)):

Hi Sparky,

the only thing to do is to make’em believe that I#m the one who’s extorting you; and you’re not willing to pay twice for the same.
So it’s on them to make a decision, wether to attack me or to let you go.
For a better understanding with your new friends it maybe helpful to give them some faked hints concerning the strength of my fleet and where it is statioed.
We can do even better:
For example I could siege Ascella#3 to convince them about your dependent relationship to me. Tell them this is the consequence of not paying your weekly rate to me.
Then you may offer them to:
1. free your planet and destroy my sieging fleet (give ‘em details about it)
2. use this certain planet as a jumping point (attacking times will be strongly reduced)
3. attack me at another planet of mine (this is the only thing that’s true cause if they agree to your plan, you really have to siege my planet with the lowest ID)

Further details will be mailed to you soon but first launch your offer to the frogeaters.

Till soon


The idea of course is to fool the gangster alliance (frogeaters) into attacking what they think is an easy target, then that fleet which they attack with will get wasted, making them easier pray. I sent this to LUPO:

OK, according to your latest plan I sent this to blackfalcon:
Sorry for the long response time but your message has caused some (hopefully good) confusion in my game. I have been thinking about this:

You see, for a while now I have been already paying someone for your kind of protection. After almost dying in my early days I am fairly happy to pay something for protection. Recently however LUPO has put up his rates and let's just say he has been less than helpfull :evil: . His rates are up to 4000 astro $ a week which is a lot to me right now, especially considering he doesn't do much. So, I have a proposition for you and your group. I pay you less than 4000/week (say 2000 for now). For this you protect me from LUPO and everyone else. I can expect LUPO will attack me after I stop paying him. If you fend him off you will get me as your customer and get many weeks of pay from me and others who leave LUPO as their protector.

As far as I know LUPO is by himself and he has customers such as me - relatively weak. He is a much bigger player than me, but I gather a few players such as yourselves would have no problems with him.

I think this plan works out for everyone. You can cripple your competitor and make money at the same time. Once people don't trust that LUPO can protect them they will come to you, bringing you a few customers and more importantly securing the market so your competitor doesn't get bigger. You get experience and money, I get actual protection and save money. What's more is that LUPO does not know that you sent me this message. I can hopefully try to get some 'intelligence' from him to help us. Say for example I say I will be under attack soon, can he send a fleet from somewhere. This will tell us where his fleet is hiding :twisted:.

Ok, that was a long winded message but you get the idea. What do you say?

Upon his response I will try to find out which members belong to their group. I hope the plan works but if it doesn't than really we have only lost the element of surprise, yes?

I also posted on roguesci about this and zeocrash has offered his alliance's help. In a week his biology will be large enough to reach where we need it to. I will forward zeocrash this message.

November 18th, 2003, 02:52 AM
Well what do you know, you've been close to me all along and I never even noticed. Ill start pumping money into a fleet to try to help you out when you need it. you can post here or PM me - firebreether. I only have a really small fleet now - about 3000 CV maximum, but in a few days it might be able to do something. I cant see your home system, i need one higher bio to do that, but i can see you in Ascella.

November 18th, 2003, 04:40 AM
at the moment i can see Alpha Ruchbah, which is quite close to you i belive, i have my fleet moving in on Alpha Ruchbah 12, it arrives tommorow morning. my biology level will have increased in 9 hours. so i should be all set to help you by tomorrow

November 18th, 2003, 06:16 PM
OK the plan is working nicely. We only have 7 days left until the game ends so I think we should hurry. Alpha Ruchbah is close to Ras Hammel (my home planet and possible first attack place). blackfalcon is farther away though. He may very well have other members of his ganster alliance close to you though which you can attack. LUPO sent me this:

Hi Sparky,

respect for your mail. You couldn't have done better.

I sent:

Estimated Arrival Destination Transport ColonyShip Destroyer Cruiser Battleship
19:00:38 - Nov 18 Ras Hammel 6 0 0 0 1 0

to convince them a little bit.

Tell them that I sent about 50 Bs and 10 Cruisers.
Then ask them to free you.
Tell me immedeately what fleet is coming from blackfalcon.

so long


p.s.: the game lasts just about 7 days any more

I sent this mail to LUPO:

So I see McGonna has got 500 points. Oh well I say we forge on. I suppose we will have to act fairly fast since we only have 7 days.

Sorry I didn't get your message in time and some ships were still in orbit around Ras Hammel 6, so your transports got killed. But the cruiser will get through.

Blackfalcon sent me this :) :
ok, (i haven't all understand icon_biggrin.gif ) but i think i'm ok

i say that to my friend

yesterday i have lost all my fleet (130 battleship) in a fucking attack
becaus my ally laogoon was under attack

but in a few day i can attack some player
now i tell my friend on the forum to your proposition

i'm not ready for war yet, but some friend are ready


ps: have you just one planet ? where is LUPO (i've just see sadalmelik)
reps: you're candian, so do you speak french ? more easy because me and my ally are fr

I think it is too soon for you to be 'attacking', don't you? Instead I fabricated a different story.
No sorry, I don't speak French very well. Congrats, you are better at English than I am at French. Sorry to hear about your fleet and laogoon.
Who else is part of your alliance, if you don't mind me asking? I would like to know who I am dealing with, especially so we don't have any conflicts.

Speaking of conflicts LUPO has parked his fleet in my orbit on Ras Hammal 6. He says he is using it as a jump off point for a few days :evil:. You see the shit I have to put up with from him. He has 50 bs and 10 cruisers parked there blocking my productivity :x . Maybe some of your ready friends could start off by getting rid of this :twisted: ?.

The game will end in 7 days, but still I would like to teach LUPO a lesson to get back at him and the frogeaters can show him who's boss 8) .

LUPO is at Ascella and Sadasuud too.

BTW firebreether is also helping us with this.

Come to think of it, it's rather suspiciously good news that blackfalcon just lost his fleet, but oh well.

OK Alen, thanks for clearing that up. Maybe we will have more time then.

November 18th, 2003, 07:22 PM
Just becuase someone has 500 points doesnt mean they'll be able to keep it for 7 days.

November 19th, 2003, 03:46 PM
Ok, this is kind of dragging on but here's the latest news. The question nagging at me is what good will it accomplish to trick him into attacking?:

blackfalcon responds with:

i'm ready to kick his ass icon_biggrin.gif

now i have 61 battleship
pray for me icon_biggrin.gif

my ally are
redfox_5 laogoon nanki pymous faradn lopez.tuparles and ovatsug (but he attack redfox so ..... icon_biggrin.gif )

ok my fleet is going to your planet or maybe i send my fleet this night ....
i will see, but i will die in a few hour

and another message 4 minutes after this:


i have seen your planet but it isn't red
so no fleet where is he now ?

where is his home planet ?
to attack his planet with a nice message to stop all his activities icon_twisted.gif

I am waiting for an answer as to which planet LUPO wants to get attacked.


ALEN, I sent you a measly sum of $1922. It's all I've got right now, sorry. Hopefully I can send more later.

Recent Developements: Ras Hammel 5 (my planet) is being attacked by scones by 189 Bs and some other ships. It will be sacreficed (sp?), at least for now.

I have sent a message to try and get blackfalcon to attack LUPO's Saldalmeik 5.

November 19th, 2003, 04:20 PM
It appears i just got attacked with over 200 battleships, and around 500 destroyers. My entire fleet and starbase is wiped.

PLEASE send PhalenxxX (me) some AD if you can afford it.

I'd be ever grateful. :)

November 19th, 2003, 08:22 PM
Sparky- the only planets I can see of blackfalcons are the ones at Al Rukbah al Dajajah. So if you folks attack his home system, I will only be able to pick up the slack by attacking him there. But if we all go at the same time, then we should all be victorious. I doubt that it would do much good, however if he attacks your planet while its being seiged weakly, that would be the absolute best time for a massive multiperson invasion since his fleet would be away. Yes you'd lose you planet to him, but you'd gain several of his.

EDIT: If we plan it right, and act reasonably quickly, we could probably knock several of their alliances players out of the game by the time the round ends. We have enough force to take all of blackfalcons planets I think, as long as his fleets are away, and once he logs in and all his planets are seiged, he restarts. Then we move on one by one to the other players in his alliance, just to punish them for allying with him.

November 20th, 2003, 08:55 AM
I just got attacked by the Alpha Alliance (beowulf to be precise) he sent 235 battleships worth of fleet

Monetary support would be very welcome right now, and will be repayed (if I survive) I have 120 BS to oppose him, but I need to weaken his fleet first ... and for that I need money.

transfer money to "brainfever"

much thanks.

November 20th, 2003, 09:53 PM
Thanks to everyone generous donations i managed to build enough fleet to take back my planets. :-)


November 24th, 2003, 06:20 PM
Ok, we have started our attack on 'the gangsters'.

Primary targets are
Mizar (UMa) #12, then #11, #10. Well, anything belonging to their alliance really.

Edit: Um ya, about that ;) I guess we were a bit too slow on the draw ;) .

November 25th, 2003, 02:41 AM
Well, the round is over. Sad to see it go, but I know next round will be just as fun. I am now starting to save up money for a good cause. If anyone wants to be a good cause, by the time the round restarts I will have 200,000 pp's worth of money. Or if you want it in 10 days instead of at the end, 100,000, etc. Just PM me or something if you want it.

November 25th, 2003, 02:49 AM
I'll have it!


November 25th, 2003, 11:07 PM
You must have amassed quite a collection of planets to be pulling in 400 some points an hour. At the moment, I'm only getting 175. I did start this one halfway thorugh though, after mine was shut down(another member of the household had an account too). Besides, my other one was being attacked without mercy. I was also in the mood for some ass kicking of my own.

November 28th, 2003, 06:34 PM
Please excuse the moot point.

If anyone else is giving away money or has nothing to do I could use some help smashing blackfalcon.

November 29th, 2003, 12:23 AM
I seem to be in a bit of a fix, I just got one of my sieging fleets of about 150 battleships wiped out, and I killed 0% of their fleet, which means it must be a big ass fleet.

I could do with some dosh if anyone can help. My name is angelo on astrowars too,

thanks in advance

November 29th, 2003, 01:58 PM
I'm managing 432points per hour and 264 Battle Ships(total) at (x:-40 y:4) and (x:-45 y:3) with a Biology of 21. Does anyone need help in my general area? I also have a Clestial Prism 1 Artifact that I really don't need anymore. I'm unsure if/how to trade that though.

My AstroWars name: idme

November 30th, 2003, 02:14 PM
I'm giving out 10,000 at a time to anyone who wants it. I've transferred money to sparky and angelo. The rest of my money will go into colonizing like 10 planets at the fringe to test it out :)

ALEN: What is your astrowars name? Doing a player search for alengosvig1 comes up empty :(

November 30th, 2003, 03:01 PM
Im PhalenxxX.

I sure could use any extra cash. I'm about to loose my first planet but im taking back some of the ones i lost earlier.

December 2nd, 2003, 05:40 AM
thanks for everyones help.

I fended the guy off by upgrading a starbase after he launched, so there really wasn't anything he could do.

December 18th, 2005, 02:04 PM
Astrowars will be starting a new round shortly anyone interested should form an alliance in the game