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View Full Version : I need some help here

September 17th, 2003, 01:54 AM
Hey guys, I've got a video that I'm sure many of you have seen that's sideways. Something around 50 pounds of ANFO being set off... Anyways, I need a program that will let me turn the video 90º to the left so that its right side up and not sideways. I have Adobe Premiere 6.5 and It doesn't seem to be able to turn videos.

If anyone knows of any software that I can get for free (or if not I'll just crack it) that will enable me to rotate a video I would be greatful. Or would everyone rather crane their head to watch a segment of a video while the rest of the video is right side up? Hell now that I think about it all I really need is a trial of a program as I only need it long enough to rotate ONE video...


September 17th, 2003, 03:51 AM
A quick dirty solution would be to extract all the frames into image files, turn the images with a batch program and make the video again from frames.

September 17th, 2003, 04:59 AM
VirtualDub will do this, use the filter called "rotate". Get it here (http://www.gbg.bonet.se/toniswe/divx4Tut/VirtualDub-1_4_9.zip) .
Here (http://divx4tut.cjb.net/) is a tutorial to help you set it up, its for ripping DVD's, but has good info on how to set up compression.

September 17th, 2003, 06:05 PM
Thanks. The frame by frame way would have taken me a week, and that's if I only took breaks to use the bathroom and get something to drink ;)