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View Full Version : Howdy All New to Forum

November 9th, 2003, 12:03 AM
Howdy everyone. Clearly I am new to the board and just wanted to say what a great resource this place is. My main interests are firearm related as well as small defensive explosives.
I have read in many other threads that there is a FTP here. I have quite a few files that I would upload if this is possible- including AK receiver templates, 1911 FAuto conversion- 10/22 conversion, SKS conversion, AK22 conversion- scratch built AR-15 receiver, etc....
Anyway, thanks and I hope I can make a useful contribution to this site.

November 9th, 2003, 12:20 AM
re SKS conversion. The most common method is to insert a cut and bent up piece of sheet steel into the trigger group. A piece milled out of solid steel is much better. I know a guy who did this, and I can probably get the mechanical drawing from him. The instructions are available all over the net; just make the said piece out of a block of steel, rather than trying to bend some flimsy sheet into shape. This guy only used a reciprocating saw (or hacksaw), a bench grinder and some files and emery. He said it took quite a while, but the end result was supurb. My CuteFTP is temporarily lost, but I could email the .bmp so someone to upload. ROCK AND ROLL IS HERE TO STAY!.

November 9th, 2003, 01:08 AM
Yes- i have the plans for the SKS autosear- they are in dwg format though. I just read the FTP thread, too, so I guess it will be awhile before I can upload/ download anything.

November 9th, 2003, 01:23 AM
Read the first post in the FTP thread, as it specifically says you do NOT need an account to upload.