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View Full Version : Cyclotriacetone Peroxide???

November 22nd, 2003, 02:43 PM
According to http://www.angelfire.com/goth/celtick/AP.html
I should be obtain CTAP from H2O2, Acetone, HCl, Sodium Bicarbonate, Distilled Water.
IF this is true and if i DO obtain CTAP, how should i keep it safe? I really need help on this.
It says that this material is responsible for most maiming in the U.S. due to its sensitivity (friction, heat, etc.)

Anyone not new to CTAP who can give me advice? Please e-mail me at:

and no bullshit please. You can really make me die if you e-mail me the wrong stuff.

So should I bind CTAP with...?
Or should I just keep it wet? Like RDX...

And where should I store this?
Should it be cool/dry bla bla?

Does it take in water after awhile?
Does it spontaneously explode?

Thanks all-

November 22nd, 2003, 02:51 PM
UTFSE! CTAP IS THE MOST TALKED ABOUT COMPOUND HERE! GO DIE YOU GOOD CHARLOTTE LOVING, LOAD SWALLOWING PIECE OF SHIT! And don't worry about getting hurt from bad directions, because if we sent them to you I doubt you would follow them seeing as you cant even follow the simplest rules!

November 22nd, 2003, 03:02 PM
This is usually reffered to as "Aceton Peroxide". Use the Search button and try to search for "Aceton AND Peroxide".

You don't keep it safe, you use it. It must be dry, lest it will not detonate. It does not spontaneously explode, but it decomposes, given time.

You can make a pipe bomb using aceton peroxide. Put the aceton peroxide inside a pipe, press it and close the ends of the pipe using a hammer. Don't forget to insert the fuse.

November 22nd, 2003, 03:07 PM
Too late, Savorek, he's already banned. Yes, they come and go fast these days... :D