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John Ashcroft
November 28th, 2003, 08:20 PM
Does anyone know where the fuck he is? I'm getting worried.

November 28th, 2003, 08:53 PM
I thinl kingspaz have a very sexy picture. but it can just bee the booze...hahaha...
A while ago, he was "king of spaz", what does spaz mean anyway? i been thinking of it a long time.

November 28th, 2003, 09:13 PM
Spaz is a slang term that originates from the word "spastic" and means spastic or retarded (Or that's what it means where I live anyway).

November 29th, 2003, 08:27 AM
IIRC, Kingspaz is into college now and he doesn't have internet acces there.

November 29th, 2003, 08:29 AM
New mod job available?

November 29th, 2003, 04:19 PM
yeah and DBSP has it now.

John Ashcroft
November 29th, 2003, 08:36 PM
Yeah, he did leave for college one weekend several months ago, but he said he'd have internet access after that weekend.

November 30th, 2003, 02:58 AM
Mr Cools in the same boat, both from UK, both going off to university, both disapearing about the same time, I guess there eyes are fixed on the uni chicks .... bastards :D

November 30th, 2003, 06:31 AM
Yet another mod job available? DBSP and Rhadon were given modship because so of the mods left IIRC...

November 30th, 2003, 11:31 AM
Yet another mod job available?


You might as well adjust your signature:


November 30th, 2003, 12:33 PM
christ all the high ranking UK members are leaving,
I hope no other high ranking uk members have any plans on leaving.
blindreeper, you really aren't playing the power game too well, you have to do all you actions covertly and outwardly appear calm and indiferent about the job.

November 30th, 2003, 04:13 PM
Some of us have had to leave for very different reasons. Myself included.

December 1st, 2003, 02:32 AM
Zeocrash, I don't expect to be a mod, I wasn't asking. I know I won't be a mod anytime soon, sorry if you were thinking that way...

- Bitter2, why do you impersonate long time members like Bitter the mod. There has a been a lot of it going. Example, these people registered; TheReaper (also from blind skateboards as was my name derived), Radon (like the mod Rhadon) and PHILUO (PHILUO Zlrean)
It shits me people who think they are cool and have a similar name. Do they think they will be mistaken and get some special powers :confused: Honestly someone please explaint his to me!

Vulture my sig has been changed :p But its just a joke ok guys and few girls, I am not meaning to be full of myself.

December 1st, 2003, 06:14 AM
bitter2 isn't impersonating anyone. i'm afraid it's not for me to tell you why he's bitter2 now but trust me, it's the same guy.
bitter2 do you still have my personal e-mail, e-mail me

December 1st, 2003, 10:28 AM
I'm sorry, I don't have it. This is a new computer and I am not likely to get the other one back. I can't say I remember emailing you in the past, so it must have been a while ago. Were we talking about a certain metal powder ?

John Ashcroft
December 1st, 2003, 01:57 PM
TheReaper (also from blind skateboards as was my name derived), Radon (like the mod Rhadon) and PHILUO (PHILUO Zlrean)

Let's be reasonable here. There's over 5000 members, don't you think some people are going to look at this like people do with AOL screen names or email addresses? "Oh, that's taken, I'll change it a little and see if it works then... yay!"

The word radon is completely different than rhadon.

I don't think any of those were attempts at impersonation.

Jacks Complete
December 2nd, 2003, 10:50 AM
Only if you mean that it doesn't have one letter in common, that is.

I am quite sure that some will be attempts at getting respect by proxy.

It is exactly the same as taking ops on IRC by popping in with the same name as the regular ops, and waiting for someone to op you (this is why bots do it a lot now)

The only difference here, is the the board isn't going to get confused!

December 4th, 2003, 11:39 AM
Those in doubt can always check my IP.

December 5th, 2003, 12:59 PM
bitter: i'm afraid that was not me. still give me an e-mail (using the button at the bottom of this message) and i'll give you my other e-mail address, so we can talk more.

Jacks Complete
December 5th, 2003, 06:24 PM

As a mod, or not, surely you would know that IP addresses are hidden to members?

Try clicking on one, and you get told off.

Personally, I have no idea if you are or aren't, but NBK2000 seems to think you have no chance getting Mod powers...

December 6th, 2003, 04:45 PM
Oh, you've only been here two months. That would explain alot.

December 6th, 2003, 09:33 PM
That would explain alot. What do you think of?

December 8th, 2003, 04:18 PM
it seems all the UK roguesci mods are dissapearing, mr_cool, kingspaz, bitter(back without modship), and it appears zaibatsu has gone AWOL too. anyone know where zaibatu is, he hasn't posted in amout a month.

December 8th, 2003, 07:25 PM
He's a neighbour of mine now - must drag him out for a beer sometime! Same deal as the other guys - other things in his life;)

But he does check in from time to time.

Bitter, I do have your email address and I'll be writing tomorrow afternoon. Work has been busy as recently, and like you (but for different reasons I suspect) I haven't been at home a fat lot.

December 9th, 2003, 08:40 PM
Peoples interest change during the course of their lives. Some people leave home, go to college, and become pussy hounds.

Others go to college and learn all they can before they get tossed out into the real world.

Neither of these neccessarily allow time to moderate a board.

So they get a few months to get adjusted to college and either find time to fit in their duties or they're removed from the rank and returned to the file to make room for those that DO have the time to do the job.

Others get booted because they're careless and have an extended stay in the grey-bar motel. These don't get to come back as mods because they've demonstrated that, for whatever reason, they're not able to avoid drawing piggy attention onto themselves, thus bringing heat-by-proxy onto RS.org. Tsk, tsk.

And how convenient to say "oh, I don't have a copy of my original PGP key that I could have used to prove that I'm really who I say I am and not some piggy imposter trying to infiltrate."


And I'm a paragon on modesty and virtue. :p

This either means you're:

A) Terminally lame by not backing up your keys to a website and/or with friends and/or burying a copy somewhere (as per RTPB), thus endangering RS.org through carelessness. I'll bet your PGP passphrase was "DOH!", wasn't it?

B) A piggy imposter trying to weasel his way back in as "bitter".

Either way, it's not happening. Accept the fact that you lamed it up, got busted, and are now out in the cold. :mad:

December 13th, 2003, 12:33 PM
Never used PGP in the first place, so the whole point is moot.

You're worrying about my actions "endangering" RS ? You're a suicide-bomber-in-a-shopping-centre too late to start doing that; if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

NBK, as an ex-con should know that more than anybody.

December 13th, 2003, 06:06 PM
yer guys, was never my intention to give this place up but a certain stupid fucking computer breaking on the first day of uni sorted that....

Dead mAn Walkin
December 13th, 2003, 10:37 PM
I was on a board containing, well, somewhat illegal content. A month or so after I arrived, all of the Major players went missing- some were arrested. just a peice of mind.

December 14th, 2003, 01:27 AM
The young man knows the rules. The old man knows the exceptions. The wise man knows when NOT to make exceptions. :p

Also, there's that RTPB about not associating with known losers. As a con (no ex- anything) I can tell you that associating with people who've been the target of police scrutiny is a sure path to getting busted. Guilt by association and all that.

And never having gotten your PGP sorted out is another symptom of a lazy attitude towards security. I'd assume that means everything you ever had on your computer has been sorted with a fine tooth comb by the piggies.

Like that wouldn't put you on a government watchlist considering how england treats our sort of subject matter, and you being a (former) mod of a "terrorist" network (as the sheep dogs would call it)....right...and you've got a bridge for sale too, right? :rolleyes:

Suicide bomber didn't come back and ask to be reinstated as a mod, did he? No. Because he had the courtesy to DIE. You're still alive...perhaps you should correct that by going out like a fedaykin? We'd be happy to reinstate your mod status as a posthumous honour.

You will NEVER be respected.

You will NEVER be trusted.

You will NEVER be reinstated.

So go suck pork dick. :)

Get the fucking point and LEAVE! :mad:

To everyone else, consider "bitter" compromised and in the service of the pork, if ever he approaches you about anything via e-mail/ICQ/whatever.

December 14th, 2003, 10:14 AM
Hi guys,

Spend most of my time in the big smoke now, trying to learn things. Should have got my laptop now, so I can view theforum, but the money I'm supposed to be getting keeps being delayed.... After xmas/by the end of January I should be fine. I'm around for a while now though.

December 14th, 2003, 11:28 AM
What nbk says may sound harsh, but he is right. This is for your own good Bitter, believe it or not. IF you don't already know it they are watching you, and for you to hang out here could jepordize your own future. I can't say what British law is, but I can't let you take the chance that they don't have rights to free speech as we do in America.

Lurk if you must, but distance yourself from the scene for a few years. Wait until all this 9-11 stuff dies down and people get their rights back. And of course in a few years the heat will have died off.

I believe it is standard British legal practice to presume guilty until proven innocent, yes? That burden of proof is now yours.