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View Full Version : OT - Malonic Acid synthesis

December 13th, 2003, 11:28 PM
If anyone could help i would appreciate it - ive been poring over organic chemisty books for a good while now - the only detailed reference I've found is from vogel and i dont relish the thought of toying with sodium cyanide and chloroacetic acid - i found some more useful hints here - http://4.1911encyclopedia.org/M/MA/MALONIC_ACID.htm and here http://77.1911encyclopedia.org/M/MA/MALIC_ACID.htm

(by the way 1911 is a wonderful place to find chemical info)

It still doesnt give enough details -- i have some permanganate and sulfuric around -- i wonder if they could perform the same oxidation or if they would spoil the malic acid(easy to acquire) - or maybe i could oxidize with a copper catalyst -- i want to post this on hive/lycaeum but they require a waiting period - would love any ideas/leads - thanks

January 5th, 2004, 05:08 AM
The reason i am writing here is because i unable to start a new thread.
So i hope someone sees this and realizes what the fuck im talking about!
Right I'll get straight to the point, no point beating around the bush is there.
I am curious to know if anyone has ever attempted to perform 'research' experiments specifically involving Electro-Catylitic Hydrogenation, but not specifcally reacting any particular solution.
If one was knowledgable in a particular element of organic chemistry, involving a particular saturated solution and a very specific conclusion, then one may be able to contribute to the discussion. Of course not publically, because if anyone is on the same wavelength as me, then you of course realize the matter is best discussed "behind closed doors" So to speak ;)
You know before christmas i heard a great word..Festerlytic..Seems to have stuck in my mind ever since, although i cant imagine why?!
If your switched on and you've got spark, you'd best give me a buzz!!

January 6th, 2004, 05:14 AM
If one was anything but clueless in the ways of the forum, one would not post a poorly veiled attempt at a reply entirly unrelated to a thread mostly forgotten in a forum completely irrelevent and for purposes painfully transparent.

This is a forum for public discussion and mutual help, not a recruiting ground for second rate drug chemists.

If you're switched on and you've got spark then better be careful with explosives and weapons to avoid a very specific conclusion.

Life is a game with a very predictable ending.

January 7th, 2004, 11:48 PM
For your information Marvin, I was/am not at all interested in trying to 'recruit second rate drug chemists', despite what you may think.
What makes you so damn sure that i want/ed to talk about something, that is outside the barriers of discussion and mutual help. Which you yourself pointed out, is the way this forum conducts itself.
I merely wish to talk to others who may or may not have experience in the field of organic chemistry, who may or may not be able to contribute to a discussion!
As im sure everyone has discovered by now, there are not too many places left, where people who share a common interest, dare i say a love for chemistry, can talk openly without the fear of being a labeled a terroist or (the one i like) "Destroyer of Innocence"
And Marvin, life IS a game and it ALWAYS ends! Believe it or not, crims may die young, but at least we die fucking rich!

January 8th, 2004, 07:39 AM
Let's keep this on topic, guys...