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View Full Version : source of dimethyl aniline

January 26th, 2004, 11:02 PM
I didn't want to put this in the HE section because it dosent deal directly with HE's but is a nessicary precursor to tetryl.

Here goes, In this old chem book of mine it says that Dimethyl aniline is produced by heating aniline sulfate and methyl alchohol to 200 deg. C. It dosen't give ammouts or yeilds but it tells how to purify it. After it has reacted for "x" ammount of time the solution should be cooled and then treated with Acetyl chloride to convert the unreacted aniline and methyaniline to their derivitaves of acyl which are only slightly volatile so distilation would be a sinch, the only problem for me is finding the aniline sulfate and I could just surf a few patents and hopefuly find a good otc source, acetyl chloride could be another problem. If any body has these chems avalible and a good distilation setup they could work out the stoicheometrics of it then they could help me out quite a bit. If i get around to try this I will surely post the results.

BTW, the same hardener used in improv. plx is a tertiary amine like dimethyl aniline. If they are the same then you could just skip the above and get it that way.

Hope this helps some one.

January 27th, 2004, 01:08 PM
You can't work out the stoichiometrics? That is VERY basic stuff...:rolleyes:

Aniline + H2SO4 should yield anilinesulfate IMHO.

January 27th, 2004, 01:57 PM
Sory as I am quite new in chemistry,(never even been in a chem class in highschool), I have limited access to the rest of the world so I turned to the internet for knowledge. As for the aniline + H2SO4, DUH! why didin't I think of that?! Any way I am learning slowly but surely.