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View Full Version : basic/newbies gide to distilling nitric acid

February 24th, 2004, 12:22 AM
Here is a basic guide to distilling nitric acid for all you newbies. But my main piece of advice is LEARN, learn all about what you intend to do before you do it.

Also this is not my work I simply pieced together information others have written.
If any see there work here and want it removed say so and it shall be done.

So what do you think of it?

February 24th, 2004, 01:45 AM
The thing I have a rpoblem with is that distilling nitric acid is not a newbie or basic experiment. So a guide for newbies it not the best idea IMO.

February 24th, 2004, 02:45 AM
I posted this as an initial point for beginners starting research into the synthesis. This is designed for research and later on if the Pearson wants to use this method then it can become a guide.
When I say “basic” I’m referring to the method. As I see it H2S04/KNO3 is much simpler than using an electric ark or the ammonia method

The main reason I composed this is so I could learn about the synthesis before trying it, through researching numerous documents, editing and rereading. A good way to lean something in my opinion is to compose a paper. And if you have the paper why not share it?

P.S. blindreeper the OTC survey you did is quite good and I believe I have the same supplier of Al powder as you do.

February 24th, 2004, 09:37 AM
I think you should change your statement to "all us newbies" and possibly correct your horrible spelling.

Even though you are protected in the water cooler, please do us all a favour and possibly show some effort in your grammar.


February 24th, 2004, 12:16 PM
Also this is not my work I simply pieced together information others have written. So what do you think of it?

Are you teaching a procedure you have actually performed? You've done a fair job of assembling the information from this site and the hive, but have you actually DONE this.

One more pass through to correct spelling and grammar would be good- It's "vacuum" NOT "vacume".

You fail to recommend a gas mask with cartridges suitable for NOX and acid vapors. Your links to acid safety and clean up and disposal did not work (for me, at least). A full rubber apron, long acid resistant gloves and full face shield would be a damn good idea. Look at Mega's description of a violent "bumping" that led to a nice acid shower...

A discussion of the dangers inherent in a vacuum distilling rig would not be amiss- inspection for cracks and chips, suitability of round vs. flat bottomed distilling flasks, dangers of backflow of water when using a venturi pump and procedures to avoid such.

Also- There are available Teflon sleeves ready made for ground glass joints which will be easier to use than wound on plumbing tape- Look here (http://www.unitedglasstech.com/glassware_accessories1.htm) The standard Keck clamps may not work when such gaskets (or Teflon tape!) are used. Adjustable clamps are sold here (http://www.chemglass.com/index.htm) (look for product #CG-145-C ) Yes, they're expensive. Allowing your rig to leak and/or fall apart could be MORE expensive... As noted, this procedure can "bump" violently.

The discussion of a digital vacuum gauge is interesting, but you can obtain an analog (mechanical dial) type vacuum/pressure gauge at any supplier of steam heating supplies or auto parts store (http://www.jcwhitney.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?productId=6095&catalogId=10101&storeId=10101&langId=-1&TID=100&afsrc=1) for far less. It will be quite adequate for this purpose.

And, as mentioned by others- This is NOT a newbie level project-

Finally, I'd say with a bit of a clean up and a few additions this thread belongs in the Special Project 1: Nitric Acid (http://www.roguesci.org/theforum/forumdisplay.php?f=22) section. Moderators?

Just looked at your posting history- Looks like you've probably done this procedure. I see you've posted most of your work allready piecemeal and without the graphics, still think the completed article with the addition of some safety and other information would go well as a thread unto itself in the Special Project 1 section.

February 24th, 2004, 12:53 PM
IMO the easiest method of concentrating nitric is to buy 70% stuff and use solvent extraction with DCM.