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March 14th, 2004, 11:02 PM
I just finished making a fistload. I cut off the tapered tip of a CO2 cartridge, and filled it with molten lead, and sanded down the rough edges of the cut end. Completed, it's slightly less than 3 inches long and a hefty 1/2 lb. It fits my hand well enough, although it is slightly short. Has anyone else here had any experience in making them/using them? For how simple they are to make, they're handy to have with you. I've seen them made out of many things, even sparkplugs, although they don't offer the weight, they still re-inforce a fist. If you carry one, what's your preferred type?

March 15th, 2004, 04:35 AM
Fistloads mean you intend to hit someone with a fist.

This means you're either giving up the advantage that a weapon gives you over an empty handed opponent, or that you are outgunned by someone who does have a weapon.

You never want to be on equal footing with an enemy, or even closely matched, but rather massively outgunning them.

You'd be better off loading the CO2 cartridge with APAN and throwing it at them. Either that, or run away, because your opponent may just kick your ass regardless of your fist load. :(

Plus, you should never hit with a fist, but with palm strikes. The bones of your fist can easily be broken on a skull, or the tendons cut on a tooth if you hit the mouth, not to mention the risk of an infectious disease. :eek:

Give up the fist and make a gun or use a knife.

March 15th, 2004, 01:17 PM
Yeah, I know about the drawbacks of fist-fighting. I always carry a knife on me, no matter what, but sometimes knives are not worth the legal percussions. If an unarmed person mugs you, threatening to kick your ass if you don't hand over your money, and you cut them up, you're fucked if anyone saw you. "Excessive force" and all of that bullshit. Same situation, you slip the fistload out of your pocket quietly as soon as you know whats going down, and knock them down. A weighted fist can make the difference between a bloody nose and slightly stunned, and a broken nose and knocked down. Since they're not all that common, it won't be suspected, and you bought yourself time to run like hell, and no assault charges against you. Since they're cheap, they can be tossed down a sewer/whatever if you are suspected of having one. I think they have their uses if one wants to keep within the law.

March 15th, 2004, 10:24 PM
They're heavy to carry in your pocket.

What I use is a pair of wiring scizzors. They come with a leather scabbord. I use them all the time at work and they double as a totally excusable push knife. I've punched them through 1/4 inch plywood with ease. I brandished at a mugger one night and he left skid marks with his sneakers trying to get away. (I think he thought it was a gun coming out of a holster).

March 15th, 2004, 11:06 PM
Here is was I would do, I would remelt the lead and put an piece of wire rope 1/16" will do into the lead, you now have a ball&chain like weapon that will extend you reach and your power just swing it around a few times and let it hit some thing. Also in a jiffy you have a gurot (sp) to strangle them with.

March 16th, 2004, 12:11 AM
I was thinking the same thing earlier this afternoon, A-BOMB, although a little different. I'm picking up a case of lead musket ammo and a few cheap CO2 cartridges, and a thin chain, maybe a foot long. One weighted cartridge will be fixed to each end, with chain because the lead will solidify in between the links, providing a much more solid hold. Short flail and garrote. It could also be doubled over, thus striking with both ends. I'm fairly certain it could smash hands, elbows, and the like easily. Uncommon weapons like fistloads (well, at least not things that first come to mind when thinking of h2h weapons) interest me, but oh well :( . I'd still carry one where stuff like the flail, knives, guns, ect. would be considered excessive force. Especially if you pulled a flail and broke bones, I'm sure the lawyers would have a field day. And sorry for all these posts in the same day in the same thread, but there seems to be a complete lack of stuff to do today. I'm trying to keep them as relevant as possible.

March 18th, 2004, 01:34 AM
Consider what the charges against you will be if caught with such items as a knife, pistol, kubotan (fistload), ect. When you weigh them all out they just might be so similar as for you to opt the best one. Not like you’re going up the river for having protection.

It wouldn’t matter if I were searched while walking down the street with a black powder revolver tucked in my waistband or a penknife in my pocket. I would be charged with “possession of a concealed weapon” (Black powder pistols and rifles are not considered “FIREARMS” in the USA. I encourage all felons to own a few :D ). But the fine would run me about 100 bucks. A citation for having a roll of quarters (or other coins) would be thrown out of court even if the piggy did feel I was gonna thrash someone with it in my fist. Just don’t tape up the roll with electrical tape or similar. It kinda blows the ”innocent roll of coin” fascade right out the water.

I say fuck it, carry a shooter and don’t get searched. BTW, I thought all Texans were packin’ heat, anyway… ;)

March 27th, 2004, 03:03 PM
Yes it does pay to be prepared for such situations.I myself carry telescopic nunchuks,mainly for intimidation.Ive never actually beat the crap outta anyone with them but i can put out a fairly impressive display of kick ass when swingin them round.However it is much easier to put on a display then to actually use this weapon in a skuffle soley because when you hit a someone/something the nun chucks tend to have a mind of their own and it is fairly easy to cause more damage to yourself then to your opponent i learned this the hard way when practising on a 4 ltr water bottle suspended from the washing line in my back garden(a lesson well learnt and it took 2 weeks before i had the balls to start practising again)
Anyway my point is that phycsological tactics are all to commonly forgotten about when facing numerous opponents. I have found myself in a few scraps and phycsologial tactics have saved my Hyde and allowed me to keep face.
I came to ponder this 3yrs ago when i was at a friends party, his parents were home and we went out into the front garden to smoke the wacky tabaki 2 dudes and their lady friends came staggering up the street and gave us the evil eye,so myself and my amigo stepped out onto the street and stared back (there was trouble a brewin). The 2 guys promptly turned around and asked was there a problem "no bother were just standin out here"came the sarcastic reply.
The punks then proceeded to take off their shoes while telling us that one of the girls that was there was pregnant and they did not care as to whether we were to fight or not.Them taking off their shoes alone made us very uneasy not yet alone that one of the girls was pregnant,long story short we finished the joint and made our way back to the party some what humbled.
I reflected on the incident and came to the conclusion that:
1. fightin some dude i knew nothin about for no particular reason with his
PREGNANT G/F watching was pretty bad
2. Why were they taking off their shoes,did they have martial arts training
and what made them so cocky

The fact that they were so confident put us off straight away and cast a shadow of doubt on whether it was in fact prudent to continue.

I took this enlightening event and incorporated it into my own meanderings when the odds were severely stacked against me.....
walking to my local video store i encountered a pack about 10 freaks with there I'm hard pack mentality.They taunted me as i was making my way into the store and i just ignored them.Strolling home about 15 minutes later they were harassing me for smokes and what not.... i walked quite calmly towards the well lit adjacent car park and said unexpectedly to the one with the biggest mouth "come ere and take a smoke out of my pocket" he approached me with his buddies in tow proclaiming that i thought that i was hard, so i walked to meet him with my fists held back and shouted so they all could hear that i would take ALL of them on one by one, pushed the one with the big mouth and told him that i didn't want any trouble but i was gonna kick ALL of their asses if they wanted to continue on this escapade it
ended that none of them advanced any further and i vigilantly turned my back to them and walked away
I was in for a beating and my mentality was/is the best defence is a strong offence.Use their pack mentality against them.Show them you have no fear therfore making them question their own confidence.If your gonna get your ass kicked do it in style,the memory alone is enough to stop the punks from trying it again

Another example a old buddy of mine was getting beaten by the same pack of wankers almost on a weekly basis.One glorious day when they were about to kick him senseless he decided that he had had enough, he lay down on the ground and invited them to kick him while he was down....... they were freaked out by what he was doing and let him be LOL

The only other thing i can add is not to show your hand till you have to ie not revealing any concealed weapons or showing them you are afraid .To me beatin someone sensless is a last resort espeicially using a weapon,thats not to say i wont fight dirty :)

March 27th, 2004, 11:27 PM
I don't know if you all have seen those tiny dumbell-shaped walking weights, (sold for women to get extra workout from walking - I guess), anyway they make amazing fistloads because #1 they don't qualify as a concealed weapon, #2 they fit PERFECTLY in your hand, much better than any CO2 cartrige, your fist will fit snugly in between the flat circular metal things on the ends, #3 because most of the weight is on the outside of the fist, you will be able to punch with knuckles (as opposed to busting your fingers when holding large-volume objects), you can also effectively strike with the side of your fist (which is valuable in tight combat).
If you will be looking for one, I suggest choosing the one with the narrowest connecting rod (center piece of a dumbell)

April 3rd, 2004, 04:12 AM
Good fistloads are D-cell batteries. They are perfectly legal.
But I think is much more better to carry telescopic baton than fistloads because it's longer(and MUCH more harder) than your hand, you can block with it and when you aren't really dumb, you can not damage yourself with it. However, expandable baton is more suspicious than batteries.
Good distraction can be made by throwing CO2 cartridges filled with lead(or black powder and with fuse...no, I'm just joking) or you can use large ball bearings(i.e. 1-1/2 inch dia.). They are VERY effective to jolt your opponent, slow him down and make him think twice.