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View Full Version : Adding years to your appearance?

March 15th, 2004, 12:20 AM
I want to start this thread because there is a feature to ones face that can make you look 15 or can make you look 25 and I can't put my finger on it! I have a friend that is 18 but people have mistaken him for my dad on many occasions. Do you guys have an techniques for making yourself look older then you accually are?

March 15th, 2004, 05:04 AM
Painting on a thin shellac of medical grade NC on the skin causes it to pucker up in a good imitation of wrinkling. On the hands, neck, and face, that'd be enough, along with some suitable makeup, to put some years on you, though no one is going to be fooled into thinking a 15 year old is old enough to buy beer without showing ID. ;) :p

But, if you're 40, it could make you look 60.

March 15th, 2004, 11:26 AM
Facial hair, if you're male. Of course, that presupposes you have real whiskers, not just a little peachfuzz. Nothing looks more juvenile than a kid with peachfuzz just letting it grow. A five o'clock shadow, however, will give the look of age. I knew a chap in high school, at 18 he wore a full beard to school. We called him "Moses". Looked like he was 40. I know guys who started wearing a mustache in their 20's to look older, than quit in their 40's to look younger.
Premature balding adds years to your face.
If you're 15, you're pretty much hosed, unless you have excess testosterone for the last 4 years. Wireframe glasses will age you a little, and NBK's "wrinkle cream" will add to the illusion. Your demeanor will be the clincher, though.

March 15th, 2004, 11:52 AM
Juveniles also have this typical kind of walk and pose, because they're always searching for a position that'll make them look a certain way.

Your appearance is not only how your body looks, but also the way how you walk, talk and look around.

March 15th, 2004, 09:22 PM
A lot of people smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol to make themselves look older. It works, too, although not in the way that they had intended.

March 16th, 2004, 12:50 AM
There's not a whole lot you can do to make you look older if you're only 15, but, as Vulture said, the way you act goes a long way. I don't know if this pertains to your situation, but I've been able to pass as 18 tons of times when I'm buying something I'm not supposed to. A lot of people make the mistake of being cautious and paranoid. Walk in there, go straight up to the counter, ask for a specific brand of smokes (stuttering and choosing something right there makes you look suspicious), and do it audibly. Act like you expect to be sold something without any trouble. Buy some inconspicious stuff with it, but not sodas, candy, ect. Buy a cheap hygiene product or something. Don't bring your wallet if you plan on using the "I lost my ID" excuse. Wad some small bills up in your pocket and say someone stole your wallet, and STILL expect to be sold whatever you're buying. People run/give up if asked for an ID. Dress is also important. Put on a nice shirt and clean jeans. People are reluctant to sell to you if you've got a leather jacket covered in studs and bands, and ripped up jeans. This works for pretty much anything, be it knives, ammunition, lighters (yeah, I've been denied lighters before), or whatever. It works wonders for buying chemicals, too. Clean, acceptable clothes and the right demeanor get you a long way. If you're wanting to look older for something else, it still applies. The best make-up artist in the world couldn't help you if you still act like you're 15.

March 16th, 2004, 01:16 AM
Never smile,in fact try and look kinda pissed.

April 7th, 2004, 12:18 AM
Well that's not technically true,anything is possible even at 15,If you were good at acting(being able to deepen voice,posture etc)then you would use Facial Prosthetics.basically it consists of making a cast of your face,neck,hands(visible body parts,although you would be better using gloves to cover the hands),then with the cast that you made you would sculpt it adding wrinkles,scars,blemishes etc,then you can either make another full face cast,which will be your latex mask but i would advise against that,especially if you have to speak,instead you make moulds of individual sections of the face,forehead,cheeks,neck etc then apply it to your skin.

It's really hard to explain but take a look here & you will see the undetectable results that professionals can do.Like most people when they try this for low budget movies etc,they make a whole hesd cast and it looks really stupid,However when they do it in big budget movies they build it up in individual layers which gives it the realism factor.



It would really be worth either enrolling in part time,weekend classes or even books if you are really serious about it.Most of the stuff needed is cheap,so you could practice it yourself fairly simply & then see how you get on,However if you're not good at art then i seriously wouldn't bother,trying to sculpt layered facial features(wrinkles etc) onto your cast,then add facial tones etc can be a real bitch.

April 7th, 2004, 04:47 AM
Nose putty/derma wax could really help changing your appearence, though not that much in the sense of making you look older but rather fucking up your description. Changing the nose and especially chin (making it look asymmetrical and/or adding a dimple) can really work wonders. The biggest problem, at least for me, seems to be the fucking makeup, I could get the putty right after a bit of practice but then I either couldn't cover the shit reliably, or used too much makeup and ended up looking like a gay prostitute...

Mr Cool
April 7th, 2004, 02:45 PM
I know a great method. Unfortunately it takes a few years to do it well...

April 8th, 2004, 08:22 AM
...there is a feature to ones face that can make you look 15 or can make you look 25 and I can't put my finger on it!

More than likely you are thinking of "crow's feet". Most people start to develop those thin lines beside their eyes in their mid twenties. Without them you can guarantee a look of your ID when trying to purchase alcohol or tobacco.

If you're going for the old man look, here's something really strange I noticed:
It seems men's ears never seem to stop growing. They get fucking huge! I'm laughing as I type this, but it's true...

Anyway, pay attention to peoples eye-lines at various ages and you'll see what I mean. Hope that helps.