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View Full Version : Annm +al

March 16th, 2004, 01:06 AM
Im about to set off 240g of AN with 35ml of NM and 20g of german dark AL in about 1.5 hours. Im have a 3g pressed AP cap. Is there anything I can do to improve my chances of a full detonation. Everything is nice, dry and fresh. If anyone has a suggestion please post ASAP. Thanks.

This is my first NM charge

March 16th, 2004, 03:19 AM
Not really a sugestion towards the detonationg of the charge but run away fast! When I say run fast I mean fucking move!

About the detonation maybe have it placed under something to create pressure to ensure a full detonation? Like a big fat rock :)

March 16th, 2004, 03:27 AM
:mad: :mad:
It didnt work, the cap went and everything was scattered around...It might be the cap, does a 3g cap sound more like a pop that a crack from lets say 200m away? I hand press them. Lets see...I put everything in a 20oz coke bottle it was filled about 1/2 way. The cap was placed in the middle of the powder, it was kept closed untill I inserted the cap. When I added the NM and closed the bottle it generated some pressure so I let it out and reclosed it. I cant think of any good reason why it didnt go.

What a waste of chems....

March 16th, 2004, 02:41 PM
Hmm.. maybe you should use a bigger proportion of NM, something like 25% and keeping the Al content same.. though I doubt this was the only reason it didnt work, if dry ap was used. When a bit bigger charge goes off it should look something like this (http://www.geocities.com/pyrotuksia/350gANNM.avi ). :)

March 16th, 2004, 02:49 PM
What other reasons could there be?

March 16th, 2004, 05:01 PM
Well adding metal to an explosive usually decreases its sensitivity and while your mix was already somewhat NM deficient, it could be the reason why it failed to detonate from a mere blasting cap.. If your after optimal VoD and sensitivity, leave Al out. Using some extra aluminium will give some nice thermobaric effects though, once set off. :) Try using plain ANNM as a booster..

March 16th, 2004, 05:03 PM
How long before you tried to det was the NM added? 1.5 hrs? Ive read that you have to let it sit at least an hour and up to 8 hours. Also I agree with Guerilla try a touch more NM say 50ml (for 240gms AN). Maybe next time let it sit over night.
Hey,you would'nt have any old deactivated LAWs layin around you dont need?

March 16th, 2004, 07:20 PM
I'm surprised it didn't work for you!

Not to sure on the noise of the cap - I've never heard a 3gm det from so far away!

The cap was pressed, so that should be ok. Everything was dry, so that should be ok.

Was the ANNMAl settled or packed? I usually give the charge a shake to loosen everything up before putting it in place and inserting the cap.

I'd definitely suspect the NM quantity. I've never done a proper study, but charges that have failed for uncertain reasons also had a low NM content (<20%). 20-25% has always worked for me.

Soaking time of the NM - 30 mins works for me. I usually add the NM before leaving for the blasting site.

I've never had a dud with ANNM using a ~1gm pressed AP or HMTD cap, 20% NM and finely powdered AN. I usually oven dry the AN after powdering, but I'm sure I've skipped this drying step a couple of times and still had a full det.