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View Full Version : Tetrameric Acetone Peroxide [Is This Possible?]

March 23rd, 2004, 08:45 PM
This morning I stumbled across this... http://www.geocities.com/thedoghouse01/TetramericAcetonePeroxide.pdf

It is a small paper about Tetrameric Acetone Peroxide. It seems breif and doesn't really give the full syntheses.

Now I know starting this thread will most likely get me banned because I'm still a n00b. Sorry...

I still have many unanswered questions...

Does this exist or is this a wet dream?

What would be the ideal synth?

Is it more powerful/more stable than trimeric AP?

Help would be greatly appreciated, I know that there was a thread on this almost a year ago, but the guy who made it left off at the end of the thread and never posted his results. If no one has made it I'll give it a shot if you guys could help me with the synth.

Sorry I sound like a total noob.

March 24th, 2004, 12:28 AM
So why start a new thread when there was already an existant one you could post in?


March 24th, 2004, 09:12 AM
Sorry, it had fallen back. It was dated March 25 2002. I felt that the members that posted there would have long forgot.