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View Full Version : trenchcoat self defense

January 9th, 2005, 02:45 PM
i was just curious to know if anyone ever heard anything about a martial art that focused on a long cloak or coat, i like my trenchcoat but really wish there was a way to whack the crap out of somebody with it (and to defend myself with it after said person had been whacked)

January 9th, 2005, 04:11 PM
My friends and I tossed around an idea of sewing a length of wire with wooden handles(I cant remember what its called) into a scarf. Mayhap it would work in the belt of the trenchcoat. Or you could weight the ends with something sewn in.

But somehow I think this has been covered in quite a few threads here.

Try searching for more.

January 9th, 2005, 04:14 PM
The first and most important rule in any combat situation is to stay alive, right? (Use 'I' istead of 'i' when referring to yourself and this will help you dodge a blow that is absolutely unblockable by any means from an attacking Mod or Admin (I'm no Mod nor Admin, but I have seen enough of it. It pisses alot of members off, too). Twenty two months here should have taught you that by now. Ditch the chatroom stuff and capitalize).

Secondly, no martial art focusses on apparrel as a method of defense or attack as a sole principle. Clothing is superficial and it is the man beneath who uses techniques to attack or defend (at least that I am aware of). Looking for a quick fix to stop your ass getting kicked again? Buy a gun, a stungun, a cattleprod, expandable baton, or a good blade. All of these can easily be hidden beneath your trench coat. OR, learn to defend yourself the old fashioned way: Schooling, practice, and hard labours. Years of devotion and study will be required.

Something tells me you'd prefer a good Batman-belt, though. (My "Spidey senses" are tingling...). :rolleyes:

Look beneath the coat for a person who wants to take care of his own. I think your answer will lie there. I recommend "sitting in" on several classes at many different martial arts schools before making a decision. Find a school that is serious and not just kata and form related. Ask about full contact sparring and advancement requirements. If you can go from a white belt to a black in one to three years, look elsewhere. (I'd look elsewhere if I could possibly become a black belt in under ten years, but that's me).

January 9th, 2005, 08:08 PM
Believe me....I know how to defend myself, I'm in the Marine Corps and self defense is a must, I was just curious if this topic is floating somewhere on the internet or in this forum, I have searched on this topic here and the only topics I found that even had the word trenchcoat in them was for a bb machinegun and some kewl bomber lightbulb bomb, anyway, I've read about the nunchuk scarf (sounds good right?) before and my coat doesnt have a belt (it's a duster) but if anyone else has some sites or ideas, just float them by my way.

January 9th, 2005, 09:05 PM
Hmm. With this new knowledge brought to light, can you tell me why it is of interest to you to turn your duster into a weapon? I'd like to think that Marines are well enough capable of taking care of themselves without need of exotic spy/superhero/supervillian like clothing. My curiousity does sometimes get the better of me and today I'm quite inquisitive...

I like my trench coat because it is black and very forgiving of bulges beneath. Never have I thought of turning it into a weapon itself, though. I suppose a couple of weights sewn into the bottom corners might be of some use if you could flail someone with it (hard to do when wearing it, though, no?). Wrapping it around your forearm would help in shielding from a knife attack (the Mossad used this or a similar technique. Even a bare arm is better to be hit than a body stab).

A garrotte is what Silentnite was thinking of, I believe. A weapon of this nature could easily be built and concealed in your dusters collar. You can find a wire camping saw just about anywhere consisting of two rings and an abrasive wire between which makes a great garrotte. If they manage to get their fingers between the wire and their throat it's just a sawing motion to remove the obstacle. :D

January 9th, 2005, 09:43 PM
First off, being in the Marine Corps, they teach you to use EVERYTHING as a weapon, from a wrench (I'm a mechanic) to your enemies uniform (how would you like to be choked to death with your own blouse?) and I like having lots of weapons at my disposal, mainly since an armed man is a little more dangerous than an unarmed man given he has the knowledge and common sense to use whatever he has.

My duster though, on the fact of the matter, is something I wear almost daily and if the need arise I'd like to know how to use it in a defensive position, I was thinking of adding weights to the ends of the tails (contrary to what you said, it is actually easy to throw that coat around even with it on) and having kevlar sleeves (the kind butchers use) sewn into the arms as to help with knife slashes, along with various pockets and sheathes in the wrists and torso to help with concealing things....

The garrote idea though, i do like that alot and that will definetely be added to my arsenal after I get paid....

January 9th, 2005, 10:29 PM
Garrote! Thats what I was trying to think of. I just couldnt remember the name... Thank you Festergrump.
Anyways. Even if it is a duster, could you not find some material to match it to use as a belt. I see that being of more use then the actual coat. I have seen lots of martial arts moves using something of the sort(clothe belt, scarf, shirt) wrapped around a persons arms, neck, legs... etc.
Also, what about a concealed bola? As far as entangling the attackers legs or such.
But as Festergrump pointed out, there are a lot of things you can conceal under a trenchcoat, as it fits rather loosely.
Or something such as sheaths sewn in the lining, for throwing knives...
There are a lot of possibilities. Depending on what your going for and what your used to. Also how much damage. If your in the marines, get a CCW...

January 10th, 2005, 01:55 AM
Heck, just start carrying around that umbrella with the sharpened, poisoned tip the KGB used, just in case :rolleyes: