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View Full Version : question for Mn2O7

January 25th, 2005, 08:14 PM
i have a quick question i need answered and something i would like to share to the forum.

my question is can other acids be used instead of sulfuric to peform the followig reaction?
2KMnO4 + H2SO4 = Mn2O7 + K2SO4 + H2O

when i make some Mn2O7 i wikll be able to peform an experement.

Mn2O7 disloves in water to make H2MnO4 which would be much more stable than Mn2O7, this acid could be quickly dehydrated with a substance such as dehydrted copper sulfate (there are probably better dehydrating agents which could be used) then reacted with an oganic substance such as sugar causing combustion. this could be a good chemical reaction that doent require a fuse or electronic detoniation.
a grenaid could be made from this substance with a number of the dehydration agent and sugar mix on each side.
when the pin is pulled it allows the contained mix to be pushed down into the inner H2MnO4 dehydrating it and causing detonation of the greinaid.

this leads me to another querstion. would the H2MnO4 dehydrate quick enough?

January 27th, 2005, 06:50 AM
OK for starters grenaid is spelt grenade, it's written in enough places in this forum for you to get it right. if you can't be arsed with that at least put an (sp) tag on the end of the word to indicate that you don't know how to spell it.
Secondly i don't think that anhydrous CuSO4 is a strong enough dehydrating agent to dehydrate H2MnO4 to Mn2O7.
Thirdly, what exactly do you mean by "this could be a good chemical reaction that doent require a fuse", What's wrong with a fuse, they're certainly a lot more predictable than this reaction.
Fourth, a grenade made from this would be unpredictable as hell, would it burn, would it smoke, would it explode, you can't tell.

I suggest you go search for manganese heptoxide in the forum, you'll find it very enlightening

January 27th, 2005, 09:17 AM
Not to mention that if it did reliably explode everytime, how would you prepare the grenade? As any trace could start a reaction. Maybe if you got some of those Plastic mortar shells and put something between. Like wrapping one of the compounds in cloth and pulling the cloth out through the fuse hole.

Problems come in when you try to time the reaction. Is it: Pull, three seconds, throw. Or, throw, pull det, laugh? If its too quick a reaction it might be a good booby-trap, but not necessarily a grenade.

January 27th, 2005, 11:23 AM
M2O7 is far better used for incendiary purposes.

January 27th, 2005, 05:03 PM
I think your grenade idea is terrible, for these reasons:

Grenades in which two chemicals are stored then mixed when needed are unreliable.
The explosion would neither be strong nor complete. Long before the chemicals mix completely, your grenade will explosde, sending fuel in one direction and oxidizer in the other, both unreacted.
It's a big waste of manganese heptoxide.

The most low quality blackpowder grenade will outperform your manganese heptoxide grenade; and blackpowder is far easier to come up with.

One more thing: look up the definition of detonate. Low explosives such as your mix or blackpowder do not detonate.

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