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February 24th, 2005, 12:35 AM
Do we have any homebrewers here on the board?

I just started a few months ago. Besides the initial 'gadget' purchase, it's actually quite cheap to produce some really great tasting brews.

February 24th, 2005, 12:47 AM
My brother does it, and we opened a bottle of his wine for New Years. He makes it rather strong, and his beer is the best I've had. He prefers a lager, but he'll brew anything. I personally prefer, well, liquor, but hey, the beer's cheap.

Seeing has how he's out of state, I'm about to start my own brewery. Er.. with my other brother of course. I'd just oversee development, I wouldn't actually drink it for another year. *Wink*

February 24th, 2005, 03:30 AM
My dad makes wine. We got 4 grapeplants in our garden so my dad makes wine out of them because they are horrible to eat. Personally I don't like wine very much but the wine he makes isn't that bad at all. My dad also made beer once but I was too young to taste it then. I think I was around 10 well you don't like beer when you are 10 hehe. I'm now 15 and my parents allow me to drink (HOLLAND IS GREAT hehe). So I can taste the wine and stuff. We still got a bottle of wine that's now let me think I guess around 5 years old now. Not too bad at all hehe. Hope my dad will open the bottle soon otherwise I'll steal it hehe.

Wine is so cheap to make dudes. You just buy like 2 grapeplants and you can make about 8 bottles of wine out of there. You just have to squize the juice out of those suckers and then poor it in a gigantic bottle. I think it's a 50L bottle. You just add the leaven and let it sit for a while. It ill cost you I think about 1$ per bottle. He just saves old winebottles and poors it in those (when the wine is ready for bottling). A friend of his makes the lables and just sit and wait till the wine is ready. ;)

Ain't pricey and not that bad at all ;)

Jacks Complete
February 24th, 2005, 07:25 PM

grapeplants = grapevines
leaven = yeast
poor = not rich but pour = to tip out

Holland is obviously good at teaching English. My French sucks, I know no German, but I do know the Belgians put some of their women together *just* right!

Good first post, too - you put in info!

February 24th, 2005, 09:13 PM
I'm sorry I guess I wasn't really awake or whatever. I couldn't find that word yeast. I know how to speak it but I didn't know how to write it so I used leaven. Sorry for that one. Grapvines/plants whatever hehe. Well whatever.

The Point is that the wine is quit tasty and cheap to make hehe

February 25th, 2005, 11:30 AM
I used to brew. My dad did too, in his time. But I gave up alcohol (and everything else) after having their incompatibility with explosives handling brought forcefully to my attention. I liked to make (and drink!) India pale ales- STRONG and HOPPY. American bunny piss beer sucks.

February 25th, 2005, 03:04 PM
as a belgian I have to say belgian beer rules, and belgian woman are well put together ;)
they do tend to have a high self image, like french people :d
now back to topic: isn't making wine a little more complicating?
after you squeeze the grapes you have to kill all other bacteria then the yeast, and after the yeasting procces you have to clear the wine with something like eggwhite or gelatine.
you also need a special cap for youre "damme jeanne"(the bottle where you make wine in)
we used to make wine during the lessons of biochemistry at school to, but they just stop teaching everything thats a little fun :(
btw I realy feel sorry for you americans who have to be 21 to drink some pissy beer, in belgium you only have to be 16 and even if youre 12 they'll still sell you booze (explains the big amounts of 12 year old fucktards ;))

February 25th, 2005, 03:13 PM
YEs making wine is a bit harder but I can't explain the whole process because:
1st: I don't make the wine my dad does ;)
2nd: If you would explain the full process then I would sit here typing for the next ten years hehe

In Holland it's the same. You have to be 16 to buy <20 or 25% and 18 to buy whatever you want hehe. I bought my first alcohol in holland when I was 14. So not a problem here.

February 26th, 2005, 02:00 AM
Ahhhhhh belgian beer (or, for that matter, good Hollander beer). I gave up brewing beer because the Spaten folks in Germany, the Unibroue folks in Canada, and dozens of amazing brewers in Belgium (red beer, devil beer, tripel, dubbel, abbey ales, peche lambic, the list goes on and on and on) do it -really- well. The current project is Sake. That's chemistry and biochemistry and industrial strength temperature control and.... but it's amazing when it comes out right.

February 26th, 2005, 07:11 AM
indeed brakkie, there's also more than one way to make wine.
my great grandfather used to make wine from everything he could get his hands on, but he was dead before I was born, bummer huh
I am not realy a big bear drinker, I even used hate the way it tastes, but lately I am starting to like it more and more :d
but I hate the warm bear out of a plastic cup you get at party's, the only reason for drinking it that way is getting wasted ( the only thing most young people are motivated for anyhow :d)
btw anyone know rodenbach or leffe or kasteelbier (castlebeer if you translate it)?
btw there isn't that much good holland beer, heineken tastes like piss and they even put lemon in it :s

February 26th, 2005, 02:29 PM
I drink Kasteelbier when I go to friends or Leffe. You ever heard of Kanon damn that's great hehe. Well heineken certainly tastes like piss but if you cool it down to about 2 degrees C then i's "drinkeble" hehe.

Back on topic: FrankRizzo: go check on google. I'm sure you can find some information there. If you are dutch then tell me I got a presentation about alcohol that I made for school. If you want I could upload it somewhere so you can check it out.