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June 2nd, 2005, 06:46 PM
Music List, in the order they appear:

'Don't Hate the Playa', Hate the Game' by Ice Cube
'Everything Counts' by Depeche Mode
'Surfing USA' by The Beach Boys
'Fantasia on a theme', track six, Master and Commander Soundtrack
The whistling theme song from 'The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly'


The Jihadists' wanted the world to know that they were still a force to be reckoned with but, after 9/11, they were too busy running for their lives to even think about leaving their mountain sanctuaries to try another operation.

So they decided to hire a mercenary to do the job for them. Someone with no morals and a total disregard for all civilized manners. Not some thuggish brute who'd draw the attention of every security agent in sight, but a master of banality who hide in plain sight, as well as supremely skilled in killing, as they needed a body count that would surpass 9/11 if they wanted to inspire terror.

That's how NBK got the job.

[cue='Don't Hate the Playa', Hate the Game' by Ice Cube]

Through the network, the Jihadi offered $50,000,000 to anyone who could achieve their goal of at least 5,000 casualties.

The usual players in the terror trade made their bids, but stepped aside when NBK decided to take the job...but for $100,000,000.

The Jihadis had, of course, heard of NBK, but thought him killed during the robbery of the Federal Reserve bank in Kansas City (they called him 'Snake' then. ;)), and refused to believe it was him, casting insults at his lineage for being an infidel agent of the Great Satan.

That was soon remedied when the severed head of their US regional commander, with "$200,000,000" tattooed on the forehead, appeared at the mouth of their cave in Tora-Bora.

It was now obvious that it was NBK, for the US government would have already killed them if they knew their location, and anyone else would have turned them in for the $20,000,000 reward.

Very quickly afterwards, the instructions were transmitted to the banks in Quatar and Yemen, to transfer the required gold and platinum to a ship crossing the Indian ocean, where the bullion container was dropped over the side at the provided GPS coordinates, over a deep oceanic trench.

A week later, the Jihadis got confirmation that the funds were acceptable, and the job accepted.

They didn't know how or when the job would be done, but knew it was certain to be spectacularly lethal, as was every job NBK had ever done.

Four months later, the Jihadis got an e-mail on their IMARSAT terminal, telling them to watch Al-Jezera for the rest of the day.

Intellegence agencies around the world immediately put their televisions on that station, as they had recently discovered the whereabouts of the Jihadi leaders, but had held off on killing them in hopes of snaring the infamous NBK, a master criminal and genosadist*, wanted for the deaths of thousands, and the overthrow of several 'friendly' governments around the globe.


[cue='Everything Counts' by Depeche Mode]

Having accepted the job, NBK was capable of doing it within the week, already having several stock contingency plans in place for various operations around the world, but held off for a reason.

NBK hadn't survived a global manhunt this long by taking foolish chances, such as taking jobs from sloppy raghead terrs who believed in a goat-herder religion, but by playing games of strategy with layers upon layers of subtlety.

One of the games he was playing now involved monitoring the communications traffic of the armies who thought they were laying a trap for NBK when, in fact, they had stepped into the trap he had laid out for them by leaking the location of the Jihadi's, as well as the fact of his accepting a job from them.

Sure, it was risky, but he wanted to know just exactly who was looking for him, so he could deal with them on a permanent basis. So he set out a tempting table to see who came to dine.

But they could wait, as NBK had the patience of an immortal. Right now, it was time to buy a south american dictatorship, and get some vaction time in.


After a few months rest on a white sand beach with no concerns of anything more difficult than avoiding a sunburn and putting a generalissimo in power, NBK was ready to go back to work, so he pulled out his laptop.

While everyone else had been worried about finding the fissionables, no one was paying attention to the huge quantities of far more valuable chemical weapons in the stockpile that the Soviets had built up during the Cold War...over 400,000 tons.

Sure, a nuke is flashy and lethal, but it also destroys everything it touches. It's far better to gas the people who occupy what you want, rather than irradiate and burn it in the process of removing them with a nuke.

So NBK had aquired a witchs brew of many tons of toxins and CW agents during the post-Soviet upheaval while no one was looking, and now was the time to use some of it.

Accessing his database, he reviewed some of the agents at his disposal and noted that he had a ton of HL, a mixture of Mustard gas and Lewisite, that was held in a badly corroded bulk container that would have to be used soon or be disposed of.

So he decided to put it to good use. Waste not, want not.

Now, what are the ideal conditions for use of a vesicant?

Hot, humid weather, with a light breeze and full sun, applied to bare sweaty skin, preferably a lot of bare and sweaty skin.

In order to be worthy of his reputation, it'd have to be thousands (at least), otherwise people would think NBK was slipping into his dottage. Reputation is everything in the trade.

But where can you find such conditions?

Hmmm....(looking around him at the crowded beach)....*A beach!*


[cue='Surfing USA' by The Beach Boys]

Spring break in Florida....tens of thousands of hot sweaty bodies laying out flat with only a tiny piece of cloth covering their butt crack, slathered in oil and baking in the sun, all packed like sardines on a narrow strip of sand and lined up like lambs for the slaughter.

A single engine cessna, with two 55 gallon tanks hooked up to a High Volume - Low Pressure spraying rig, flies parrallel to the beach, dumping half a ton of liquid Hell, in the form of HL (Mustard+Lewisite) on the vulnerable mass of flesh below.

All those young college students...the future leaders of America...lawyers, doctors, engineers...receiving second and third degree burns over more than half of their bodies...hundreds instantly blinded for life by the liquid lewisite vesicant in their eyes...the crushing stampede as the herd flees the beach because the lewisite that's mixed in with the mustard feels like a red-hot wire being driven into their flesh wherever it touches.

The mass stampede from the beach entails hundreds of wrecks as the sheeple drive in blind panic to the nearest hospitals, swamping the medical system within minutes, leaving the screaming masses outside to writh in the torments of the damned as the absorbed arsenic from the Lewisite began to destroy their bodies from within.

Over two square kilometers of a Florida beach had been swept clean of life.


[cue='Fantasia on a theme', track six, Master and Commander Soundtrack]

Once NBK had finished dumping the HL over the naked flesh passing 300 feet below him, he set the autopilot to fly the plane towards Cuba, knowing that fighters would be scrambled within minutes and shooting down anything that moved.

Bailing out of the plane, he began his decent to a waiting boat, the static line on his chute deploying the clear mylar chute he had custom-made for this job, knowing the the glare of the sun would make him invisible to those on shore, and the transparent chute to anyone at sea.


Meanwhile, the vapor cloud has drifted for more than a kilometer inland, causing further casualties ...people in their homes...driving along the freeway...what the military would call 'collateral damage', but more like 'bonus points' in NBK's eyes.


As news of the attack flashed over every radio and TV in the nation, every beach around the country emptied in minutes as the masses fled in fear of a similar attack upon their hedonistic flesh.

Hundreds of people died in car crashes, hundreds or thousands of miles removed from the attack site, such was the panic NBK instilled.

Within the hour, every beach around the country was empty, and the adjacent business zones of motels and bars were deserted as people fled in terror of the 'Dew of Death' that befell a Florida beach on a sunny spring day.


The government scrambled its high-tech jet fighters, but the powerful demon of fear that the dread necromancer, NBK, had summoned with the sacrifice of thousands, had already been unleashed, and no missile could stop it.

Every day that the beaches stayed empty was another day that the 'terrorists' have symbolized their power over the mightest nation on earth, as well as an economic loss of tens of millions of dollars.


As news of the attack flashes around the world, beaches across europe and australia repeat the scene of mass-panic and the related death toll.

The economic impact to the Western world becomes hundreds of millions of dollars lost each day.


The Jihadis are jumping for joy in their mountain hideout! NBK has delivered beyond their wildest dreams! The infidels have been punished for their most sinful pride of flesh! The glistening oiled flesh of blonde goddesses, with their firm breasts and buttocks exposed to the warm sun...SIN!

They toasted their cups of fermented goat mares milk in anticipation of their prepared list of demands being delivered to the UN by NBK.


Nobody could ever say that NBK didn't deliver on a job.

The Jihadis had gotten what they had wanted and then some.

But he'd be damned if he was going to deliver some kooky list of impossible demands by a group of goat fuckers, having seen them engaging in the perversion with his own eyes.

He had his own agenda in mind.

But now that they had had some time to enjoy 'their' victory, it was time for NBK to finish the job.


[cue=The whistling theme song from 'The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly']







The B-52s that had been orbiting 5 miles above the Jihadis mountain hideout received the message they had been waiting the last 2 weeks for...an encrypted text-message from a hidden SAS observation post in the mountains above the Jihadis cave...telling them that the target they each had 10 tons of smart bombs ready for had finally arrived.

As they broke orbit and assumed an attack formation, the formation leader responded:





'Sargent!' whispered corporal Tuco to his commander.


'Look!' he says urgently as he passes the compad.

'Arclight says they've aquired lase, but we're not lasing anything!'

'Bloody hell! And what do those damn yankees mean by 'Duck?!'


As massive explosions rippled through the valley below him, wiping out the SAS observation post and the Jihadis in one fell swoop, NBK packed away the AN/PEQ-1A laser target designator while his indig guide stowed the Motorola ASTRO SABER SECCOM radio set.

It was supposed to be impossible to do what he had just done...impersonating an allied FAC and giving false coordinates to a US Air Force bomber flight...but it was easy to do if you had a backdoor master encryption key hidden in the authentication chip of every SECCOM unit in the US armed forces and NATO allies.

Amazing what a pedophile would do to keep his secret...especially if that pedophile happened to be the head engineer of Motorolas Integrated Circuits division, in charge of designing the ICs used in all their SECCOM radio sets...too much to lose...so treason was the pedo's only option. (as if the KGB was still in business! :rolleyes: )

THALE had fallen earlier to the classic British achilles heel...entrapment of a closet homosexual.

But NBK was glad to have caught such useful flies in his various internet honeypot traps, for he'd been listening to the Allies radio traffic for weeks now, and knew who would be next to die, starting with the indig guide who was the only witness to what just happened.

'After tying up this loose end, I think I'll enjoy a nice week at the beach. It shouldn't be as crowded this time.' NBK thinks as he rides off into the setting sun.


Genosadist is my own word, meaning 'Genocidal Sadist', a person who inflicts terror, pain, and death on a grand scale, for the purpose of enjoying others misery. Compare to a mass murderer who simply kills for the sake of killing.

Mengele was a genosadist. He personally observed and inflicted pain and death on many thousands. Hitler and Stalin were not genosadists, because they merely ordered such acts, without personally observing or causing them.

June 2nd, 2005, 06:46 PM
Music List, in the order they appear:

'Don't Hate the Playa', Hate the Game' by Ice Cube
'Everything Counts' by Depeche Mode
'Surfing USA' by The Beach Boys
'Fantasia on a theme', track six, Master and Commander Soundtrack
The whistling theme song from 'The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly'


The Jihadists' wanted the world to know that they were still a force to be reckoned with but, after 9/11, they were too busy running for their lives to even think about leaving their mountain sanctuaries to try another operation.

So they decided to hire a mercenary to do the job for them. Someone with no morals and a total disregard for all civilized manners. Not some thuggish brute who'd draw the attention of every security agent in sight, but a master of banality who hide in plain sight, as well as supremely skilled in killing, as they needed a body count that would surpass 9/11 if they wanted to inspire terror.

That's how NBK got the job.

[cue='Don't Hate the Playa', Hate the Game' by Ice Cube]

Through the network, the Jihadi offered $50,000,000 to anyone who could achieve their goal of at least 5,000 casualties.

The usual players in the terror trade made their bids, but stepped aside when NBK decided to take the job...but for $100,000,000.

The Jihadis had, of course, heard of NBK, but thought him killed during the robbery of the Federal Reserve bank in Kansas City (they called him 'Snake' then. ;)), and refused to believe it was him, casting insults at his lineage for being an infidel agent of the Great Satan.

That was soon remedied when the severed head of their US regional commander, with "$200,000,000" tattooed on the forehead, appeared at the mouth of their cave in Tora-Bora.

It was now obvious that it was NBK, for the US government would have already killed them if they knew their location, and anyone else would have turned them in for the $20,000,000 reward.

Very quickly afterwards, the instructions were transmitted to the banks in Quatar and Yemen, to transfer the required gold and platinum to a ship crossing the Indian ocean, where the bullion container was dropped over the side at the provided GPS coordinates, over a deep oceanic trench.

A week later, the Jihadis got confirmation that the funds were acceptable, and the job accepted.

They didn't know how or when the job would be done, but knew it was certain to be spectacularly lethal, as was every job NBK had ever done.

Four months later, the Jihadis got an e-mail on their IMARSAT terminal, telling them to watch Al-Jezera for the rest of the day.

Intellegence agencies around the world immediately put their televisions on that station, as they had recently discovered the whereabouts of the Jihadi leaders, but had held off on killing them in hopes of snaring the infamous NBK, a master criminal and genosadist*, wanted for the deaths of thousands, and the overthrow of several 'friendly' governments around the globe.


[cue='Everything Counts' by Depeche Mode]

Having accepted the job, NBK was capable of doing it within the week, already having several stock contingency plans in place for various operations around the world, but held off for a reason.

NBK hadn't survived a global manhunt this long by taking foolish chances, such as taking jobs from sloppy raghead terrs who believed in a goat-herder religion, but by playing games of strategy with layers upon layers of subtlety.

One of the games he was playing now involved monitoring the communications traffic of the armies who thought they were laying a trap for NBK when, in fact, they had stepped into the trap he had laid out for them by leaking the location of the Jihadi's, as well as the fact of his accepting a job from them.

Sure, it was risky, but he wanted to know just exactly who was looking for him, so he could deal with them on a permanent basis. So he set out a tempting table to see who came to dine.

But they could wait, as NBK had the patience of an immortal. Right now, it was time to buy a south american dictatorship, and get some vaction time in.


After a few months rest on a white sand beach with no concerns of anything more difficult than avoiding a sunburn and putting a generalissimo in power, NBK was ready to go back to work, so he pulled out his laptop.

While everyone else had been worried about finding the fissionables, no one was paying attention to the huge quantities of far more valuable chemical weapons in the stockpile that the Soviets had built up during the Cold War...over 400,000 tons.

Sure, a nuke is flashy and lethal, but it also destroys everything it touches. It's far better to gas the people who occupy what you want, rather than irradiate and burn it in the process of removing them with a nuke.

So NBK had aquired a witchs brew of many tons of toxins and CW agents during the post-Soviet upheaval while no one was looking, and now was the time to use some of it.

Accessing his database, he reviewed some of the agents at his disposal and noted that he had a ton of HL, a mixture of Mustard gas and Lewisite, that was held in a badly corroded bulk container that would have to be used soon or be disposed of.

So he decided to put it to good use. Waste not, want not.

Now, what are the ideal conditions for use of a vesicant?

Hot, humid weather, with a light breeze and full sun, applied to bare sweaty skin, preferably a lot of bare and sweaty skin.

In order to be worthy of his reputation, it'd have to be thousands (at least), otherwise people would think NBK was slipping into his dottage. Reputation is everything in the trade.

But where can you find such conditions?

Hmmm....(looking around him at the crowded beach)....*A beach!*


[cue='Surfing USA' by The Beach Boys]

Spring break in Florida....tens of thousands of hot sweaty bodies laying out flat with only a tiny piece of cloth covering their butt crack, slathered in oil and baking in the sun, all packed like sardines on a narrow strip of sand and lined up like lambs for the slaughter.

A single engine cessna, with two 55 gallon tanks hooked up to a High Volume - Low Pressure spraying rig, flies parrallel to the beach, dumping half a ton of liquid Hell, in the form of HL (Mustard+Lewisite) on the vulnerable mass of flesh below.

All those young college students...the future leaders of America...lawyers, doctors, engineers...receiving second and third degree burns over more than half of their bodies...hundreds instantly blinded for life by the liquid lewisite vesicant in their eyes...the crushing stampede as the herd flees the beach because the lewisite that's mixed in with the mustard feels like a red-hot wire being driven into their flesh wherever it touches.

The mass stampede from the beach entails hundreds of wrecks as the sheeple drive in blind panic to the nearest hospitals, swamping the medical system within minutes, leaving the screaming masses outside to writh in the torments of the damned as the absorbed arsenic from the Lewisite began to destroy their bodies from within.

Over two square kilometers of a Florida beach had been swept clean of life.


[cue='Fantasia on a theme', track six, Master and Commander Soundtrack]

Once NBK had finished dumping the HL over the naked flesh passing 300 feet below him, he set the autopilot to fly the plane towards Cuba, knowing that fighters would be scrambled within minutes and shooting down anything that moved.

Bailing out of the plane, he began his decent to a waiting boat, the static line on his chute deploying the clear mylar chute he had custom-made for this job, knowing the the glare of the sun would make him invisible to those on shore, and the transparent chute to anyone at sea.


Meanwhile, the vapor cloud has drifted for more than a kilometer inland, causing further casualties ...people in their homes...driving along the freeway...what the military would call 'collateral damage', but more like 'bonus points' in NBK's eyes.


As news of the attack flashed over every radio and TV in the nation, every beach around the country emptied in minutes as the masses fled in fear of a similar attack upon their hedonistic flesh.

Hundreds of people died in car crashes, hundreds or thousands of miles removed from the attack site, such was the panic NBK instilled.

Within the hour, every beach around the country was empty, and the adjacent business zones of motels and bars were deserted as people fled in terror of the 'Dew of Death' that befell a Florida beach on a sunny spring day.


The government scrambled its high-tech jet fighters, but the powerful demon of fear that the dread necromancer, NBK, had summoned with the sacrifice of thousands, had already been unleashed, and no missile could stop it.

Every day that the beaches stayed empty was another day that the 'terrorists' have symbolized their power over the mightest nation on earth, as well as an economic loss of tens of millions of dollars.


As news of the attack flashes around the world, beaches across europe and australia repeat the scene of mass-panic and the related death toll.

The economic impact to the Western world becomes hundreds of millions of dollars lost each day.


The Jihadis are jumping for joy in their mountain hideout! NBK has delivered beyond their wildest dreams! The infidels have been punished for their most sinful pride of flesh! The glistening oiled flesh of blonde goddesses, with their firm breasts and buttocks exposed to the warm sun...SIN!

They toasted their cups of fermented goat mares milk in anticipation of their prepared list of demands being delivered to the UN by NBK.


Nobody could ever say that NBK didn't deliver on a job.

The Jihadis had gotten what they had wanted and then some.

But he'd be damned if he was going to deliver some kooky list of impossible demands by a group of goat fuckers, having seen them engaging in the perversion with his own eyes.

He had his own agenda in mind.

But now that they had had some time to enjoy 'their' victory, it was time for NBK to finish the job.


[cue=The whistling theme song from 'The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly']







The B-52s that had been orbiting 5 miles above the Jihadis mountain hideout received the message they had been waiting the last 2 weeks for...an encrypted text-message from a hidden SAS observation post in the mountains above the Jihadis cave...telling them that the target they each had 10 tons of smart bombs ready for had finally arrived.

As they broke orbit and assumed an attack formation, the formation leader responded:





'Sargent!' whispered corporal Tuco to his commander.


'Look!' he says urgently as he passes the compad.

'Arclight says they've aquired lase, but we're not lasing anything!'

'Bloody hell! And what do those damn yankees mean by 'Duck?!'


As massive explosions rippled through the valley below him, wiping out the SAS observation post and the Jihadis in one fell swoop, NBK packed away the AN/PEQ-1A laser target designator while his indig guide stowed the Motorola ASTRO SABER SECCOM radio set.

It was supposed to be impossible to do what he had just done...impersonating an allied FAC and giving false coordinates to a US Air Force bomber flight...but it was easy to do if you had a backdoor master encryption key hidden in the authentication chip of every SECCOM unit in the US armed forces and NATO allies.

Amazing what a pedophile would do to keep his secret...especially if that pedophile happened to be the head engineer of Motorolas Integrated Circuits division, in charge of designing the ICs used in all their SECCOM radio sets...too much to lose...so treason was the pedo's only option. (as if the KGB was still in business! :rolleyes: )

THALE had fallen earlier to the classic British achilles heel...entrapment of a closet homosexual.

But NBK was glad to have caught such useful flies in his various internet honeypot traps, for he'd been listening to the Allies radio traffic for weeks now, and knew who would be next to die, starting with the indig guide who was the only witness to what just happened.

'After tying up this loose end, I think I'll enjoy a nice week at the beach. It shouldn't be as crowded this time.' NBK thinks as he rides off into the setting sun.


Genosadist is my own word, meaning 'Genocidal Sadist', a person who inflicts terror, pain, and death on a grand scale, for the purpose of enjoying others misery. Compare to a mass murderer who simply kills for the sake of killing.

Mengele was a genosadist. He personally observed and inflicted pain and death on many thousands. Hitler and Stalin were not genosadists, because they merely ordered such acts, without personally observing or causing them.

June 2nd, 2005, 06:46 PM
Music List, in the order they appear:

'Don't Hate the Playa', Hate the Game' by Ice Cube
'Everything Counts' by Depeche Mode
'Surfing USA' by The Beach Boys
'Fantasia on a theme', track six, Master and Commander Soundtrack
The whistling theme song from 'The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly'


The Jihadists' wanted the world to know that they were still a force to be reckoned with but, after 9/11, they were too busy running for their lives to even think about leaving their mountain sanctuaries to try another operation.

So they decided to hire a mercenary to do the job for them. Someone with no morals and a total disregard for all civilized manners. Not some thuggish brute who'd draw the attention of every security agent in sight, but a master of banality who hide in plain sight, as well as supremely skilled in killing, as they needed a body count that would surpass 9/11 if they wanted to inspire terror.

That's how NBK got the job.

[cue='Don't Hate the Playa', Hate the Game' by Ice Cube]

Through the network, the Jihadi offered $50,000,000 to anyone who could achieve their goal of at least 5,000 casualties.

The usual players in the terror trade made their bids, but stepped aside when NBK decided to take the job...but for $100,000,000.

The Jihadis had, of course, heard of NBK, but thought him killed during the robbery of the Federal Reserve bank in Kansas City (they called him 'Snake' then. ;)), and refused to believe it was him, casting insults at his lineage for being an infidel agent of the Great Satan.

That was soon remedied when the severed head of their US regional commander, with "$200,000,000" tattooed on the forehead, appeared at the mouth of their cave in Tora-Bora.

It was now obvious that it was NBK, for the US government would have already killed them if they knew their location, and anyone else would have turned them in for the $20,000,000 reward.

Very quickly afterwards, the instructions were transmitted to the banks in Quatar and Yemen, to transfer the required gold and platinum to a ship crossing the Indian ocean, where the bullion container was dropped over the side at the provided GPS coordinates, over a deep oceanic trench.

A week later, the Jihadis got confirmation that the funds were acceptable, and the job accepted.

They didn't know how or when the job would be done, but knew it was certain to be spectacularly lethal, as was every job NBK had ever done.

Four months later, the Jihadis got an e-mail on their IMARSAT terminal, telling them to watch Al-Jezera for the rest of the day.

Intellegence agencies around the world immediately put their televisions on that station, as they had recently discovered the whereabouts of the Jihadi leaders, but had held off on killing them in hopes of snaring the infamous NBK, a master criminal and genosadist*, wanted for the deaths of thousands, and the overthrow of several 'friendly' governments around the globe.


[cue='Everything Counts' by Depeche Mode]

Having accepted the job, NBK was capable of doing it within the week, already having several stock contingency plans in place for various operations around the world, but held off for a reason.

NBK hadn't survived a global manhunt this long by taking foolish chances, such as taking jobs from sloppy raghead terrs who believed in a goat-herder religion, but by playing games of strategy with layers upon layers of subtlety.

One of the games he was playing now involved monitoring the communications traffic of the armies who thought they were laying a trap for NBK when, in fact, they had stepped into the trap he had laid out for them by leaking the location of the Jihadi's, as well as the fact of his accepting a job from them.

Sure, it was risky, but he wanted to know just exactly who was looking for him, so he could deal with them on a permanent basis. So he set out a tempting table to see who came to dine.

But they could wait, as NBK had the patience of an immortal. Right now, it was time to buy a south american dictatorship, and get some vaction time in.


After a few months rest on a white sand beach with no concerns of anything more difficult than avoiding a sunburn and putting a generalissimo in power, NBK was ready to go back to work, so he pulled out his laptop.

While everyone else had been worried about finding the fissionables, no one was paying attention to the huge quantities of far more valuable chemical weapons in the stockpile that the Soviets had built up during the Cold War...over 400,000 tons.

Sure, a nuke is flashy and lethal, but it also destroys everything it touches. It's far better to gas the people who occupy what you want, rather than irradiate and burn it in the process of removing them with a nuke.

So NBK had aquired a witchs brew of many tons of toxins and CW agents during the post-Soviet upheaval while no one was looking, and now was the time to use some of it.

Accessing his database, he reviewed some of the agents at his disposal and noted that he had a ton of HL, a mixture of Mustard gas and Lewisite, that was held in a badly corroded bulk container that would have to be used soon or be disposed of.

So he decided to put it to good use. Waste not, want not.

Now, what are the ideal conditions for use of a vesicant?

Hot, humid weather, with a light breeze and full sun, applied to bare sweaty skin, preferably a lot of bare and sweaty skin.

In order to be worthy of his reputation, it'd have to be thousands (at least), otherwise people would think NBK was slipping into his dottage. Reputation is everything in the trade.

But where can you find such conditions?

Hmmm....(looking around him at the crowded beach)....*A beach!*


[cue='Surfing USA' by The Beach Boys]

Spring break in Florida....tens of thousands of hot sweaty bodies laying out flat with only a tiny piece of cloth covering their butt crack, slathered in oil and baking in the sun, all packed like sardines on a narrow strip of sand and lined up like lambs for the slaughter.

A single engine cessna, with two 55 gallon tanks hooked up to a High Volume - Low Pressure spraying rig, flies parrallel to the beach, dumping half a ton of liquid Hell, in the form of HL (Mustard+Lewisite) on the vulnerable mass of flesh below.

All those young college students...the future leaders of America...lawyers, doctors, engineers...receiving second and third degree burns over more than half of their bodies...hundreds instantly blinded for life by the liquid lewisite vesicant in their eyes...the crushing stampede as the herd flees the beach because the lewisite that's mixed in with the mustard feels like a red-hot wire being driven into their flesh wherever it touches.

The mass stampede from the beach entails hundreds of wrecks as the sheeple drive in blind panic to the nearest hospitals, swamping the medical system within minutes, leaving the screaming masses outside to writh in the torments of the damned as the absorbed arsenic from the Lewisite began to destroy their bodies from within.

Over two square kilometers of a Florida beach had been swept clean of life.


[cue='Fantasia on a theme', track six, Master and Commander Soundtrack]

Once NBK had finished dumping the HL over the naked flesh passing 300 feet below him, he set the autopilot to fly the plane towards Cuba, knowing that fighters would be scrambled within minutes and shooting down anything that moved.

Bailing out of the plane, he began his decent to a waiting boat, the static line on his chute deploying the clear mylar chute he had custom-made for this job, knowing the the glare of the sun would make him invisible to those on shore, and the transparent chute to anyone at sea.


Meanwhile, the vapor cloud has drifted for more than a kilometer inland, causing further casualties ...people in their homes...driving along the freeway...what the military would call 'collateral damage', but more like 'bonus points' in NBK's eyes.


As news of the attack flashed over every radio and TV in the nation, every beach around the country emptied in minutes as the masses fled in fear of a similar attack upon their hedonistic flesh.

Hundreds of people died in car crashes, hundreds or thousands of miles removed from the attack site, such was the panic NBK instilled.

Within the hour, every beach around the country was empty, and the adjacent business zones of motels and bars were deserted as people fled in terror of the 'Dew of Death' that befell a Florida beach on a sunny spring day.


The government scrambled its high-tech jet fighters, but the powerful demon of fear that the dread necromancer, NBK, had summoned with the sacrifice of thousands, had already been unleashed, and no missile could stop it.

Every day that the beaches stayed empty was another day that the 'terrorists' have symbolized their power over the mightest nation on earth, as well as an economic loss of tens of millions of dollars.


As news of the attack flashes around the world, beaches across europe and australia repeat the scene of mass-panic and the related death toll.

The economic impact to the Western world becomes hundreds of millions of dollars lost each day.


The Jihadis are jumping for joy in their mountain hideout! NBK has delivered beyond their wildest dreams! The infidels have been punished for their most sinful pride of flesh! The glistening oiled flesh of blonde goddesses, with their firm breasts and buttocks exposed to the warm sun...SIN!

They toasted their cups of fermented goat mares milk in anticipation of their prepared list of demands being delivered to the UN by NBK.


Nobody could ever say that NBK didn't deliver on a job.

The Jihadis had gotten what they had wanted and then some.

But he'd be damned if he was going to deliver some kooky list of impossible demands by a group of goat fuckers, having seen them engaging in the perversion with his own eyes.

He had his own agenda in mind.

But now that they had had some time to enjoy 'their' victory, it was time for NBK to finish the job.


[cue=The whistling theme song from 'The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly']







The B-52s that had been orbiting 5 miles above the Jihadis mountain hideout received the message they had been waiting the last 2 weeks for...an encrypted text-message from a hidden SAS observation post in the mountains above the Jihadis cave...telling them that the target they each had 10 tons of smart bombs ready for had finally arrived.

As they broke orbit and assumed an attack formation, the formation leader responded:





'Sargent!' whispered corporal Tuco to his commander.


'Look!' he says urgently as he passes the compad.

'Arclight says they've aquired lase, but we're not lasing anything!'

'Bloody hell! And what do those damn yankees mean by 'Duck?!'


As massive explosions rippled through the valley below him, wiping out the SAS observation post and the Jihadis in one fell swoop, NBK packed away the AN/PEQ-1A laser target designator while his indig guide stowed the Motorola ASTRO SABER SECCOM radio set.

It was supposed to be impossible to do what he had just done...impersonating an allied FAC and giving false coordinates to a US Air Force bomber flight...but it was easy to do if you had a backdoor master encryption key hidden in the authentication chip of every SECCOM unit in the US armed forces and NATO allies.

Amazing what a pedophile would do to keep his secret...especially if that pedophile happened to be the head engineer of Motorolas Integrated Circuits division, in charge of designing the ICs used in all their SECCOM radio sets...too much to lose...so treason was the pedo's only option. (as if the KGB was still in business! :rolleyes: )

THALE had fallen earlier to the classic British achilles heel...entrapment of a closet homosexual.

But NBK was glad to have caught such useful flies in his various internet honeypot traps, for he'd been listening to the Allies radio traffic for weeks now, and knew who would be next to die, starting with the indig guide who was the only witness to what just happened.

'After tying up this loose end, I think I'll enjoy a nice week at the beach. It shouldn't be as crowded this time.' NBK thinks as he rides off into the setting sun.


Genosadist is my own word, meaning 'Genocidal Sadist', a person who inflicts terror, pain, and death on a grand scale, for the purpose of enjoying others misery. Compare to a mass murderer who simply kills for the sake of killing.

Mengele was a genosadist. He personally observed and inflicted pain and death on many thousands. Hitler and Stalin were not genosadists, because they merely ordered such acts, without personally observing or causing them.