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November 28th, 2005, 11:07 PM
For once I have something to contribute to the forum, it's just not Explosives or Weapons related.

Though with our tendency to "experiment" with such things and the possibilty of using them during times that may not be normal. Some outcomes may require medical knowledge and/or treatment that may not be avalible at the time we need it. My intrest and association with Survival/Militia activities has allowed me to post the following link to an E-Book that is FREE for the downloading that may help in preparing for a medical emergency in times like we saw with Katrina in New Orleans. Then again it could be because the Blue Hats have overrun your Fire Team's Base:


This is a 213 page, 3.9MB .pdf file titled "Survival and Austere Medicine: An Introduction" 2nd Edition. Written and Edited by The Remote, Austere, Wilderness and Third World Medicine Discussion Board Moderators.

Here is the Authors comments on the books reason for being:


"This book is a major revision of the Survival Medicine FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) originally written for the misc. survivalism Usenet newsgroup in 1997. It was written in response to recurring posts asking the same questions and the fact that many answers were often wrong and occasionally dangerous. It hasn’t undergone any changes or revisions since then.
While the original content remains valid we thought it was time it underwent an update. This is a significant revision – most sections have been re-written and a number of new sections added. We hope you will find it useful. It is offered in good faith but the content should be validated and confirmed from other sources before being relied on even in an emergency situation.

There are very few books aimed at the “Practicing Medicine after the End of the World As We Know It” market – which is hardly surprising! So we hope this book fills a void. We also hope it will be useful for those people delivering health care in remote or austere environments. It is not designed as a “how to do x” reference – although there is some of that. There are plenty of books which tell you how to practice medicine. It is designed to provide some answers to commonly asked questions relating to survival/preparedness medicine and to provide relevant information not commonly found in traditional texts or direct you to that information.

We have tried to minimise technical language, but at times this has not been possible, if you come across unfamiliar terms – please consult a medical dictionary. It has taken two years, and a lot of stopping, and starting but here it is. The authors and editors are passionately committed to helping people develop their medical knowledge and skills for major disasters. We hope you find it useful."

I hope the E&W Members may find it useful. With my crappy Dial-up connection I haven't tried to Up-Load it to the FTP site. I hope one of you with a better connection will.

EDIT: If you up-load it be sure to change the name of the file to something that describes it. It would be real hard to find with the current file name of "AM Final 2.pdf"

Jacks Complete
December 1st, 2005, 05:49 PM
Great post!

I'm having trouble getting it to download into the browser, but the off-line downloader seems to be coping well.

I might have to print a hard copy of this and keep it safe someplace.

Chris The Great
December 2nd, 2005, 12:13 AM
It looks very good from the quick glance I made of it, I haven't had time to actually read in depth. But the topics look very useful and the information looks good.

I would also print it but I am currently out of paper. It would definately be something useful to have if civilization collapsed.

Thanks alot!