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February 14th, 2006, 05:55 AM
Just a couple of days ago, I was at an associates business when he was violently assualted by a race-traitor over a goat. Yes...a goat. :rolleyes:

Some background:

My associate rents a business property from a chinese landlord who also rents out another property to some mexicans (who are running a chopshop) and who lets a nigger live in a trailer in the back lot for free, in exchange for doing repairs and labor for him.

Anyways, this nigger fancies himself to be a 'cowboy', with several horses and a goat kept in back where he lives.

This nigger, being a nigger who likes meth, is always spun-out and not around, leaving his animals to fend for themselves. For the horses, it's not too bad, since they can graze and get water from the wet grass. But for the goat, the thing is pitiful...locked in a filthy horse trailer with no food or water, with the most pathetic bleating sounds imaginable.

After 5 days (that we know of) with no water, my associate finally called animal control to come and get the animals. Neither of us likes cops, or even pseudo-cops, and being on parole my associate likes them even less, but animals are helpless and if it gets the nigger out of here, then it's all good. :)

The nigger shows up after the chink tells him (after almost a week of trying to reach him ourselves) that animal control is coming to take his animals away. So FINALLY the dipshit shows up to feed and water them.

He's got some race-traitors with him (caucasians who hang with niggers) who are talking shit about my associate calling animal control. My associate tries to talk to them in a calm and rational manner, but one of them is hyped up and attacks my associate.

Dudes pretty buff and hyped up, so it's a struggle to keep him out of the shop, where he's got himself wedged in a side door, trying to get in. While my associate is struggling to hold the door shut, I grab a mower blade and start hitting dude on the elbow with the flat of the blade, hoping the pain will get him to withdraw. He doesn't, so I switch to hitting his head with the sharpened edge. That does the trick. :D

Dude doesn't take the hint, and goes around to the front where he throws a shovel through the glass door (locked) and tries to get in with a 2x4 to attack. I blast him in the face with a fire extinguisher and my associate has, by this time, fired up a chainsaw (we fix mowers and such) and goes to defend his shop.

He got a slice on dude, but the saw died out (crappy adjustment by the drunk who fixes them), otherwise dude would have been carved like a christmas turkey. As it is, he got cut good and fled with the nigger when he pulled up in front.

Best part of all...I got the whole thing on video. :)

When the idiots first drove in, I got my camcorder out and turned on, and had it sitting on the counter when dude attacked. It has him trying to get in, us fighting him off, and the chainsaw whacking.

Of course, when the cops showed up, we gave it to them as it proves that we were defending ourselves against an attack, and not the attackers as we're sure the nigger and race-traitors will claim. If I get it back from them, I'll upload it somewhere for sure.

They haven't caught the race-traitor who attacked us yet, but they've already gaffled up the niggers kids and mother, so he'll rat out his buddy for sure. Won't be hard to identify him, what with the hack marks on his arms and head, plus a chainsaw cut. :p

Anyways, I found out that the drunk who works for my associate as a mechanic, isn't worth a fuck in a fight, since he was hiding in the office the whole time and didn't come out till the cops showed up. Cowardly piece of shit. :mad:

And now my associate is listening to my advice about securing his business, something he dismissed previously as being 'unnecessary'. He's singing a different tune now, boy!

The drunk split, and my associate is staying with his girlfriend at night, leaving me to watch the place. I'm 'armed' with a new paintball gun with the velocity maxed out and better weapons on the way.

Jacks Complete
February 14th, 2006, 02:31 PM
Hahaha, nice one! Very Mad Max, that, what with the chainsaw and it dieing and all.

If you've got a freezer, stick a bag of paintballs in there, and leave a full hopper on the gun. If shit happens, and you have time, mix them.

February 14th, 2006, 02:45 PM
It's sad that some morons decided to attack over your concern for neglected
animals. What was that idiot hopped up on that it took a chainsaw to ward
him off ? Other weapons on the way ? May I suggest a military crossbow.
If that meth-head rolls over on his buddies, I'd expect retaliation if they're
even half as strung out as he is. Take care !

February 14th, 2006, 10:58 PM
Yeah! Go NBK!!! *alex cheers*

Probably a good thing that the chainsaw died when it did. Breaking parole by killing someone with a chainsaw would suck absolute nuts.

What kind of security measures did you suggest to your associate?

Anyway, good one NBK, and I look forward to the footage *chuckle*

February 15th, 2006, 05:18 AM
Barbed wire, chain link fencing, fence electrifier (cattle type), expanded metal mesh over the windows, replacing glass with polycarbonate, major door reinforcements with 2x4 in brackets across the doors, remote fired tear gas dispenser (www.stopthecrime.com), megawatts of lighting, etc. etc.

By the time we're done, it'll look like a prison, jand be just as secure. Ah, home sweet home. :)

I can't get into weapons, for obvious reasons. ;)

Oh, and a major civil lawsuit for major bucks against the property owner who's a multi-millionaire (ka-CHING!) for instigating the whole incident. I might become a millionaire and never have touched a gun. :D

We found out that the nigger is a child-abusing, wife-beating, crumb-snatching drunk felon. So when they catch his ass, there will be no sympathy for the turd. :p

As for video, it'll be months before the courts are done with the case, so it'll be awhile, but should be well worth the wait. :)

February 19th, 2006, 11:08 PM
Wow!! sounds like you have some fucked up neighbors-----an added piece of security is (if you have a metal fence with a gate) weld an automotive coil spring to it, open it (this will require some effort) and set a simple tripwire mechanism. A low gate will claim an intruders testiscles:eek: while a tall gate (never tried that one) should simply mince the intruder into dog food:D

tom haggen
February 21st, 2006, 01:47 AM
I wouldn't stick frozen paint balls in your paint ball gun as this could destroy the guns working parts. BTW, this is one of the best fight stories I have herd in months if not years. Maybe we'll see you on real TV some day :)
Also, is that blood spatter from the chain saw wound, or is it from an injury sustained to this guy when he was trying to break the front door down?

February 21st, 2006, 10:41 PM
I don't know where the blood came from, whether my cuts, or the chainsaw.

But...the nigger came back last night!

The dumb ass snuck in through the fields and was in his barn getting his shit out, but the numbnuts turned the lights on! Like we're not going to notice lights on in a barn during a pitch-black night. :rolleyes:

So anyways, the cops come after I had to convince them of the need. Seems the nigger himself isn't charged with anything, only the wigger, so they can't arrest the nigger. But I convinced the fuckers that, even if the nigger isn't arrestable, that doesn't mean they can't have a 'talk' with him about his wigger buddy, who is arrestable.

So they saw the wisdom of my logic and came. Nigger gave up his wigger friends name (as I knew he would) and they told him not to come back. :)

So the nigger is gone, the wigger is soon to be gaffled up, and the cops are fucking with someone other than me for change. A win/win.

February 22nd, 2006, 02:50 PM
NBK, is your life always this interesting?

February 23rd, 2006, 05:57 AM

It only seems like I live a dangerous life because the only time I post about something that has happened to me is when it's something 'interesting'.

I don't write about the endless days of tedious life that punctuate the brief moments of interesting (near) death. :)

March 9th, 2006, 10:13 PM
hey guys just a quick question, when I click on the picture links nbk provided I get a message that says I am not authorized to view that page. Is this because I'm a noobie?



You have to have had 10 posts approved by staff before you can download attachments, and those 10 have to be outside of the Water Cooler, which doesn't count.


April 7th, 2006, 03:28 AM
Its always good to hear of someone not getting in trouble for defending themselves.

April 7th, 2006, 02:31 PM
This post, even though its in the watercooler section, is most likely going to get me banned. When I found this forum, I got very excited. All of the chemistry information available here is amazing. When I read about the attempts to shut it down, I became angry and even sent in a donation to the legal defense fund.

I am not qualified to post anything in the "real" forum because I don't know enough about chemistry. However, I am an "older" person who is nearing retirement. That means I will have time to learn more and do more. When, I joined the forum, I was thinking that I would eventually be able to contribute useful information. But we are talking years before that could happen.

What I have discovered is that the information published here is attracting extremists such as survivalists, anarchists and racists. I don't like it! This forum should be about pure science.

Using freedom of speech as an excuse, certain members insist on stating their extremist views, I should be able to exercise my free speech freedoms as well.

I am what some would call a "bleeding heart liberal". I challenge the admins to ban anyone who refers to black people as n____s. I don't mind people using the "F" word but I am strongly against the blatant racism represented by the "N" word. I think anyone who uses it should be banned from the forum!

If you ban me because of this post, at least leave it visible so others can read it.

April 7th, 2006, 08:12 PM
You're going to have a hard time with that one, considering how both admins are avowed racists. :p

Say what you want, but don't expect a change of policy anytime soon. ;)

What I have discovered is that the information published here is attracting extremists such as survivalists, anarchists and racists.

That what happens when you're the only site that has intelligent discussion of E&W that doesn't restrict itself to 'dreaming' or a 'no practical applications' policy, like everyone else in the field does.

I don't like it!

Then stop coming here. See? An easy solution to a liberal's non-problem. :)

Typical liberal...supports freedom of speech...as long as its Politically Correct speech. :rolleyes:

You realize, of course, that Lincoln had absolutely no concern for niggers when the south decided to break from the US, right?

It was just the one issue that the south would NOT negotiate on, regardless, as it was part of their heritage and their honor would not permit them to cave on such an issue to the liberal northeners demands on the subject.

Better to fight a war you will lose than to live dishonored!

So, because the north was driven to war by whining liberals over the issue of slavery, which would have died a quiet death from economic inefficiency within a few decades anyways, the negros got their freedom!

Hallajueha, mam'my!

And look what they've done with it. :rolleyes:

I'd have shot Lincoln myself if I was back then.

April 8th, 2006, 02:59 AM
I personally am also against the blatant use of the word Nigger. But the word does apply to some people, as does white trash, or any other of a host of epithets. Regardless I'll ignore other people using it, because its MY belief not theirs. I just won't personally throw it about.

If you want pure science, isn't scimadness still around? But I'm sure you'll find the same thing there.

Recently I got into a discussion about how something was on television that someone did not want to see. So they wrote a letter, got mad, called, and tried getting people to boycott the channel or network.

All instead of STFU and changing the channel.

NBK, any chance of seeing some pics of the various traps you plan to lay?

Chris The Great
April 8th, 2006, 11:23 AM
Using freedom of speech as an excuse, certain members insist on stating their extremist views,

The thing is, that IS freedom of speach, to be able to say things that not everyone wants you to say. Is it freedom of speech if people are banned or punished for saying what they want?

Anything less than complete freedom of speech is a complete farce. This board is more free than most (all probably) countries in the world. Try saying that Israel should not exist, or that the holocaust was a hoax, or that race has an effect on social standing or intelligence, and see how the government (or media, or the common sheeple) protect your "right to free speech". Freedom to say what they want you to say, and not much else.

And yes, you can say what you want to say about others non-politically correct opinions, but you're not going to have anything done about them. Otherwise, we'd have to ban you to, for speaking out against the use of the word nigger, as it would only be fair, right?

Well of course not, you're obviously the one who is right in this situation, since your views are the commonly accepted ones. :rolleyes:
Now, if your view wasn't the commonly accepted one, for example a while ago when niggers were openly called that and whipped if they didn't pick the cotton fast enough, you'd still be right, wouldn't you?
Even though, it is exactly the same thing here, except some of the people think the opposite. The minority now speaks against the blacks rather than for them.

April 8th, 2006, 06:57 PM
This is cool. I didn't get banned and I truely thought I would. Three well thought out responses followed my post. I like that!

I would like to clarify my position. I'm not against anyone expressing racist ideas. It is the emotionally charged word that I object to. Even if you are using it to describe a single individual, because of the word's history, it applies to the entire race.

I live near a big city. We have "gangbangers". Sometimes the initiation rites for these gangs include going out and killing someone (preferably a cop). And yes, these folks are usually black.

I don't have a problem with NBK or someone else like him giving these guys the gift of a bullet in the back of the head. It would save us taxpayers a lot of money.

However, if you call them n____s in your post, you're gonna piss off that black college professor of chemistry that might have contributed something real useful to the forum until he started reading the posts.

I absolutely promise to shut up now.

April 8th, 2006, 10:05 PM
I don't have a problem with NBK or someone else like him giving these guys the gift of a bullet in the back of the head.

Liberals have no problem with killing people, as long as someone else does the killing for them.

It would save us taxpayers a lot of money.

Are you sure you're not a crypto-conservative? :p

We support free speech with just a few exceptions:

Constant attacks against America (Politican bashing is OK, though. :))
Personal attacks against staff or members
Instigation to commit crimes such as treason, insurrection, or other Federal offenses. Don't discuss political overthrow and weapons on the same site. We learned the lesson of RaiseTheFist.

Other than that, it's pretty much anything goes.

April 9th, 2006, 09:55 AM
RalphRussell, have you ever read 1984? In it, the English language is replaced with Newspeak. The point of this language is to eliminate all the words that inspire unacceptable emotion. Have a little look at this


Go down to N

My, isn't that interesting?

Would you also have the emotionally charged word 'love' removed as well? Has it not killed more than the word Nigger ever has? Love of country, love of religion, even love for Helen of Troy killed quite a few people as well.

We may piss of that black college professor, but I'm sure that he isn't the only college professor interested in this site. Anyway, to be a professor must mean your either really good at acting, or you are part of the same system that would look to ban this site for its 'extremist' ideas.

Anyway, that is just my opinion. Sorry for going off topic a little NBK.

April 9th, 2006, 11:43 AM
I'm simply curious as to why Mr. Russell does not approve of survivalists. Is preparedness extreme? Does their preparedness make him uncomfortable? Does someone else's preparedness somehow infringe on his own rights? Or is it the fact that they may find legal ownership of firearms a completely crucial component of their survival in the very worst of conditions, to both protect themselves and hunt for food?

Funny thing about "bleeding heart liberals" is while they so much embrace their own 1st amendment right (including but not limited to being able to assemble and speak freely), they use that same right to try to delude everyone else into thinking they will never need the second amendment right (to bear arms) and it should be stricken from the Constitution forever!

Adversely, as a gun owner I would use my weapon to defend your right to speak as freely as you care to, even if it opposes my own opinions or beliefs, Mr. Russell. You were born a free man with those rights. They were not given to you by any government that would prefer now to take them away from you and I both.

BTW, here's a link to the "bleeding heart liberal" section: http://www.sciencemadness.org/talk/index.php

Alexires, it wasn't you who first trampled all over NBK's thread but it was actually amusing that Mr. Russell chose this very thread to "attack" NBK's administration habits and casual use of the word nigger... Besides, I don't think the piggies will ever give NBK's tape back to him. As much as we'd all love to see NBK physically chop some whigger's arm and *doink* him in the grey matter with a lawnmower blade (Slingblade style, Mmm Hmm)... I highly doubt we'll ever be so lucky.

No sense in letting what is now a very different but interesting discussion die.

April 9th, 2006, 01:16 PM
I'm simply curious as to why Mr. Russell does not approve of survivalists.
I chose my words badly. I have no problems with survivalists. I would have to say that it's fine to go out and buy all the guns you want. However, if you rob banks to finance your gun collection, then I object.

I realize I'm not going to prevail. I'll be satisfied that my posts survived. If that black professor comes looking, he might see that at least one person here strongly objects to using the "N" word and WAS ALLOWED TO SAY SO!

April 9th, 2006, 01:38 PM
Personally, I'm not to fond of racism, but if we are allowed to use terms like White-Trash, Red-neck cocksucker, or anything else that refers to a typical white person in this forum.

Then we can call it even for them (the whites) to call us goats, niggers, sand-niggers etc. But I don't think there'll be any who'll actually call them, most are just pussy. I say SPEAK OUT and insult! ;)

April 9th, 2006, 08:57 PM
...terms like White-Trash, Red-neck cocksucker, or anything else that refers to a typical white person in this forum.

Typical white people aren't Forumites, since the typical white person has been brainwashed by the Zionist media into believing that something is inherently wrong with being white, and people who believe that don't go to about forum about E&W...a hobby that's entire disapproved of by ZOG.

Therefore, your statement is incorrect. :)

Only white people who affirm their freedom by seeking means of resistance to the ZOG overlords are members of the Forum

(Barring the occassional sheeple who stumbles in to bleat "Four legs good, two ZOGs better!")

So the only redneck cracker honkey white-trash you'll see from here are the ones surrounding the Citadel of Knowledge that is The Forum! :D

(Everybody stand to shout agreement in a 2 minute hate! Big Brother is watching...\^|)

And my use of the word 'nigger' is in no way casual. It's a very specific term used to describe a very specific type of vermin.

Üntermensch, while equally applicable to the species, encompasses too many others of the type, that of the sub-human.

Besides, why should I stop using the word to describe them as such, when they use it in every song, music video, TV show, and movie that they themselves produce? :p

Hell, even oprah has used the word!

As for the video, you're far more likely to see it on RealTV than from me, as it'll be a long time before the capture/trial/appeals process runs out and the tape is no longer needed and returned to me. By then some pig will have made a copy and cashed in on it, as they always do. :rolleyes:

Liberal (http://www.newspeakdictionary.com/ns-my.html) - Used to mean :

"Free from narrow prejudice; open minded, especially, open to the reception of new ideas or proposals of reform.".

Now means:

"Full of hatred for past Ideas, and completely intolerant of the people that still believe in them. Socialist."

Most liberal arguments basically boil down to "Shut up in the name of open-mindedness and free speech!". The liberal observes evils in society, and then attempts to remedy the problem with an even greater evil.

Prejudice - Acknowledging that there are differences between the various races and cultures, and preferring to be among people of like interest and culture.

If we weren't prejudiced in favor of E&W, we'd be discussing needlecraft and sushi making. :)

April 13th, 2006, 06:54 PM
I think RalphRussell have broken the paragraph about "inciting pointless argument about race" (compare to "inciting racial hatred", only you won't experience the pleasure of Bubba's wienerstab). :rolleyes:

nbk2000:In fact, I think I'll start a new policy tonight. (http://www.roguesci.org/theforum/57876-post136.html)

ANYONE posting a comment or link to something that I believe will devolve into a pointless argument about race will be summarily banned. It might even be retroactively applied.
By the way, check out "Narrow Minded Bigot (http://www.newspeakdictionary.com/ns-my.html)" in the dictionary.

April 13th, 2006, 10:13 PM
That was several years ago that I said that, and was in response to a lot of instigation being caused by a couple of european liberals (who shall remain unnamed) who were subsequently banned.

Since then, it hasn't been much of a problem, but the stick is always present if the carrot fails to deter the undesirable behavior.