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February 25th, 2006, 05:24 PM
Im a newbie on this site and i have a question on AP. i am making AP and the crystals have formed i was wondering when im filtering it will the crystals all go in the filter or will some stay in the jar? if that happens will i have to add some water to it and put it through the filter again ...? Thx..

March 2nd, 2006, 11:47 PM
Yes, I use a Bicarb-Water solution. There is some trace amounts left in the AP but it is safer. Quicker also

March 3rd, 2006, 02:06 AM
I'm assuming that you're asking if some of the crystals will stay in the jar when you pour out you mixture from the reaction?
If so, yes, some will stick to the sides of your jar, but what you said is correct, you can add some more water to the jar, swirl it around to wash the crystals off the sides, and then just add it to the rest of the crystals in the filter.
When you filter, don't forget to wash at least 3 times (personal preference), this 3 times can include the water you used to wash the leftover crystals from the jar.

P.S. OLIB, some useful advice from someone just out of newbiehood, use capital "I"'s. I know it seems silly at first, but we need to keep a high standard here, it helps stop people getting hurt through stupid things.
Oh, and well done, it was good that you used the Water Cooler for this, someone read the rules (wags finger).

Skean Dhu
March 4th, 2006, 11:45 PM
Being a beginner is no excuse for not searching. Also you are in a forum, not an Instant chat room with your buddies so you can afford the extra 2 seconds to type out entire words rather than shorthands such as , l8r, u,thx etc. as said above, we try to have a certain professional attitude on this forum, so treat it as a term paper rather than a chat to some pimply faced kewl.

Having thoroughly lectured you I'll commence with a bit of spoonfeeding. http://www.roguesci.org/theforum/showthread.php?t=2324&highlight=Acetone+Peroxide
This will have answers to all your questions about AP, making it, and using it. Along with experiences of that threads contributers.Also note in handy ready to print (though I don't suggest that ) PDF format the linkin Arthis' signature. Might I suggest reading through a lab book, or otherwise finding some basic chemsitry lab procedures and saftey techniques just to further your life.
Best of luck