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View Full Version : problems with ANFO Explosives

March 8th, 2006, 12:14 PM
Can anyone please help me?
I’m having some big problems with ANFO Explosives

My fertilizer

50 % N Nitrogen
12% P Phosphorus
41% K Potassium (Kalium)

I crushed it and add +- 7 % Diesel and put it in a container with a homemade cap I used a small bb gun co2 canister and fill it with BP and I used that for the cap, I hope that right.

All this does is make a big bang but I don’t see any damage left done.
So the people say it will give you a 500 square feet hole in the ground
I used +- 150gram fine powder fertilizer

March 9th, 2006, 02:47 AM
Newbies need to post their questions in the Water Cooler section till they learn proper Forum etiquette or risk being banned.

Though you did properly format your request, and didn't rape the english language with atrocious grammer, you failed by not properly searching, as such a search would have revealed your error.

March 9th, 2006, 08:38 AM
Firstly, it appears that your fertilizer is not Ammonium Nitrate, as it has quite a bit of Potassium in it, when it should have none.

Secondly, (someone might need to correct me if I'm wrong) a cap of BP probably lacks the power to initiate ANFO.

Thirdly, (once again, I may need correcting) an ANFO charge with only 150g of AN probably wouldn't make a 500 foot hole in the ground.

As said by NBK, if you searched around, you would probably have your answer. :)

March 9th, 2006, 11:00 AM
Whoa, you tried to detonate a, what appears to be, potassium / ammonium phosphate based fertiliser with a black powder detonator?
Boy are you lucky you found this forum!
Tell you what, as we are here to spread knowledge, I'm going to help you just about all you want.
BUT as we here believe (well, most of us do) that you need to be able to help yourself stand up before we can help you walk, I'm going to help you out the second you tell me 1 - what is normally used in ANFO explosives (the name "ANFO" is a big help) and 2 - if black powder is a primary explosive.
Do that and I'le help tutor you all you need.
You are know my new pet project, and I'll continue to help you as long as you are willing to help yourself, and put in the effort.

In case you actually cared, the reason I'm willing to help you is that you made a well formatted post, wrote quite nicely, and mentioned "+ -7 %" diesel, which implies to me that you at least put enough thought into this attempt of yours to, either beforehand, or afterwards, run some calculations on your charge. That extra effort (the calculations) gives me then impression that you might just be willing to put in that extra effort that the people who go far here tend to put into their work.

Stick around here, keep posting well written stuff, and you've got a future.

P.S. If I sound like I'm belittling you, I apologise, I just got another rep. point the other day and my ego is still on a high.