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View Full Version : Primary explosives from primers

March 8th, 2006, 02:28 PM
Today I skipped school and was looking through some gun supplies I have laying around and found some big percussion caps. I was thinking that the explosives mixture inside could be gently hervested and then compacted to form a stable yet easliy detonated primary explosive. I read a site that said percussion caps contain a mixture of potassium perchlorate and lead azide. I was thinking sometime soon I might get into on the theses caps carfully and see if I can get the miture out. Would this be powerful enough to be a good primary explosive. This may be a little expensive since not alot can be found in one cap. :confused:

March 9th, 2006, 03:02 AM
Someone forget to use paragraph breaks instead of one monoblock of text? :o

Or perhaps capitalization of the first letter of every new sentence? (Doesn't apply to you. :))

That the letter I, when used to refer to oneself, is always CAPITALIZED? (Nor this one. :D)

I hate playing grammer nazi as it detracts from more productive things I could be doing, but deleting everyone who comes here from an IM session and doesn't remember to 'switch gears', would cull us kinda thin.

Newbies need to learn QUICKLY that this is NOT an IM session, but a bulletin board, where posts will remain readable for years after the member has turned himself into a pick mist after following the similiarly mangled IM-style postings of some other deceased member on some other board.

This is not one of those boards.

Improve your grammer by using paragraph breaks, OK? :)

This applies to ALL newbies, as existing members have already conformed to this standard, and expect it of everyone else here as well.

Occasional spelling errors or omissions are human, so that's OK. But we must not disregard basic literacy skills when dealing with our subject matter.