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View Full Version : Britian monitoring EVERY car movement!

March 24th, 2006, 01:52 AM
Most of you here will know me for my somewhat long-windedness, but this basically makes me speechless:

http://p076.ezboard.com/flibertyquestandfreedomboardfrm1.showMessage?topic ID=1145.topic

Oh boy, who feels safer now?

I for one am glad that people in Britain will now not be able to move ANYfrigginWHERE without being watched, it makes me feel much better to know that watching a car drive around will be able to completely eradicate 100% of all "terrorist" acts in that country.
"Oh look, watch out people, he farted in his own car! TERRORIST, put him on a plane to Guantanamo Bay!"

MOTHERF... :mad:

March 24th, 2006, 10:43 AM
*shudders* thats messed up dude. Really, thats absolutely fucked up. Next they will have license plates on push bikes so criminals cant commit crimes and escape on bikes.

But then again.....

Lets say you happend to be an aspiring criminal and had a crime to commit. But damn, those cameras are watching all the number plates.....Steal one. With thousands upon thousands of number plates being recorded each day, it would be a little hard to keep to call up one immediately. Simply too much data.

Or, so they are watching number plates automatically, hence, no number plate, no record. Escape the scene of said crime with a covered number plate, or something that obscures it for a few suburbs, then uncover the plate, and you almost have a legit alibi....

Maybe I'm just talking out of my ass.

March 24th, 2006, 11:44 AM
Just a passing thought but has anyone ever thought this just might be complete rubbish? The best way to convince a child to behave is having him believe that the teacher is just outside the door listening.
The article speaks of a future plan; not implimented as of the writing of the piece. This is lost in the intensity of the scale and it's implications to the common man.
There is no way that such a thing could be used other than to track after the fact, engaging the target auto after an initial contact has been achieved. Other than that, mil-sat observation has been with us for over a decade. "They" can watch automobiles quite well and have for some many years now. - Nothing new, except more toys at tax-payer expense at the local level.
Britan, Austrialia, New Zealand, & the US all have been holding hands for a long time sharing sat time for a whole lot of things but to think they would spend mil-sat time watching Rodger-Rambo pinch DVD's from the local shop is stretching it a bit.

Jacks Complete
March 25th, 2006, 07:49 PM
It's about control and money. Instead of taxing us by fiat on the possession of the car, they have decided to charge by usage. The massive increase in costs to the productive members of society will further screw up the country, while the criminals will continue to work unheeded and unwatched by simply cloning a numberplate. Yes, it is now illegal to own a kit for making numberplates in the UK without a license, but when people are building and buying guns without trouble, a large Letraset kit isn't going to be hard to find!

Simply drive around until you see a car that matches the one you want to steal/target/use. Write down the number. Do this five times and get the plates made up under the counter. Carry on as usual, knowing that the speeding fines will go to someone else. Even better, fake an ID for the real owner, or learn his name and address off the top of your head, and you are away free every time!

The other way to get "fake" plates is to simply take them off the target car wth a screwdriver... how often do you check your rear numberplate before driving to the shop?

What gets me the most is that this will *pay* the government to break the roads even more. I will have to pay an extra £2 because someone crashed, or they dug up the road again, and I got snagged up in it! Hardly fair or fare...

ressurection joe
June 28th, 2006, 05:37 PM
I saw a new's program about that a few days ago.
They have already got one city under survellance and are about to link it up with another one.
Somewhere near Coventry or that kind of area, but cant remember.

June 28th, 2006, 08:20 PM
Now, here is the rest of the story. Notice the date of the report is 22 December 2005.

I don't remember where I saw the post, might have been here, frugal's or assaultweb in the past month. The post included a link to a web page that had pictures of what the Brits are doing to those cameras. Must have been 3 pages of pictures of burned up and trashed cameras. Some are pictures of the replacement cameras that were put up and destroyed again. I know one of the locations shows the camera destroyed for the THIRD time.

This isn't just happening in just one town either it's happening all over England, so the Brits aren't just taking this lying down. Sure would like to see this happening in the U.S.A. but most of our population is still playing dumb.

hypergolic reaction
June 28th, 2006, 10:28 PM
Why wouldn't a criminal just leave the area in a stolen vehicle and then change vehicles or swap plates to lead the cops off on wild goose chase?

June 29th, 2006, 12:47 AM
Trevor, it wouldn't happen to be this site, would it?


June 30th, 2006, 04:45 AM
Alex Jones is pretty up on the gambit of big brother technology and developments:


Jacks Complete
July 4th, 2006, 03:17 PM
Those speedcam pages are brilliant!

I hate the cameras everywhere. The gangs of kids all wear hoodies to avoid recognition of them via camera after the fact, and they all do something, then go off and swap tops around the corner. The cameras have no legitimate purpose. They utterly fail to prevent crime, they just help with the clean-up after the fact a bit.

And the government wonder why things get more violent, and not less? If you have 3 minutes to carry out the entire crime and get away, rather than 20 minutes, are you going to care a whole lot that they are nervous, or are trying to talk themselves out of it? Yes, you are, rather more than before. So you simply start shooting people and taking their wallets, rather than asking them nicely with veiled threats. Far less risk, in spite of being a far greater crime for the same result.

Terror is the same. Because it is impossible to beat the target army in a fair fight, all those who play relatively fair, trying to use an AK and a Koran against a trained squad with M16s and layers of kevlar and steel, radios and air, tank and artillery back-up, are all dead. This leaves those who would choose not to fight (but that's a hard choice once half your mates are dead) or to go to big-ass bombs to have some effect, albeit more randomly.

The end result of treading on "little people" is modern terrorism. Whether it is an occupying army or a socialist government, the end result will be the same - escalation by those being monitored.