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View Full Version : Magnesium Nitrate

March 26th, 2006, 12:50 AM
I have already attempted one post which is not approved at this time. I decided to risk making another post to ask some questions.

I was trying to search for "Magnesium Nitrate". When I put that in the search, I get all threads that have both words "Magnesium" and "Nitrate" in them but not necessarily together For example, I found a thread about mixing Magnesium with Ammonium Nitrate. When I tried searching for "magnesiumnitrate", that narrowed it down to two threads where it was spelled that way (no space between the words). I did not find what I was looking for. Here are my noob questions.

What is the best way to search the forum for a chemical like magnesium nitrate that has two or more words in its name?

I recently obtained some magnesium nitrate on the new Skylighter fireworks auction site. It vividly demonstates what hydroscopic means. The stuff is soaking wet! How do I dry it out safely? The formula is Mg(NO3)2.6(H2O). Will this stuff work as an oxidizer with all of that water in it? I am assuming that after I get it "dry", the 6(H2O) part will still be there.

simply RED
April 1st, 2006, 09:14 AM
Now thats a sensible question.

Yes, it is impossible (or nearly so) to make anhydridous magnesium nitrate.
With calcium nitrate the situation is the same.
Those salts even with minimum ammount of water in it will not work for explosive purposes. Anyway it is possible to make fireworks with them (as part of firework mixes).
What about calcium perchlorate? I have no info on it.

April 1st, 2006, 09:43 PM
What is the best way to search the forum for a chemical like magnesium nitrate that has two or more words in its name?

Google, using the site specific search limiter.

Speaking of Google, they've got a new search function for dating!


Try searching for 'Pyromaniac' for that special little firebug to share your life with. :D