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May 18th, 2006, 05:25 PM
Ok this year I'm traveling about the place.
One of my stops will be in vegas for Defcon 14.
Now before I get on to the main point of this post let me just say that defcon appears to be full of information that may prove useful to people in our line of interest, and I will be recording as many seminars etc. as i can.

Now on to the main part of my post.
Each year at defcon there are several competitions run buy contributors.
Click here (http://defcon.org/html/defcon-14/dc-14-contests.html) for a list of the contests.

One contest in particular which interested me, and may be of interest to people in this forum is the lost @ con mystery box challenge.

Details of the challenge can be found here (http://lostboy.net/DC14_mystery_box/)

I feel that due to the secretive nature of our hobby, i should ask the admins (mega and NBK) for the OK before i suggest putting together a team for this challenge. If it is alright with them though I suggest that we put together a team to do this challenge.
I'll post more after i get admin approval

May 18th, 2006, 11:01 PM
Anyone who wants to go can go, but remember that you'll have to expose yourself to an enviroment that's KNOWN to have LE and Feds there, all the while identifying yourself as a member of a 'BOMB' forum.

Don't be surprised if you get a knock on your hotel room door...

May 19th, 2006, 10:40 PM
That's why they play "Spot the Fed" every year:) Now that sounds like a fun game...
Considering what type of people the feds think are there, I would say being a BoMbEr is no worse or better than a HaXoR. You would be just one more door of oh so many to knock on. Oh, and there are evil lockpickers too!

May 20th, 2006, 12:38 AM
Hackers and lockpickers don't make devices that physically destroy people and property.

No matter how 3LL+3 a H@x0R thinks he his, he can't kill you by deleting your credit history. :)

A 'device' can 'delete' a persons body into pink mist. :D

simply RED
May 20th, 2006, 09:31 AM
If there is not a bomb making contest - should it be publicly known that the
taking-part-team is assembled here?

May 21st, 2006, 09:07 PM
Obviously we would not advertise ourselves as anything to do with roguesci at the convention, we would just be another group of enthusiasts trying out to do the challenge.

Anyway anyone who's interested, drop me a pm.

On another note, 2 more challenges that i don't have the skills/time to do, but may be of interest to some members of the forum.
Defconbots (http://defconbots.org/rules.php)
and on the less serious side of things
The beverage cooling contraption contest (http://defcon.org/html/defcon-14/dc-14-bccc.html)