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View Full Version : Bolutinum spp toxins

June 15th, 2006, 04:45 AM
Since this type of biological toxins is very potent, I collected a few PDFs regarding them.

Most importantly the rar file contains how to produce Botulinum perfringens toxin in continuous medium, I believe this shall please NBK most. :)

Anyway here is the link, enjoy.


June 15th, 2006, 07:13 AM
Ah,my favorite...Gas Gangrene! :D

simply RED
June 16th, 2006, 12:19 PM
I especially like the marine toxins :) .

June 19th, 2006, 11:48 AM
I especially like the marine toxins :) .

Then here is another gem I managed to collect from here and there, regarding Dinoflagellates. But forgive me for my foolishness but one thing I could not understand how on earth we obtain these algae in the first place and how stable paralytic shelfish toxin (PST) under normal conditions?

Moreover I cannot find any data regarding stability of tetanus toxin and c. perfringens toxin :confused:?

Anyway here is the link :

simply RED
June 24th, 2006, 08:03 AM
When there is a red tide, for which the dinoflagellates are responsible, we simply collect sea water and use a technique to isolate dinoflagellates from the other algae (never did this and don't know which technique will work).
When some algae are isolated in pure form, a colony could be grown, by duplicating the conditions they grow best and toxic:

The pdf ParShelPois also covers some toxic algae species.

After the algae are grown, the cells should be filtered. Collected in fresh water and destroyed (by high speed mixer) and the toxin - extracted.
Filtering the huge molecules and cell-pieces, drying, and then extracting with ethanol seems enough.
Or extracting (the solid precipitate left after drying the mix) with ether (if Saxitoxin is soluble- it should be), and then extracting the ether solution with water. Finally evaporate the water under vacuum.
Further purification could be done by chromatography.

The 20 toxins responsible for paralytic shellfish poisonings (PSP) are all derivatives of saxitoxin. Saxitoxin is water soluble, stable in sea water. Stable in alcohol solution. Stable in shelfish (not metabolised fast). Relatively stable in direct sunlight.
Possibly thermostable - people were poisoned by eating cooked shelfish.

June 25th, 2006, 02:21 AM
Dear Friends,

I compiled a good PDF regarding identification of dinoflagellates which contains several pictures (of almost all known species) and toxicity, habitat, and similar data about dionflagellates spp.

Actually it was a Smithsonian website but I converted it into PDF since nowadays every good piece of information simply disappears.

Anyway here is the link:

And I also found a few files regarding the PSTs and ASTs and most importantly total synthesis of domoic acid (an AST responsible for poisoning by caused by consumption of Canadian mussles).

Here is the link:
http://rapidshare.de/files/24042404/Chemistry_of_domoic_acid__isodomoic_acids_and_thei r_analogues.rar