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View Full Version : I never claimed to be a rightous addict...

July 28th, 2006, 04:17 PM
this is for legal means a fictional writing. Although the poster may seem to intend on breaking a law or two. This is only being posted for any/all discussion it may proliferate.

Many average americans tend to look at the enormously growing group of drug addicts as a sort of blight on working class americans society.. And at one time I too myself thought anyone who could find themselves addicted to any of these synthetic man-made drugs especially smoking black tar heroin was either a weak fuck, or someone who's life didnt mean all too much to the poor idiots. Well with that said, I've recently befriended a couple of mexican tar heroin smokers. Firstly because they were introduced over a sweet deal involving several hard to come-by arms. California residents should feel me on that shit.
Anyways, After driving around for a few weeks to assist in acquiring their demonfeed I noticed that not only are all these illegal mexican nationals delivering solo, but tend to be rather careless about exposing their billfold consisting of several hundred if not thousand dollars. Now I've seen nothing but young white middle-class kids getting into the smackmans car and I have to say it pisses me off. Whats even funnier is that these same deathpeddlers acted spooked and wanted nothing to do with my junkie friends guns.
Who the fuck passes up on an HK94 for $250.00 ???
Only an idiot or someone who cant read the bluebook value of $4,999.00 would even hesitate.

Long story short, would it not be patriotic to put these scumbags out of business by taking their daily earnings? Violence wouldnt be necessary as the mule delivering isnt prone to doing anything other than driving around from spot to spot raking in money.

Who would just allow this shit to happen on/in/or near their stomping grounds?

July 29th, 2006, 08:53 AM
A while back there was a group/gang that went around their neighborhood in Philadelphia that knocked over the low life dealers in the neighborhood, and IIRC gave the money to charity.

I don't think you would have to much trouble knocking over a mule or two, but I would make sure I was doing it well out of my turf, unless I was prepared for a war. After you do it more than once people will start to look for you, and find you. If you really wanted to be patriotic you would rob them, then shoot them. Killing them will allow you to remain anonymous longer. (Just because the cops may not be able to find you, it doesn't mean dealers won't be able to.)