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View Full Version : Non-lethal devices

August 12th, 2006, 10:45 AM
I've got a bit of a curious question... Where should I post about non-lethal devices? I'm talking about homemade peppersprayers, flashbanggers, rubber bullets, and the like. Some of these things involve some chemistry ( a flashbannger uses flash poweder, in a way and of a variety, right?) but many don't. Yet they don't seem to be the same thing that people are talking about (or interested in) in the Tools Techniques and Plans section... And they're not really improvised weapons, either. (At least, not any more than anything else that people here would be making...)

I just don't want to waste anyone's time.


Edit... I'm not usually a bad speller. My bad. :)

August 12th, 2006, 12:32 PM
Trying spelling 'leathal' correctly before asking anything more complex like where to put it. ;) :D

August 12th, 2006, 01:22 PM
Trying spelling 'leathal' correctly before asking anything more complex like where to put it. ;) :D

You mean "Try spelling" :D .

August 12th, 2006, 01:34 PM
I knew my first post shouldn't have been made before I had my morning coffee... ;)

But, now that the errors in spelling have been fixed, any suggestions? I'm guessing that the best place would be improvised weapons, as it's the closest fit. It still doesn't feel right, as there's nothing 'improvised' about spending a month putting together a nice, compact, potent pepper spray bomb, but it is a homemade device.

Anyway, I guess it's not a big deal, but like I said, I don't want to waste anyone's time. I know how annoying it can be moving a thread around because it doesn't fit into the area that it was placed.

Edit: As well, I was going to make the suggestion to add a "spellcheck" button to the posting area (as I've seen in forums before), but upon further research I've discovered that the support for the spellcheck feature has been removed from the newer versions of vBulletin, so it's not available anymore.

Guess I'm stuck using Word to spellcheck my posts. Ah well.

August 13th, 2006, 12:45 AM
Sausagemeat, you obviously failed to see the irony in my post. :p

Pepperspray formulations goes in Battlefield chemistry, with the devices to disperse it going in the Improvised weapons section.