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October 12th, 2006, 02:00 PM

It seems that to 'aid the fight against terrorism', the government are actually considering putting radio tags on us to track our locations! :eek:

According to BBC, "The prototype technology is to be tested at an airport in Hungary, and could, if successful, become a reality in two years."
Ok, so it's only for airports, but, let's face it, it's unlikely to stay that way.

"The tags do not store any data, but emit a signal containing a unique ID which could be cross-referenced with passenger identification information. In the future, added Dr Brennan, this could incorporate biometric data."

I'm sure we're all overjoyed that our every movement's going to be tracked by our caring nanny state. :rolleyes:

Jacks Complete
October 12th, 2006, 04:17 PM
The UK has been pushing this for years, just like the whole gun control thing can be traced back here. When it doesn't work, they simply try for more powers. When that fails and there is nothing left to ban, they impress on other countries to do it too.

They wanted to bring in ID cards with biometrics and RFID tags for everyone. Then it was realised that we fought the Nazis to stop this, fought the Soviets to stop this, and now we are worse off than they ever were from a liberty perspective! I'm not sure why the ID plan suddenly went quiet, it's probably some way of getting it passed as a law then hidden so people can't complain until it is too late. :-(

October 12th, 2006, 09:33 PM
Thats government for you, when you can't do anything right, do everything wrong so you look like your doing somthing.

October 14th, 2006, 04:07 PM
"It's not for us, we must do it FOR THE CHILDREN." That's code for "we're doing it so we can keep track of you, but we have to sell it to the sheeple."

How long will it be before cash is illegal? After all, who needs to make untraceable purchases except drug-dealers, terrorists and child-raper-perverts? If all monetary transactions were via electronic media they would all be easily traceable. How better to keep an eye on everyones actions than to track every transaction? And as a bonus there would be no more taxes lost from under-the-table labor.

Shit, I better not post this; it might give them an idea.

October 14th, 2006, 07:06 PM
Alas, I think that the idea's already there. Enjoy your limited freedom while you can ;) .
It's not that ridiculous to consider a society where you're imprisoned/executed for thinking 'terrorist' thoughts...

October 14th, 2006, 08:48 PM
It's not that ridiculous to consider a society where you're imprisoned/executed for thinking 'terrorist' thoughts...

There are people still alive today that have lived in such societies, and there are many societies still in existence today that do this very thing. For those idiots who think people are paranoid for thinking this could happen in America, look around you. These countries exist, they have existed since the formation of America, and they still exist in modern time! It can happen, and it looks like it WILL happen.