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October 25th, 2006, 02:36 AM
Ok not that anyone cares but I am suspended for 2 weeks from my high school for supposed terroristic threats (completely false). The first problem is that if I was going to do something im not dumb enough to tip anyone off to it, and the second is that the threats were explaining to some fucking k3wl sophomore he was a dumbass for mouthing off his obvious anarchist cookbook type theores in chem class and me talking too much about the recent buttsexing of amish schoolgirls and other school violence thats been happeneng recently. Also If I was such a fucking threat the school would be a crater right now since they gave me 2 weeks to work on this supposed plot they cooked up. Finally they are sending me for a psychiatric evaluation. Isnt a sane threat much more than an insane one?

October 25th, 2006, 02:47 AM
From what you said I cant make out if the suspension was reasonable, what did you specifically say, it could be from anything like "I can make better explosives then you, your book is shit, it could do nothing, mine could take down a building" or "I'm going to fucking bomb this school, your all going to die, immature bastards", give us a little more insight into what actually got you suspended for.

But being a student myself and looking at the over reactive view on terrorism, the ignorant (in lots of cases) teachers and principles, being stupider then many of the students and lacking common sense and reasoning would make it something likely.

October 25th, 2006, 02:53 AM
The idiot said he could make a bomb out of food dye and I told him the only way he could do that is if he reacted it with sodium or another substance that reacts violently with water since its really the only thing in food dye.

October 25th, 2006, 03:11 AM
"supposed terroristic threats" Indeed. There must be somewhere you can complain to such as a government organization, for the good of your country let your voice be heard to set an example to other school that this isn’t right. Better yet go to one of those currant affair programs which shove their god damn cameras in everyone’s god damn faces. (Sorry I just hate them unless they can be used for something other than embarrassing people who are already in court)

There are many more places you can go from here, don't take that punishment, things need to change.

October 25th, 2006, 03:16 AM
well im going to piss away the schools money and visit the headshrinker that theyre paying for and then probaby use the info that he gives me to sue the bastards.:D after all its the american way

Jacks Complete
October 25th, 2006, 05:29 AM
Might be a suggestion to clear your computer cache and the traces of this site, just in case someone comes looking. Otherwise you'll find it a lot harder to explain things away.

Enough your holiday, and skip the explosive hobby parts until you are sure the cops aren't going to turn your house over. They will do it, and odds are your mom/flatmate would let them without you even knowing until it was too late - which the moment that they have permission is too late! - if there is even the suggestion you are knowledgable about bombs, even if you are only smart enough to explain the high school chemistry of sodium going pop.

If you can get your hands on a fairly old school chemistry book, it will have the said experiment in it. If the shrink is older (30+), you could also complain about the neutering of high school science, and ask him questions about what level of blowing things up he did when younger. He will almost definately have seen the sodium going bang thing many years ago.

Beyond that, admit nothing, not even ideas or fantasies.

October 25th, 2006, 09:52 AM
We don't need emo brats who can't keep their mouths shut about their 'hobby' drawing attention to themselves and, by extension, us. :rolleyes:

We especially don't need emo brats coming here to vent their spleen about how unfairly they've been treated at school for being 3||+ with the bomb skillz.

And, as far as insight into the Amercian educational system, we couldn't ask for a better example than skye.

Total lack of any attempt at proper sentence construction, chain of thought, grammatical structure, etc. :p

He is the future, and it is illiterate.

October 30th, 2006, 08:24 PM
One more reason I am glad to be homeschooled.

I tremble at the thought that in a few years, my generation will start to move into positions of power. It seems that in todays society and mindset, it is best not to mention such things.

November 1st, 2006, 01:22 PM
Finally they are sending me for a psychiatric evaluation.

I was sent for a psychiatric evaluation at school :p . Surprisingly, the report was complete bullshit :rolleyes: .
Personally I'd try and get out of it, because the shrink will write what they want to hear, and they will use it against you.

Although, to be fair, I did have a bit of a reputation...

November 1st, 2006, 02:55 PM
When I read things like that, I am glad I had a chemistry teacher that taught me to make fireworks and was famous for manufacturing (and setting off) NI3 and Armstrong mix during classes - just like a little funny demonstration...

November 2nd, 2006, 03:59 PM
Hmm, and to think I was voted "most dangerous" in my class, which was an unfair assessment by my peers :( We had fireworks, improvised explosives, and one of my friends even built a flamethrower. All of our proclivities were common knowledge, but the early 90s was a different era I guess. Of course we never committed vandalism, hurt ourselves, or anyone else, which is an entirely different characterization of some of today’s skrool kids.

You see, you are far more likely to act irresponsibly and dangerously when your activities are pushed underground. Chemical experimentation with explosives, drugs, and certainly ordinary laboratory experimentation can flourish under “adult” supervision. School administrators, parents, and fedgov stooges can encourage the very behavior they wish to eliminate by making it taboo and forbidden.

November 3rd, 2006, 01:07 PM
Well at least learn one lesson from this and that is when not to show off your knowledge or experience in public spaces. There is a time and place for everything and american public schools are definetly not places where creativity and freedom of expression are not as tolerated. As you get older (wiser) this will save you alot of trouble if you learn to go about your business and maintain a low profile. The consequences as you get older are alot more severe.