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View Full Version : the liquid TNT

December 6th, 2006, 04:31 AM
this is description about my method of making themixture of different isomers of TNT,DNT and MNT,which is liquid.(German-fluessiges Tri).This mixture was
dark brown,solid in the room temperature and made gelatine with NC.
I did it so:
100ml of toluen was chiled and mixed with 100ml sulfuric and 100ml nitric acid ,after boiled for 4 hr.The MNT was separated and mixed with other portion of 100ml sulfuric and 100ml nitric acid and boiled for 4hr.The DNT was separated and mixed with 100ml fuming nitric acid and 225ml sulfuric acid.Under reflux boiled 8hrs and chilled over night.After the TNT was crystalised,I spilled the acid.
This acid I chilled and mixed with 100ml of toluen-it was thick and dark black.I putted there 75ml of nitric acid and boiled it for 5 hrs.After was it black and without separation.I putted there a lot of water-the liquid was dark brown and on the bottom a black liquid.I separated it and this black liquid I
mixed with 100ml of nitric and 100ml of sulfuric acid and boiled for 6 hrs.
There separated the upper layer of black liquid of some art of DNT,which stood liquid after a lot of washing.
Now I have it here and it smell like MNT,like bitter almond and make it yellow
spots on my hands.Its dark brown and look like chocolate.
/excuse me please my terrible english/

December 7th, 2006, 06:34 PM
Please post pictures, clearer steps, fix grammar and include ratios, then you should proof that you actually did this and/or any safety concerns (i spilled it... i got it on my hands, that doesn't sound very clear to understand or safe).

Jacks Complete
December 9th, 2006, 04:53 PM
Details, posthaste! (But not so quick to post as to forget your return key and a spell check. We speak English, and you have to make a good effort if you want to stay here.)

December 14th, 2006, 03:05 PM
It is good to have some people who will actually test the limits of procedure. Have you tried to spare with the acids?

I have some expierience to make MNT, DNT and TNT with the different ratios, 25:30:45, 15:40:45, 5:40:65.

Mononitrotoluene: 35 -45 degree C, nitric acid 70%, sulfuric acid 95-98%

Dinitrotoluene: 60 - 80 °C degree C, nitric acid 95-98%, sulfuric acid 95-98%

Trinitrotolunen: 90 - 120 °C degree C, nitric acid 99%, sulfuric acid 99%