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View Full Version : Formaldahyde used as a street drug?

January 17th, 2007, 01:06 PM
I believe it is important to master your materials and that knowledge is everything, This is the reason I ask.

Formaldahyde is a component in embalming fluid.

Much information can be found on the internet about embalming fluid being used as a street drug, however Wikapedia conflicts with this information by saying.........

"The term embalming fluid is also slang for the psycoactive drug PCP, and other possible dissociatives.
Though this usage likely began as a metaphor for the effects of the drug, it has acheived urban legend status, with some dealers and users believing street preperations of PCP (such as "wet") are embalming fluid. This legend has found its way into the anti-drug literature. Due to the pervasiveness of this legend, there have been reported cases of actual formaldahyde being used as an additive by misguided individuals."

Wikapedia has always been a "rock" of information to me, but this time I have my doubts.

I was always under the impression that "Sherm" was PCP and "Wet" was Formaldahyde.

If embalming fluid is a drug is it the Formaldahyde in it or the other solvents as well ?

Does anyone have any solid info on this? Thanks

January 17th, 2007, 02:09 PM
I know that there is a rumor (myth) that they put formaldehyde on acid tabs....lol

The best place to check for drug info would have to be www.erowid.org

January 17th, 2007, 05:45 PM
Formaldehyde isn't psychoactive, so I doubt it has been sold as PCP... The "wet" PCP is probably just PCP with solvents that haven't been properly evaporated.

Wikipedia says:

In high amounts formaldehyde is toxic. Because formaldehyde resins are used in many construction materials, including plywood and spray-on insulating foams, and because these resins slowly give off formaldehyde over time, formaldehyde is one of the more common indoor air pollutants. At concentrations above 0.1 mg/kg in air, inhaled formaldehyde can irritate the eyes and mucous membranes, resulting in watery eyes, headache, a burning sensation in the throat, and difficulty breathing.

Large formaldehyde exposures, for example from drinking formaldehyde solutions, are potentially lethal. Formaldehyde is converted to formic acid in the body, leading to a rise in blood acidity (acidosis), rapid, shallow breathing, blurred vision or complete blindness, hypothermia, and, in the most severe cases, coma or death. People who have ingested formaldehyde require immediate medical attention.

Sounds like a bad trip to me.

January 17th, 2007, 06:39 PM
I have heard of dipping marijuana in Formaldehyde, however I don't remember where. Drugs are not my thing, although I could ask some people who "partake".

January 17th, 2007, 09:08 PM
'Wet' is freebase-PCP...that hasn't been crystallized as a salt with acid.

January 17th, 2007, 09:25 PM
This is an urban myth, formaldehyde is toxic.

January 17th, 2007, 11:31 PM
This is an urban myth, formaldehyde is toxic.

So is heroin. So is Meth. So is Cocaine. So are solvents. I am not saying it is not a myth, I am just saying that junkies don't read the MSDS;).

EDIT: According to Erowid (http://www.erowid.org/ask/ask.cgi?ID=2990) formaldehyde is not used as a street drug.

January 18th, 2007, 01:15 AM
You know what I mean. Anything is toxic in certain amounts, but smoking formaldehyde would be a bad thing in any amount.

January 18th, 2007, 09:17 AM
Yeah as NBK said. Formaldehyde is not the street drug, freebase PCP just bares a striking resemblance to formaldehyde.
When comparing the toxicity of formaldehyde to the toxicity of heroin or meth. You must understand that while all three are toxic only heroin and meth have desirable psychoactive effects.
As for the story about acid tabs being laced with formaldehyde. Dealers as a general rule don't cut their merchandise with things that are toxic to the user. Dead users don't buy more drugs. The actual mass of acid on each tab is so small anyway i can't see the point of cutting it with formaldehyde.

January 18th, 2007, 09:31 AM
I have not heard of formaldehyde being used specifically as a narcotic; however, it has been known to be used as an adulterant in other drugs, and has been proven to be present in cigarettes.

January 18th, 2007, 09:45 AM
My guess is that some poorly performed methylation procedure used for meth synthesis that used formaldehyde as reagent is in the root of this myth.

January 18th, 2007, 08:43 PM
and has been proven to be present in cigarettes.

Is it not a product of combustion in cigarettes though rather than an adulterant.

January 18th, 2007, 08:58 PM
Sure people have been taking formaldehyde when getting high for years, when you drink methanol (ah, summer days on the reservation :o ) your body metabolizes it into formaldehyde, then you go blind (because your optic nerves swells up to the size of cucumbers) and then you die (if your lucky.) So sure people have unintentionally "taken" it, but nobody likes the effect.

January 20th, 2007, 07:27 PM
If someone ever felt the efects of the formaldehyde on the eyes, nose, and the smell of it I don't think that he would believe that it can be used as a drug.

I just hate it.

January 21st, 2007, 11:38 PM
If someone ever felt the efects of the formaldehyde on the eyes, nose, and the smell of it I don't think that he would believe that it can be used as a drug. I just hate it.
This was my thoughts, too, as I read the thread.

The shit is vile to work with and dries your skin out, but having your arms in PCP up to the elbows might not be a picnic, either.

Unless you don't mind trans dermal ingestion of phencyclidine.

January 22nd, 2007, 01:11 AM
I do believe that one of this seasons episodes of CSI featured a murder where a person went nuts and killed a man because he smoked weed soaked in formaldehyde. A major propanganda ploy against marijuana use if ever I have seen one... There it is, CSI season 7 episode 3, Toe Tags. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0831020/
Care to watch this episode? Get the torrent at http://www.torrentspy.com/torrent/876114/CSI_S07E03_HDTV_XviD_LOL

September 20th, 2007, 04:55 AM
In the late `90s I knew of several people that smoked marijauna that had been sprayed with formaldehyde , just someone I know of.

September 20th, 2007, 06:35 PM
I believe in that episode Grissom said the point of the formaldehyde in the weed was to make it burn slower and get absorbed better. Sounds like bullshit to me. It's pretty disappointing that CSI is pushing government propaganda with episodes like that.

September 27th, 2007, 04:25 AM
I've seen vials of liquid which judging by the smell were at least partly formaldehyde sold as "wet". This gave PCP type affects, and dirty UA's for PCP. A cigarette was dipped in the stuff, then allowed to dry. Why formaldehyde was used I don't, perhaps that was simply what the wetheads expected it to smell like.

October 15th, 2007, 04:31 AM
-This information is not intended for a method on how to get high, this is intended as clarification on the above topic.

Formaldehyde IS toxic and CAN be used as a street drug. A common way intaking it into your system is to wet the tip of a cigarette with it, I've seen people do it, it has the same effects as inhalants, it cuts off the oxygen to your brain and causes a percieved "high and light headed or dizzy feeling" appart from vommiting, passing out, rupturing blood vessels in your lungs, ect. To say it is a drug is like saying paint fumes are drugs. It's not a drug, it's just starving your brain of it's air supply. It will kill you, I hope nobody reading this is stupid enough to try doing it.