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February 22nd, 2007, 04:01 PM
Further proof that people in some parts of the USA have been interbreeding with garden vegetables.

February 22nd, 2007, 05:06 PM
So is that where American income tax goes.

Time and money well spent they should of sent that dangerous/psychotic individual to the chair :D

February 22nd, 2007, 07:02 PM
At first, I couldn't believe that this was true.

Hell, in school we made stuff way worse than this and if this article is anything to go by, we could have been convicted of making a "deadly weapon" and "unauthorised firearm" and probably been done for "possession of unlicensed firearm". All that from just making pen-guns that shot bits of aluminium foil....

Poor little bastard.

February 22nd, 2007, 10:17 PM
A pencil would be a more "deadly" weapon....

February 23rd, 2007, 12:01 AM
Rarely do I advocate lawsuits, but that woman should sue the fuck out of the County and the school. That is one of the most absurd things I have ever heard.

February 23rd, 2007, 12:05 AM
Hell, I'd just put a rubber band and bobby pin together and I very probably may have taken a kid's eye out, and I just got detention. This kid's probably going to have this looming over him for life... something he did when he was eleven


February 23rd, 2007, 01:22 AM
It's all a part of the taming of the sheeple.

The State that calls itself 'free' can only weild its full power over criminals, thus everyone must be made into a criminal, or a potential criminal.

By making the kid a felon now, and getting rid of juvenille record sealing, they have forever denied him the right to own guns (which was never supposed to be taken from anyone, even ex-felons, but I digress), work for the vast majority of corporations which are slowly locking everything in, become part of the legal system (lawyer, judge, cop), get elected, and on and on it goes.

You'll also notice how you never hear of these sorts of things happening to kids with mothers names like 'Lewistein' or 'Goldberg'. Wonder why?

February 23rd, 2007, 01:53 AM
Heheheh, NBK has been reading Ayn Rand! Atlas Shrugged maybe?

The State that calls itself 'free' can only weild its full power over criminals, thus everyone must be made into a criminal, or a potential criminal.

Jacks Complete
February 23rd, 2007, 05:17 AM
That will be thrown out. There is no way that a 6mm airsoft pellet can be considered a "lethal missile." Not at rubber band velocities. And not from an 11 year old, as where is the Mens Rea?

February 23rd, 2007, 10:09 AM
What the...
This world is becoming even more crazy every day. When I was 11, I was making actual firearms that fired steel ball bearings. I guess that I'd have been put on a charge of attempted murder and locked away in juvenile?

spitting venom
February 23rd, 2007, 08:27 PM
This reminds me of someone I met. He was about that age when it happened, too. Basically, he filled a crushed up ground bloom firework with gunpowder, less than a quarter gram of it, and set it off. It made a small bang, no big deal. A few days later, three pigs arrested him at school. The charges? "Recklessly posessing and deploying an incendiary device." The kid from the story may get off, he may not. I wouldn't be suprised if he didn't...

February 23rd, 2007, 09:49 PM
We can thank that bunch in particular for the idiotic laws that have popped
up around the country. A lot of teachers don't like dealing with young boys
who sometimes misbehave in class. Teachers answer: He needs to be put on
Ritalin ! They also don't want to recognize the fact that boys are much
different than girls in their early years. It seems that the National Education
Association won't be happy until all boys are medicated, castrated, or
indoctrinated in fag lifestyles ! I also fucked around with spitballs and
rubber band guns in elementary school. The only thing the teachers ever did
back then was to confiscate my "deadly weapon". And it's a felony now ?
Give me a fucking break !

February 24th, 2007, 03:36 AM
[super rant]This is the view point of the teachers and "professionals" : In response to Columbine William Pollack director of the "Center for Men" at Mclean Hospital and author of the best selling book on raising (fe)males called Real Boys says, "The boys in Littleton are the tip of the iceberg, and the iceberg is all boys".

This is what our culture has come to. It is a culture where boys(men) are the problem, the cause of all evil in this world. This mentality is why real men are an endangered species in our country, the want tame men but a real man cannot be tamed. A real man has aggression. The aggression to rape, or the aggression to stop a rapist. The aggression to be a serial killer or track the serial killer down. The aggression to be a terrorist or the aggression to give up ones life as a soldier fighting them.

They want to emasculate us because a real man is dangerous, but nothing in life worth having is not dangerous. Love is the most dangerous thing on this earth, but generally agreed on as the highest thing as well. How many people have been killed over the love of a woman, the love of country or the love of God? But how many people's lives have been saved because of love!?

A man is like a knife, in the hands of a street thug it can take life, but in the hands of a surgeon it will bring life! Or more fittingly a man is like an explosive it can kill innocent civilians or it can eject a pilot out of a plane saving his life, or inflate an airbag saving thousand of lives each year!

Men are not the problem, evil men are the problem, and the only thing able to stop an evil man is a good man!

America and the rest of the world will most likely fall to Islam and China because both cultures recognize that men are not something to be caged or tamed but their power harnessed for the "good" of their society.

For the love of God do not vote Hillary Clinton into office people, can you imagine the war she will bring against men! A woman who wants power, a women who has been cheated on, a woman who married a man whom she is stronger than! Never trust a woman who marries a weaker man! Register Democrat and vote for Edwards, then if Hillary wins anyway vote Republican I do not care how bad the Republican will be, it could even be Giuliani, but we must never ever allow that woman into the White House!
[/super rant]

I am terribly sorry for that but this topic is near and dear to me, I was unable to do it justice with my less than spectacular writing skills, as well as it is 2 in the morning after a double shift of work.

Back on topic, I modified a mechanical pencil to shoot airsoft pellets in high school and shot kids with it in class for a little bit(friends) I am fairly sure the teachers saw it and they never complained.

My guess about the overreaction is due to the children being younger(which logically should make the punishment less severe but to a bleeding heart a young child being "hurt" is inexscusable. i.e. the principal who didn't allow children to play tag during recess because they could get hurt.) One of the biggest lessons in life is to learn how to deal with pain, not avoid it. What better place to learn it than at school where teachers should be there to help you but not shield you from the lesson.

February 28th, 2007, 04:18 PM
In kindergarten, I made a 'knife' out of a broken hacksaw blade, a stick, and some electrician's tape, then brought it to school for show-and-tell. All the teacher did was hold on to it until the school day ended.

I shudder to think of with what I could have been charged. :)