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March 3rd, 2007, 01:47 AM
OK hopefully posting this in the water Cooler will save me from from the fiery depths in which NBK slumbers. Before anyone asks I used TFSE for the water cooler searching for Medeco and Lock picking. I found nothing that seemed sufficient enough for this kind of post. Hey maybe this might be a new thread for Newbies such as myself to freely post and discuss our "Adventures" so to speak.

Anyhow I am an amateur picker w/ a 13 piece Southord set. I've picked a few locks in my short picking time, but the other night after a little night cap I got a little board. To make a story already too long for a Newbie short I picked my first Medeco the other night. Now it might have been attached to a washer, and it might have had around 30 bucks in it can't really remember. Well I kept the box for further examining and "practice". It gets better the funny thing is I can't pick the damn thing again to save my life. I took it apart and picked it up to 3 pins(its a 5 pin I believe removable core cam lock) in case anyone is interested.

I'm going to try the bump method as soon as I can get a blank through the mail. I will post any new Info I can provide on this working on the Medeco since it is believed to be impossible on most models. I hope that posting this in the cooler will spare my Newbie ass and maybe get a few opinions not that I'm asking for anything just sharing fellas.

March 3rd, 2007, 06:39 AM
I suppose with enough random pokeing any lock can be made to open.

But so what?

It has to be repeatable at will, or it's useless.

Now, the medeco cam locks are not the same as the medeco locks used in doors. The cam lock has a single vertical row of two holes for the sidebar pin to fit into, only one of which is the correct one, the other being a shallow 'false' hole to complicate picking.

With a tool called a 'By-Passal', you can torque the cylinder enough to just crush that pesky sidebar into mush, freeing the cylinder to turn.

BTW, UTFSE on ALL sections of the Forum, not just the Water Cooler. ;)

March 11th, 2007, 02:29 PM
The bump key method won't do anything unless you know the sidebar angles. Medeco's use a rotating pin design, which can't be bumped unless you know the sidebar angles. To understand how medeco's work, go to http://demo.medeco.com/index-forPopUp.html

For example, a 3 pin medeco might have pin heights of 456, and a sidebar code of LRC. (Left, right and center, representing which way the pins are rotated) You could theoretically bump this lock with a 999LRC Key, but not with a 999CCC key, or a 999LRR key.

The good news is that in a lot of commercial systems that use medeco throughout, they might have different key codes, but all the sidebar codes will be the same. So, in your theoretical laundromat, the locks might all have different keys, but they might all use the LRC sidebar cuts. So, for that particular system, cutting a 999LRC key would allow you to bump all of the locks.

Hope this makes sense.