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View Full Version : What do you do when you are bored?

March 7th, 2007, 11:56 PM
Out of curiostiy, what do you guys do when your bored and have to stick around your house/apartment and are tired of the internet, video games and TV?

Of course there is always the gold standard of getting drunk and playing with thermite in your back yard.

A good one is to make alcohol air rockets using old pop bottles and interesting shaped jugs. You basicly just drill a hole in the top of the bottle, put a little bit of denatured alcohol or other flamable liquid in there and swish it arund for a bit then light it with a torch and watch it go. And it really does depend on the size of the hole and the type of alcohol used. I've clocked some of the 2-liter pop bottles at aprox 100 ft/sec.

A couple of weekends ago me and my roomate cut a hole in the door of his minifridge and put a lcd monitor inside it.

Killer toothpic
March 8th, 2007, 12:14 AM
Usually, I pick up a book,particularly the one I have on making siege engines. It actually has plans for scaled down versions, but they are easly scaled back up.(If anyone is interested I can scan them in, but it would take a while.)

March 8th, 2007, 01:58 AM
Usually If i'm bored I will Make a lock pick and then Fine tune it by first testing it and then polishing it up. This way I burn a couple of hours and Add to my pickset.

Also when I'm bored I try to get as much Info on a subject that interests me as I can and then attempt if possible to make whatever I'm reading up on.

For example right now I am trying to figure out exactly how the M605 fuze works (on the M16 mines). I know the basic functioning of it now due to the drawings of it, but I can't tell exactly how the release pin holds the firing pin in position.

So I research until I figure it out, and once I do If time permits I'll attempt to make it.

March 8th, 2007, 06:53 AM
When I'm really bored I clean guns, swap out mag loads or reorganize my LBE.

Grapes Of Wraith
March 8th, 2007, 11:07 AM
I work out when I'm bored, gotta keep in shape.

March 8th, 2007, 12:10 PM
When I'm REALLY bored I go to classes :p .

I generally research something or go to work soldering something together in the electronic world. Sometimes, I drive around in my van and use a wireless USB adapter and a lap top to break into wireless networks and screw with the townsfolk.

Me and my roommate used to go "wandering" or sneaking around the vacant lots surrounding my college campus and find random discarded shit such as old desks and chairs and such and take them back home and pile them in the living room. Around half of the furniture in my room right now was found around here. And there was that one time we broke into the hospital and stole one of those nice aluminum operating instrument tables or what ever they're called.

Before the resident "RA's" told me not to, I used to lurk around in my ghillie suit in the vacant lots just north of my apartment complex and make notes of resident activities.

Since I got this job as a help desk technician, I've been doing all sorts of weird computer experiments on the campus pc's. I have a healthy collection of hard drive magnets, among other things. My latest project has been converting a qwerty keyboard into a dvorak.

March 8th, 2007, 02:15 PM
When I'm REALLY bored I go to classes :p .

I havn't had any free time lately with taking 14 credit hours in engineering courses and working 40+ hours a week. It's just next week is spring break and I'm going to be stuck in town working so all of a sudden I'm going to have all sorts of free time on my hands. :D

My latest project has been converting a qwerty keyboard into a dvorak.

It's acctually really funny just to change the layout in Windows (or whatever your using) and not change the keyboard. Really confuses the hell out of people when they go to use your keyboard.

I was having keyboard trouble the other night so I took apart one of my old keyboards that didn't work at the time and figured out what was wrong with it (ground came un-soldered) and completley changed the key layout. It now says a couple of nasty words and the only keys that are in the correct places are the function keys, f, a, k, and the ctl alt stuff at the bottom.

March 8th, 2007, 07:35 PM
Come on guys, no one mentioned Porno???? :D

Nah. when im bored, I make blasting caps, I cant get enough of those little things. Now that I think about it, I really don't get bored, always doing something, like snorting AP :D. (defiantly kidding)

March 9th, 2007, 08:46 AM
Man, I'm so busy, I don't ever have time to get bored.

March 9th, 2007, 11:25 AM
When really bored I read myself blind (lots of research could lead to great dicovery)
A great discovery solves a great problem but there is a grain of dicovery in the solution of any problem .Your problem may be modest , but if it challenges your curiosity and brings into play your inventive faculties ,and if you solve it by your own means,you may experience the tension and enjoy the triumph of discovery.

March 9th, 2007, 12:35 PM
I usually work on my Nissan D21, or race my Chevrolet S-10.

Sometimes I dabble in one-off paintball "weapons," mines, grenades, etc.

March 9th, 2007, 02:08 PM
Research. I never get tired of learning!

March 9th, 2007, 05:02 PM
I'll pick a lock, listen to music, or read a book or ebook, especially one on locks and safes!

I have a couple hundred locks, and am currently trying to pick a Medeco. Just getting frustrated :mad:

March 10th, 2007, 06:32 PM
Sometimes I dabble in one-off paintball "weapons," mines, grenades, etc.

Same here, add to that making overengineered glow in the dark, electronic, magnetic holstered LARP weapons.

Other than that, cruising the internet.

March 11th, 2007, 08:55 AM
I generally go on random stuff on wikipedia 'interesting thingy' of the moment searches. And then I come across something extremely cool (railguns, for example), and then can't be bothered to actually make any of them. Oh well, when I get off my backside there's a rifle range nearby that I could test it at... hmm.

March 11th, 2007, 01:59 PM
When I get bored, I make NG:D .

I also like fiddling around with my air rifle, putting guncotton behind the pellet to make it more powerfull.

March 12th, 2007, 08:40 AM
This forum, research, work in my lab, skype, msn, chat and play games on battle.net.

March 12th, 2007, 04:35 PM
Out of curiostiy, what do you guys do when your bored and have to stick around your house/apartment and are tired of the internet, video games, and TV?

A lot of people seem to be missing the point of the thread.

March 12th, 2007, 04:45 PM
I usually read literature, do some carpentry(I finished up a very nice bookcase a few weeks ago), work out, or if I have time and the weather is right, go fishing. Sometimes after a busy week I just enjoy being bored that is I hang around the house, or hang out with the girlfriend and not do anything.

March 12th, 2007, 05:03 PM
Whenever I get bored, I usually make something or think about making something, although I never get them finished, as I get bored of making them or I am stuck as to what I should do next. I also like to stroke my cats until they then get bored.

March 12th, 2007, 05:06 PM
When I'm bored in school I tend to go to shooting, if the coach is there, and if not I use the library comps and go on Uncyclopedia and see if I can make sense of anything at all. At home I go on the 'net, play with my RC Car (soon to be modded :D ) or read. Most of these activities are mxed together with othe stuff, like eating or playing the Xbox (I have mastered watching TV and playing the xbox, but now that VirginMedia doesn't recieve SkyOne there's not much to watch apart from Discovery channels and UKGold >_> )

March 12th, 2007, 07:13 PM
When TV loses its luster and the Internet ceases to sparkle I like to venture forth into the daylight and clean. I have a place for everything, but nothing is in its place if you know what I mean. Organization also comes to mind with cleaning. Beyond that, if it is nice out, I will go outside and walk. If the weather is inclement I will grab a bit of literature from the shelf and read. I might even by god visit with family...

March 15th, 2007, 07:51 AM
I tend to the do boring and read.

Otherwise I might go for a cruise on my motorbike. Lately everything has been packed full of work and stuff, so no time to do anything, let alone get bored.

I don't tend to get bored. I can entertain myself *wink*. Actually, I just start thinking about something, then go off on a tagent and end up thinking up the coolest things.

March 15th, 2007, 10:16 PM
I don't tend to get bored. I can entertain myself *wink*. Actually, I just start thinking about something, then go off on a tagent and end up thinking up the coolest things.

That has to be the very best thing to do when you’re lying in bed trying to sleep. Though to sleep I usually need my mind to be bored, not thinking of cool, interesting, exciting and wonderful things, kind of a bummer when you trying to control your dreams by thinking of what you want to dream about whilst going to sleep.

March 16th, 2007, 01:48 AM
When the day goes stagnant, I like my 'walks'. I pick a location, walk there maybe have a cig/joint while musing about a particular thing, then walk to another location and do the same, and repeat, until I've sorted a few things out in my head - then head back home with this newfound enthusiasm and excitement. It's nice to pick the things to think about first and designate a certain location for that particular problem. Could be a park bench, a place in the woods, etc. If you section off each different problem in your mind with its own place and equal time segment, I find it makes the whole journey a bit more 'fruitful' - rather than just having the whole thing merge into a general 'mush' of thinking. I try to apply that to the daily routine - "1 hour guitar playing, then 1 hour reading, then 1 hour tinkering with something, 1 hour practising on a lock" etc. Mind you, it's sometimes nice to just let the bloody day take its own course.

March 17th, 2007, 03:25 PM
Wow, I thought I'd only posted once in here. Oh the amnesia sprinkles its course */ramble*

Okay, when I get fed up of the internet, TV and video games (finally, I make an answer to the question!), I muck about with radio controlled cars, draw (I get at least 40 pages of A3 for presents during the year), but last night I had a rocket car project to finish, and I had a great 3 hours shaping, sanding, and painting of balsa into an aerodynamic shape. Great stuff, the time flew by. And I only cut myself once! It's joined my extensive list of vehicular-based hobbies, along with slot cars, radio controlled cars (see above), go-karting, and dreaming about having more money to buy more of the same :D

March 20th, 2007, 02:04 AM
Well, I don't have anything to exciting to add. Usually play guitar, (currently learning some Jack Johnson tunes), or read a book and listen to some Zeppelin, or work out. Some times its fun to make little .3 or .5g caps of AP and throw them off my porch and watch them make little holes in my yard (I live in the country). Or I clean my AK-47 and M4 and listen to classical music. Going for a really long run is a great way to burn time too...

March 21st, 2007, 04:52 PM
I don't think my neighbours would be too partial to me chucking AP about. Maybe if I could work it into little throwdowns...

Actually, that could make some humourous situations. And get me arrested. I'll blame it on the newspapers, they did print how to make it once or twice, back when there was a previous terrorist scare.

It would be safer for me to Ping pong ball it, take away a bit of the bite...

March 22nd, 2007, 02:45 AM
I will oft read my Bible, listen to music, perhaps go to the gym, or study (God forbid). Yes, I'm a pyro AND a religious man. Get off my back already. I examined the evidence and couldn't find any reason not to believe the Bible to the letter, so... I remain a Christian.