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March 17th, 2003, 07:42 PM
Frequent Poster
Posts: 71
Registered: DEC 2000
posted February 05, 2001 11:14 AM
I am guessing that Naptolene fits in here. I dreamt that I took a thick cored piece of wrapping paper tube 4-5" long, capped the end, put 1/2" of P, 2" of BP/nap mix, and 2-3" of Nap. When it went off it just launched the Nap up with no flames at all...any critique on what went wrong.

Frequent Poster
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posted February 05, 2001 01:31 PM
get a bigger diameter tube. the Nap was not exposed to the burning BP long enough to lite. (obviously this is the case, i just like stating the obvoius ) i would try a bigger diameter tube and possibly a slower burning BP. how wide is the tube now? and how fast is the bp?

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posted February 05, 2001 01:38 PM
Tube is about 1 1/2" wide...something like that. How wide do you think I need? BP was ff

Posts: 766
From: Vancouver, Canada
Registered: NOV 2000
posted February 05, 2001 03:19 PM

Explosives Archive

[This message has been edited by ALENGOSVIG1 (edited February 05, 2001).]

Frequent Poster
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posted February 05, 2001 04:19 PM
oh wow that shold be wide enough. try and get the slowest burning blak powder possible.

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posted February 05, 2001 04:29 PM
I lightly packed it with the end of a test tub, would that mess it up? Do I want it loose, packed lightly, or rammed?

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posted February 05, 2001 05:34 PM
i would think loose.

Posts: 2312
From: England
Registered: SEP 2000
posted February 05, 2001 05:55 PM
Adding a cap as showing in Alen's diagram (circle of card glued over the top) would help the nap ignite as the hot gasses from the BP which push through the nap to burst the top.

Posts: 766
From: Vancouver, Canada
Registered: NOV 2000
posted February 05, 2001 08:05 PM
yes, slight confinement is a must. but not too much, we dont want it to explode.if you pack the nap hard, make sure you have a strong endcap glued very well. or else it just rockets the tube. this happened to me about 3 minuites ago..that was a first

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posted February 05, 2001 09:07 PM
I only had a piece of cellephane on the end that time. I'll try again with more confinement.

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posted February 06, 2001 10:10 AM
From the diagram it looks like there is only a piece of wadded up toilet tissue in the end. Do I need a loose cardboard plug after that also?

Off topic: Is there a way to kill these annoyiny advertisements? Everytime I start to type one pops up...ticking me off big time.

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posted February 06, 2001 04:28 PM
tape some Al foil over the top and poke a needle size hole in the center so it holds the gases up a little and when they try to escape, they go through the pinhole and rip the foil evenly.

Frequent Poster
Posts: 164
From: dunno
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 06, 2001 08:03 PM
i once saw someone i didn't know try this and it didn't work either, he tried many methods, but could not get the nap to light, it probably was that the napthalene had some othere stuff in it because it was mothballs...maybe that was the problem for you, where did you get your nap from?

Mr Cool
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posted February 07, 2001 07:32 AM
Some modern mothballs will not work at all. Check that they contain napthalene.
Film canisters work well for small ones.

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posted February 07, 2001 08:44 AM
Ingredients show 99.97% naphtolene...I think it might have been lack of confinement. I just had a piece of cellephane tape with lotsa small holes in it. I'll retry.

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posted February 07, 2001 01:37 PM
try and cap the device with something other than plastic wrap. try and use a glued on cardboard disk, anything that isa little heavier and more dense then the celiphane. (if sound is not a problem) if it is, than i would not step of the confinement that much.

Frequent Poster
Posts: 164
From: dunno
Registered: JAN 2001
posted February 07, 2001 03:11 PM
99.7%...sounds like good shit, try again and please post results

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Posts: 71
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posted February 07, 2001 03:22 PM
K...will do, I appreciate the help... I wanted to try this b4 I dreamed of doing AP. (Start small)

Mr Cool
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posted February 10, 2001 07:35 AM
Sounds like very good shit!

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Posts: 651
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posted February 12, 2001 11:00 PM
Why not just use 40/80 BP/Nap in the whole thing, you wont get a plume of flame, rather a short flame-thrower like burst.

May 26th, 2003, 08:34 AM
Old but anyways. I was bored and tried a nap charge with my new CIA method BP (Fucking good shit ay better than my ball milled stuff) and I used a tube 2 mm walls (home made with dextrin, they were rocket tubes) 12.5 inside dia and 10 cm long. Then I put ina bout 3 cm of loose BP, no tapping or anything. Then about 3cm of 50/50 of BP/Nap. This was all powderd in a mortar and pestle. The the rest with straight nap. I used one of anthony's ignightors and with a puff a redish fireball about 1m high and 50cm at the top. This was followed by a ring of smoke that went up about 20m and then got taken by the wind.
They are awsome if they go off right. But the key is to have the stuff loose as possible. I Left the ends open and put one bit of lightly stuck sticky tape of the top and man was it a fucking loud bang that ecoed for ages. So now I know if I am going to transport them take the tape OFF before use :rolleyes:

Tended Tripod
August 9th, 2003, 12:20 AM
I've been dreaming about artillery shells lately, and there was this one that I filled about 1/8 of the way up with whistle comp. mixed 50/50 with flash (it was from bottle rockets I scavenged), and then dumped baggie milled napthalene (from mothballs) into the ping pong ball I was using as the upper part of the shell. I didn't realize it at the time but this was perfect for timing the explosion. When the fuse that ignited the air explosion started burning, it didn't ignite anything until it reached the top of the shell. It exploded approximately 120 feet up with a nice 4 foot fireball.

In all my experiments with napthalene before I tried it in an artillery shell, I put about 1/2 in. whistle/flash mix at the bottom of a tube that was 1/2 in. wide by 3 in. tall. I then filled it the rest of the way with napthalene. It made a nice 2 foot long fireball, and about 4 in. wide. It only worked when the napthalene was completely unpressed. Was a bit humid that day, and the napthalene was clumping quite easily, so I did my best to keep it loose.

My last attempts haven't been succesful as I've run out of large grain blackpowder for the lift charge. I was wondering what type of BP works best for it. My first artillery shell used BP from a scavenged Class C artillery shell. The next several used larger granules (about 1/16 of an inch I'd guess) scavenged from Missiles To Mars Missile Battery. After this, it goes downhill. I tried straight BP, didn't work. Then I tried BP mixed 3/1 with whistle mix to increase the burn rate. Didn't work either. I'm hoping to buy some BP soon for this but as I said before I'm not sure what size to get.

Another note: I think napthalene vaporizes, and could possibly be bad for your lungs to inhale. Two of my napthalene shells had exploded in the tube as I had run out of the appropiate lift comp. When I tipped them over after they had exploded, a white smoke dumped out of the mortar. I thought this odd as smoke doesn't normally sink. When the shell fell out, I picked it up and put it on a black metal table. In about 10 seconds a white formation occured around the shell in about 1/2 in. radius. It looked very much like frost. In the morning it was gone. My mortar also had a 1/8 in. thick layer of white and black crystals. Very interesting...