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View Full Version : New Videos On FTP

October 4th, 2007, 06:32 AM
I just recently got the videos "Iraq For Sale" and "Rush To War". Each disc
contains 2 videos. Both videos in "Iraq For Sale" came out fine. Only the
1st video in "Rush To War" has been rendered. I'm having numerous problems
with the 2nd video. The 2nd video is with Joe Wilson, who claims his wife
was "outed" by the Bush Administration in retaliation for Wilson's claim that
the Iraqi's didn't get any uranium ore from the African nations. The 1st 3
videos are on the FTP in .AVI format. I'll make .RV versions as time permits.
In the mean time, I'll probably have to get that 2nd "Rush To War" video the
old fashioned way. I'll keep everybody posted.

November 12th, 2007, 10:07 PM
This one has been redone. The earlier version was a P2P type download that
had numerous flaws. The .AVI is already available. The .RV version is being